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Lesson 14 How Can Our Worship Be Pleasing to God?


[Image:] A group of Jehovah’s Witnesses and visitors singing at a congregation meeting.

As discussed in the preceding lesson, not all religions please God. However, we can worship our Creator in a way that makes him happy. What is “the form of worship [or, religion]” that pleases him?

[Quotation] James 1:27: The form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation, and to keep oneself without spot from the world. [End Quotation] [Footnote *Or “The religion.” [End of footnote]

Consider what the Bible teaches.

1. On what should our worship be based?

Our worship should be based on the Bible. Jesus said to God: “Your word is truth.” (John 17:17)

[Quotation] John 17:17: Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth. [End Quotation]

Some religions ignore the truth found in God’s inspired Word, the Bible. They replace it with human teachings and traditions. But Jehovah is not pleased with those who “disregard the commandment of God.” (Read Mark 7:9) On the other hand, we bring joy to his heart when we stick to the Bible and follow its advice.

[Read scripture]  Mark 7:9: Further, he said to them: “You skillfully disregard the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition. [End of Read scripture]

2. How should we worship Jehovah?

As our Creator, Jehovah deserves our exclusive devotion.

[Quotation] Revelation 4:11: “You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created.” [End Quotation]

This means that we must love him and worship only him, without the use of any idol, image, or icon. Read Isaiah 42:8.

[Read scripture] Isaiah 42:8: I am Jehovah. That is my name; I give my glory to no one else, Nor my praise to graven images. [End of Read scripture]

Our worship must be “holy and acceptable” to Jehovah. (Romans 12:1)

[Quotation] Romans 12:1: Therefore, I appeal to you by the compassions of God, brothers, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, a sacred service with your power of reason. [End Quotation]

This means that we need to live by his moral standards. For example, those who love Jehovah love and follow his standards for marriage. And they avoid harmful practices, such as the use of tobacco or the misuse of drugs or alcohol. * [Footnote]  * These topics will be discussed in later lessons. [End of footnote]


3. Why should we worship Jehovah with fellow believers?

Our weekly meetings give us the opportunity to “praise Jehovah . . . in the congregation.” (Psalms 111:1 and 2)

[Quotation] Psalms 111:1 and 2: Praise Jah! I will praise Jehovah with all my heart. In the assembled group of upright ones and in the congregation. 2 The works of Jehovah are great; They are studied by all those finding pleasure in them. [End Quotation]

One way we do this is by singing praises to God. (Read Psalm 104:33.) Jehovah asks us to attend meetings because he loves us and he knows that they will help us to enjoy life forever. When we meet together for encouragement, we benefit ourselves.

[Read scripture]  Psalm 104:33: I will sing to Jehovah throughout my life; I will sing praises to my God as long as I live. [End of Read scripture]


Dig Deeper

Examine why Jehovah does not approve of the use of images in worship. Learn important ways that we can praise God.


4. We should not use images in our worship

How do we know that doing so would be displeasing to God? Play the video, Does God Approve the Use of Images in Worship? (3:26) and then discuss the question that follows.

[Disclaimer: The following video is created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, the audio description has been added independently to assist those who are blind or have low vision]

[Click for Transcript]|[Does God approve the use of images in worship?]
[A woman watches a TV program featuring ancient societies]
Presenter: Since ancient times, humans have wanted to feel close to God.
[She turns off the TV]
This is a noble desire
[and looks pensively out a window]
The Bible says that if we seek God, we can really find Him and draw close to Him.
[Child with Dad observes the stars]
yet God is invisible. So how can we feel close to a God whom we cannot see?
[1 John 4:12]
Would it help if we venerated physical objects as a means to feel closer to God?
[Man prays at a shrine]
Some people use statues in their worship.
[Woman bows to icon]
Others venerate icons and other religious images as part of their worship.
[Man prays to Virgin Mary statue]
But is it possible that those who try to get closer to God in this way are actually drawing farther away from Him? Consider what the Bible says happened when the ancient Israelites made a statue of a calf and tried to use it to worship God.
[Fire encircles the golden calf]
And they called it a festival to Jehovah, the God of the Bible.
[Exodus 32:7 and 8]
Did God accept this kind of worship? No. He said that he was not pleased with what they had done.
[Lightning flashes]
Just think. Instead of helping them to get closer to God, this object actually pushed them away.
[Caesar observes a statue of himself]
In fact, contrary to ancient rulers who were often viewed as gods and had images of themselves made, the great king overall, Jehovah God, told his people not to create or use images for worship.
[Psalm 95:3]
He said, “You must not make for yourself a carved image. You must not bow down to them. I am a God who requires exclusive devotion.”
[Exodus 20:4 and 5]
Centuries later, the same command applied to Jesus' followers. The apostle John wrote to early Christians saying, “Guard yourselves from idols.”
[1 John 5:21] [In a marketplace, a woman buys an idol]
God explains why his worship should always be free of images. I give my glory to no one else, nor my praise to graven images.
[Isaiah 42:8] [A first -century woman bows her head]
He invites people to draw close to him personally and to pray to him directly without the use of images.
[A modern-day woman bows her head]
Is it really wrong to use images, idols, or icons merely as aids in our worship? How can we feel close to God if we cannot see him? To learn more, search for these topics at or fill out the online request for one of Jehovah's Witnesses to visit. At a time and place convenient for you.
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2021 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania) [Click to close]

What happened when some of God’s people in Bible times tried to worship him with the help of an idol?

Some people try to feel closer to God by using images in their worship. But could doing so actually push him away? Read Exodus 20:4 through 6 and Psalm 106:35 and 36, and then discuss the questions that follow:

[Read scripture]  Exodus 20:4 through 6: “You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth. You must not bow down to them nor be enticed to serve them, for I, Jehovah your God, am a God who requires exclusive devotion, bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing loyal love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments. [End of Read scripture]

[Read scripture] Psalm 106:35 and 36: But they mingled with the nations And adopted their ways. They kept serving their idols, And these became a snare to them. [End of Read scripture]

What objects or images have you seen people use in their worship?

How does Jehovah feel about the use of images?

How do you feel about using images?


[Image:] Collage: 1. Israelites worship a statue of a golden calf a the foot of Mount Sinai. 2. A man holding a rosary prays in front of a statue of the virgin Mary.

5. Worshipping only Jehovah liberates us from false ideas

See how worshipping Jehovah acceptably can liberate us from false ideas. Play the video Liberated by Truth (5:16).

[Click for Transcript]|[Liberated by Truth]
[Boniface Kwamlah]
Boniface: At a tender age, I had a troubled mind
[Interview and re-enactments]
as to how I would be pleasing to God and also at the same time be pleasing in the eyes of the voodoo.
[Sitting on a bench, pre-teen Boniface rests his chin in his hand]
Two of my siblings died before I was born. So, my mother was seeking protection all through her pregnancy with me.
[His pregnant mother carries a load on her head]
My mother was made to believe that when she goes to the voodoo shrine regularly,
[She trudges down a dirt road]
she will be protected from the witches. This means she had to walk about four miles (6 km) to the shrine regularly, barefooted.
[She walks on rocks]
After my birth, I was sent to the voodoo shrine to be protected from the attack of the witches. I was kept there.
[Smoke rises around pots]
I got baptized into the Catholic Church. There we were taught that those who worship idols, the voodoos, would be burnt in an everlasting hellfire. I was terrified. One day, I asked my father, “Won’t the priest be angry if he knows that we, “after going in for the communion, still go into the shrine?” My father came back with the news that the priest said I can still go ahead being an idol worshipper and at the same time being a Catholic. I became disturbed. 
[Back on the bench his father speaks to him]
I became confused.
[Pre-teen Boniface covers his face with both hands]
I came across Jehovah’s Witnesses when I was of age and left the village. I bombarded them with questions.
[Sitting with two witnesses he rifles through a Bible]
So, I demanded a book.
[One hands him the truth book]
I read the book before daybreak. So that night, in my heart I broke away from the voodoo worship and also from the Catholic religion.
[He strikes a match and lights an oil lamp]
I was afraid to confront my father over the issue. In our culture, it’s not easy for a young man to take such a crucial decision.
[Light from the lamp illuminates his face as he bows his head in prayer]
Before I could be aware, there was the news in the village that now Donkor has joined a new religion. So, any time I’d go home, relatives would knock on my door, at dawn, to advise me to rescind my decision. My worry was how to inform my father.
[Outside his cement block home, his father sits in the shade, a stern expression on his face]
And one day, my father invited me
[He beckons Boniface to sit with him]
and then inquired of me what was really happening.
[Boniface sits calmly]
And it became a very strong confrontation.
[His father’s eyes widen, and he gestures emphatically. Boniface stands pointing heavenward)
I told him: “I’ll worship Jehovah. Jehovah is the only God I’ll worship.” So, he flared up, left me, and then went into his room. So, I also entered my room and started singing: “Once with confusion our sad hearts were filled, drinking the cup false religion distilled.” I was singing so vigorously, as is somebody who has been liberated. Because I felt that initially I was in prison, but now I am a freedman.
[Present day, while preaching, Boniface approaches two men]
So since then, I’ve been serving Jehovah. The fear of man has been overcome.
[He shakes their hands, as boys play ball behind him. Calling the boys over he shows them a picture of the resurrection from the Listen and Live brochure]
I am no longer a captive of the fear of death or even the dead. I no longer engage myself in any practices that are contrary to Bible standards. I feel liberated. 
[He and his wife sing at a meeting, after he laughs and chats with the congregation]
It makes me happy when I see my children also serving the only true God, Jehovah.
[His children walk in front of him and his wife]
Now I live a very happy family life.
[He and his wife beam]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2015 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania) [Click to close]



Read Psalm 91:14, and then discuss the question that follows:

[Read scripture]  Psalm 91:14: God said: “Because he has affection for me, I will rescue him. I will protect him because he knows my name. [End of Read scripture]

What does Jehovah promise to do for us when we show that we love him by worshipping only him?


6. We worship God at congregation meetings

We praise Jehovah and build each other up by singing and giving comments at congregation meetings. Read Psalm 22:22, and then discuss the questions that follow:

[Read scripture]  Psalm 22:22: I will declare your name to my brothers; In the midst of the congregation I will praise you. [End of Read scripture]

Have you enjoyed hearing comments at the meetings?

Would you like to prepare to give a comment?


[Image:] Collage: A female Bible student learning to worship God acceptably. 1. She sings praises to God at a congregation meeting. 2. She comments during a congregation meeting. 3. She shows a Bible-based video to a woman and her daughter.

7. Jehovah is pleased when we share what we learn

There are many ways that we can share Bible truths with others. Read Psalms 9:1 and 34:1, and then discuss the question that follows:

[Read scripture]  Psalm 9:1: I will praise you, O Jehovah, with all my heart; I will tell about all your wonderful works. [End of Read scripture]

[Read scripture] Psalm 34:1: I will praise Jehovah at all times; His praise will be on my lips constantly. [End of Read scripture]

What is something you have learned from the Bible that you would like to tell someone else about?



Some People Say: “It’s impossible to please God.” What do you think? [End of box]


We please our Creator when we worship only him, praise him at congregation meetings, and share with others what we have learned.


How can we learn how to worship God acceptably?

Why should we worship only Jehovah?

Why should we worship with others who want to please God?


Give a comment at a congregation meeting. Set Other Goals

In the story “I No Longer Slave for Idols,” read how one woman broke free from idolatry. “The Bible Changes Lives” (The Watchtower, July 1, 2011)

[Click for article]|[Coming soon] [Click to close]

Learn what can help you to give comments at congregation meetings. “Praise Jehovah in the Congregation” (The Watchtower, January 2019)

[Click for article]|[Coming soon] [Click to close]

See how one young man benefited from congregation meetings even though it was not easy for him to attend. Jehovah Cared for Me (3:07)

[Click for Transcript]|[Jehovah Cared for Me.]
Steing: My name is Steing Dott. I was born in 1988 in Darwin, Northern Territory.
[Photos of Steing as a child]
When I was eight years old, I realized that life was getting very difficult for me. I was diagnosed with ADHD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and Tourette syndrome. And on top of all of that, I was diagnosed with severe anxiety as well. My mum said this affected the entire family because I would repeatedly yell out “Good night!” to each individual person in the family. And on top of that, I used to constantly go around the house, checking the locks and the windows.
[He repeatedly jiggles a doorknob]
My school life was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to deal with. My school was approximately 500 meters (1,600 ft) from my home. It would take me at least two hours to get to school because one of my obsessions was that if there were cracks on the footpath and if I stepped on one, I’d have to go all the way back home and start again.
[He turns and dashes away]
Well, I found life to be a constant struggle, and as I got older, it only got worse. Even at ten years old, I decided that I wanted to end my life so that it would make everyone in the family’s life a lot easier. But then we decided to use some medication, which eased my problems a little bit. Despite having medication, life was still completely unbearable for me. I had a constant struggle every day within myself. I used to wash my hands hundreds of times a day. I couldn’t leave the home; I couldn’t get a driver’s license; I couldn’t even get a job. A major turning point in my life was my mum’s unwavering faith in Jehovah. She used to iron my clothes for the meeting and hang them on the doorknob, even though I wasn’t ready to attend the meeting. But what she didn’t know was that when my mum went to the meeting with my sister, I’d get a Bible, and I’d try and start to read it. I also began to pray to Jehovah. And then one day, I thought, ‘I’m going to give this a shot.’ So, I put my suit on, I got ready, and I went to the meeting. When I went to the Kingdom Hall, I was absolutely terrified. I was so nervous. But when I got there, I saw an elder who used to come and visit me, and he made me feel very relaxed. And then the amazing welcome by the brothers and sisters, it made me feel like I was part of Jehovah’s organization again.
[Brothers shake his hand]
The scripture that really helped me was 1 Peter 5:7 because it says, “while you throw all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.” So, this made me feel like I had a very powerful Friend, and Jehovah wanted me to throw my anxieties on him because he loved me. On September the 4th 2010, it was my most important day of my life. I got baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses at Adelaide entertainment centre. I now serve as a ministerial servant. I’ve had the privilege of giving public talks which is something I never thought I’d ever be able to do. I completed pioneer school after three attempts because the pioneer school environment made me feel like I was back at school and it made me have anxiety again, so the third time I completed it and none of this would ever have been possible without Jehovah’s help. From the 6th of August 2016, I married my beautiful wife Laura, who helps me serve Jehovah, and we can serve Jehovah every day together.
[Preaching with Laura]
I, like the apostle Paul, still feel like I have a war inside me sometimes but definitely Jehovah has never let me down. Never give up on serving Jehovah because Jehovah will never give up on you.
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2019 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania) [Click to close]

Many people associate the cross with Christianity, but should we use it in our worship? “Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses Use the Cross in Their Worship?” (Web article)

[Click for article]|[Coming soon] [Click to close]

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