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Daily Text and Bible Reading: Monday, June 16 [Press play below]

Press play below to hear today's Bible Chapters: Job Chapter 32 through 34

Examining the Scriptures Daily 

Monday, June 16

The holy spirit makes it clear that the way into the holy place had not yet been revealed while the first tent was standing. Hebrews 9.8.

The tabernacle and the temples that were built later in Jerusalem had the same basic layout. Inside were two compartments, “the Holy Place” and “the Most Holy”, that were separated by an embroidered curtain.

[Quotation] Hebrews 9.2 through 5: For a first tent compartment was constructed, in which were the lampstand and the table and the display of the loaves of presentation; and it is called the Holy Place. 3 But behind the second curtain was the tent compartment called the Most Holy. 4 This had a golden censer and the ark of the covenant completely overlaid with gold, in which were the golden jar containing the manna and Aaron’s rod that budded and the tablets of the covenant; 5 and above it were the glorious cherubs overshadowing the propitiatory cover. But now is not the time to speak of these things in detail. [End Quotation]

[Quotation] Exodus 26.31 through 33: “You are to make a curtain of blue thread, purple wool, scarlet material, and fine twisted linen. It will be made with cherubs embroidered on it. 32 You will hang it on four pillars of acacia overlaid with gold. Their hooks are to be of gold. The pillars are set on four socket pedestals of silver. 33 You will hang the curtain under the clasps and bring the ark of the Testimony there within the curtain. The curtain will make a division for you between the Holy and the Most Holy. [End Quotation]

Inside the Holy was a golden lampstand, an altar for burning incense, and a table of showbread. Only “the anointed priests” were allowed inside the Holy to perform their sacred duties.

[Quotation] Numbers 3.3: These were the names of Aaron’s sons, the anointed priests who had been installed to serve as priests. [End Quotation]

[Quotation] Numbers 3.7: They are to fulfill their responsibilities toward him and toward all the assembly before the tent of meeting by carrying out their service in connection with the tabernacle. [End Quotation]

[Quotation] Numbers 3.10: You should appoint Aaron and his sons, and they are to carry out their priestly duties, and any unauthorized person who comes near should be put to death.” [End Quotation]

The Most Holy contained the golden ark of the covenant that represented Jehovah’s presence.

[Quotation] Exodus 25.21 and 22: You will put the cover on the Ark, and in the Ark you will place the Testimony that I will give you. 22 I will present myself to you there and speak with you from above the cover. From between the two cherubs that are on the ark of the Testimony, I will make known to you all that I will command you for the Israelites. [End Quotation]

Only the high priest was allowed to pass beyond the curtain into the Most Holy on the annual Day of Atonement.

[Quotation] Leviticus 16.2: Jehovah said to Moses: “Tell Aaron your brother that he may not come at just any time into the holy place inside the curtain, in front of the cover on the Ark, so that he may not die, for I will appear over the cover in a cloud. [End Quotation]

[Quotation] Leviticus 16.17: “No other man should be in the tent of meeting from the time he goes in to make atonement in the holy place until he comes out. He will make atonement in behalf of himself and his house and in behalf of the entire congregation of Israel. [End Quotation]

He entered with the blood of animals to make atonement for his own sins and for those of the entire nation. Eventually, Jehovah made clear the real significance of these features of the tabernacle.

[Quotation] Hebrews 9.6 and 7: After these things were constructed this way, the priests enter the first tent compartment regularly to perform the sacred services; 7 but the high priest enters alone into the second compartment once a year, not without blood, which he offers for himself and for the sins that the people committed in ignorance. [End Quotation]

Watchtower October 2023 page 27 paragraph 12

Today's Bible Chapters: Job Chapter 32 through 34

32.1 So these three men stopped trying to answer Job, because he was convinced of his own righteousness.
32.2 But Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite of the family of Ram had become very angry. His anger blazed against Job for trying to prove himself right rather than God.
32.3 He was also very angry with Job’s three companions because they could not find an answer but had declared God wicked.
32.4 Elihu had been waiting to respond to Job, because they were older than he was.
32.5 When Elihu saw that the three men had nothing to say in answer, his anger flared up.
32.6 So Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite began to speak, saying: “I am young And you men are aged. So I respectfully held back, And I dared not tell you what I know.
32.7 I thought, ‘Let age speak, And let a multitude of years declare wisdom.’
32.8 But it is the spirit in people, The breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding.
32.9 Age alone does not make one wise, Nor is it only old men who understand what is right.
32.10 So I say, ‘Listen to me, And I will also tell you what I know.’
32.11 Look! I have waited for your words; I kept listening to your reasoning As you searched for things to say.
32.12 I paid close attention to you, But none of you could prove Job wrong Or answer his arguments.
32.13 So do not say, ‘We have found wisdom; It is God who refutes him, not a man.’
32.14 He did not direct his words against me, So I will not reply to him with your arguments.
32.15 They are dismayed, they have no more answers; They have nothing left to say.
32.16 I have waited, but they do not continue speaking; They just stand there, with no further answer.
32.17 So I too will give an answer; I too will tell what I know,
32.18 For I am full of words; The spirit within me compels me.
32.19 My insides are like wine that has no vent, Like new wineskins ready to burst.
32.20 Let me speak so that I can find relief! I will open my lips and give an answer.
32.21 I will not show partiality to anyone; Nor will I flatter any human,
32.22 For I do not know how to flatter; If I did, my Maker would quickly do away with me.
33.1 “But now, Job, please hear my words; Listen to everything I say.
33.2 Look, please! I must open my mouth; My tongue must speak.
33.3 My words declare the uprightness of my heart, And my lips sincerely tell what I know.
33.4 God’s own spirit made me, And the Almighty’s own breath brought me to life.
33.5 Reply to me if you are able; Present your arguments before me; take your position.
33.6 Look! I am just like you before the true God; From the clay I too was shaped.
33.7 So no fear of me should terrify you, And no pressure from me should overwhelm you.
33.8 But you said in my hearing, Yes, I kept hearing these words,
33.9 ‘I am pure, without transgression; I am clean, without error.
33.10 But God finds reasons to oppose me; He considers me his enemy.
33.11 He puts my feet in stocks; He scrutinizes all my paths.’
33.12 But you are not right in saying this, so I will answer you: God is far greater than mortal man.
33.13 Why do you complain against Him? Is it because he did not answer all your words?
33.14 For God speaks once and a second time, But no one pays attention,
33.15 In a dream, a vision of the night, When deep sleep falls upon people While they sleep in their beds.
33.16 Then he uncovers their ears And impresses his instruction upon them,
33.17 To turn a person away from wrongdoing And to protect a man from pride.
33.18 God spares his soul from the pit, His life from perishing by the sword.
33.19 A person is also reproved by pain on his bed And by the constant distress of his bones,
33.20 So that his very being loathes bread, And he rejects even fine food.
33.21 His flesh wastes away from sight, And his bones that were hidden now protrude.
33.22 His soul draws near to the pit; His life to those who bring death.
33.23 If there is a messenger for him, One advocate out of a thousand, To tell to man what is upright,
33.24 Then God shows him favor and says, ‘Spare him from going down into the pit! I have found a ransom!
33.25 Let his flesh become fresher than in youth; Let him return to the days of his youthful vigor.’
33.26 He will entreat God, who will accept him, And he will see His face with shouts of joy, And He will restore His righteousness to mortal man.
33.27 That person will declare to men, ‘I have sinned and distorted what is right, But I did not receive what I deserved.
33.28 He has redeemed my soul from going into the pit, And my life will see the light.’
33.29 Indeed, God does all these things Twice, three times, for a man,
33.30 To bring him back from the pit, So that he may be enlightened with the light of life.
33.31 Pay attention, Job! Listen to me! Keep silent, and I will continue speaking.
33.32 If you have something to say, reply to me. Speak, for I want to prove you right.
33.33 If you have nothing to say, you should listen to me; Keep silent, and I will teach you wisdom.”
34.1 So Elihu continued to say in reply:
34.2 “Listen to my words, you who are wise; Hear me, you who know so much.
34.3 For the ear tests words Just as the tongue tastes food.
34.4 Let us evaluate for ourselves what is right; Let us decide among ourselves what is good.
34.5 For Job has said, ‘I am in the right, But God has denied me justice.
34.6 Would I lie about what my own judgment should be? My wound is incurable, though there is no transgression.’
34.7 What other man is like Job, Who drinks up derision like water?
34.8 He is in company with wrongdoers And in association with wicked men.
34.9 For he has said, ‘A man does not benefit From trying to please God.’
34.10 So listen to me, you men of understanding: It is unthinkable for the true God to act wickedly, For the Almighty to do wrong!
34.11 For he will reward a man according to what he does And bring upon him the consequences of his ways.
34.12 For a certainty, God does not act wickedly; The Almighty does not pervert justice.
34.13 Who put him in charge of the earth, And who appointed him over the whole world?
34.14 If he fixes his attention on them, If he gathers their spirit and breath to himself,
34.15 All humans would perish together, And mankind would return to the dust.
34.16 So if you have understanding, pay attention to this; Listen carefully to what I say.
34.17 Should someone who hates justice be in control, Or would you condemn a powerful one who is righteous?
34.18 Would you say to a king, ‘You are good for nothing,’ Or to nobles, ‘You are wicked’?
34.19 There is One who does not show partiality to princes And who does not favor the rich over the poor, For they are all the work of his hands.
34.20 They may die suddenly, in the middle of the night; They shake violently and pass away; Even the powerful are removed, but not by human hands.
34.21 For God’s eyes are upon the ways of a man, And He sees all his steps.
34.22 There is no darkness or deep shadow Where wrongdoers can conceal themselves.
34.23 For God has not set an appointed time for any man To appear before him in judgment.
34.24 He breaks the powerful without needing to investigate And sets up others in their place.
34.25 For he knows what they are doing; He overthrows them during the night, and they are crushed.
34.26 He strikes them for their wickedness, In a place where all can see,
34.27 Because they have turned away from following him And have no regard for any of his ways;
34.28 They cause the poor to cry out to him, So that he hears the outcry of the helpless.
34.29 When God remains silent, who can condemn him? When he hides his face, who can see him? Whether toward a nation or a man, the result is the same,
34.30 So that a godless person may not rule Or lay snares for the people.
34.31 For will anyone say to God, ‘I have been punished, although I have committed no offense;
34.32 Teach me what I have failed to see; If I have done anything wrong, I will not do it again’?
34.33 Should he reward you on your terms when you reject his judgment? You must decide, not I. So tell me what you know so well.
34.34 Men of understanding will say to me —Any wise man who hears me—
34.35 ‘Job speaks without knowledge, And his words lack insight.’
34.36 Let Job be tested to the limit Because his replies are like those of wicked men!
34.37 He adds rebellion to his sin; He scornfully claps his hands before us And multiplies his words against the true God!”

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