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Lesson 19 Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Real Christians?


[Image:] Jehovah’s Witnesses talking to one another outside of a Kingdom Hall.

As Jehovah’s Witnesses, we believe that we are real Christians. Why? Consider the basis for our beliefs, the name that sets us apart, and the love we have for one another.

1. On what do Jehovah’s Witnesses base their beliefs?

Jesus said: “[God’s] word is truth.” (John 17:17)

[Quotation] John 17:17: Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth. [End Quotation]

Like Jesus, Jehovah’s Witnesses have always based their beliefs on God’s Word. Consider our modern-day history. In the late 19th century, a group of Bible students carefully began to examine the Bible. They based their beliefs on what it said, even when those beliefs differed from church doctrines. Then, they began sharing those Bible truths with others. * [Footnote] * Our principal journal, The Watchtower, has published Bible truth consistently since 1879. [End of footnote]

2. Why do we call ourselves Jehovah’s Witnesses?

Jehovah refers to his worshippers as his witnesses because they tell the truth about him.

[Quotation] Hebrews 11:4 through 12:1 By faith Abel offered God a sacrifice of greater worth than that of Cain, and through that faith he received the witness that he was righteous, for God approved his gifts, and although he died, he still speaks through his faith. 5 By faith Enoch was transferred so as not to see death, and he was nowhere to be found because God had transferred him; for before he was transferred he received the witness that he had pleased God well. 6 Moreover, without faith it is impossible to please God well, for whoever approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. 7 By faith Noah, after receiving divine warning of things not yet seen, showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household; and through this faith he condemned the world, and he became an heir of the righteousness that results from faith. 8 By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place he was to receive as an inheritance; he went out, although not knowing where he was going. 9 By faith he lived as a foreigner in the land of the promise as in a foreign land, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the very same promise. 10 For he was awaiting the city having real foundations, whose designer and builder is God. 11 By faith also Sarah received power to conceive offspring, even when she was past the age, since she considered Him faithful who made the promise. 12 For this reason, from one man who was as good as dead, there were born children, as many as the stars of heaven in number and as innumerable as the sands by the seaside. 13 In faith all of these died, although they did not receive the fulfillment of the promises; but they saw them from a distance and welcomed them and publicly declared that they were strangers and temporary residents in the land. 14 For those who speak in such a way make it evident that they are earnestly seeking a place of their own. 15 And yet, if they had kept remembering the place from which they had departed, they would have had opportunity to return. 16 But now they are reaching out for a better place, that is, one belonging to heaven. Therefore, God is not ashamed of them, to be called on as their God, for he has prepared a city for them. 17 By faith Abraham, when he was tested, as good as offered up Isaac—the man who had gladly received the promises attempted to offer up his only-begotten son— 18 although it had been said to him: “What will be called your offspring will be through Isaac.” 19 But he reasoned that God was able to raise him up even from the dead, and he did receive him from there in an illustrative way. 20 By faith also Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come. 21 By faith Jacob, when about to die, blessed each of the sons of Joseph and worshipped while leaning on the top of his staff. 22 By faith Joseph, nearing his end, spoke of the exodus of the sons of Israel, and he gave instructions concerning his bones. 23 By faith Moses was hid by his parents for three months after his birth, because they saw that the young child was beautiful and they did not fear the order of the king. 24 By faith Moses, when grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, 25 choosing to be mistreated with the people of God rather than to have the temporary enjoyment of sin, 26 because he considered the reproach of the Christ to be riches greater than the treasures of Egypt, for he looked intently toward the payment of the reward. 27 By faith he left Egypt, but not fearing the anger of the king, for he continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible. 28 By faith he observed the Passover and the splashing of the blood, so that the destroyer might not harm their firstborn. 29 By faith they passed through the Red Sea as on dry land, but when the Egyptians attempted it, they were swallowed up. 30 By faith the walls of Jericho fell down after the people had marched around them for seven days. 31 By faith Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those who acted disobediently, because she received the spies in a peaceable way. 32 And what more will I say? For time will fail me if I go on to relate about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, as well as Samuel and the other prophets. 33 Through faith they defeated kingdoms, brought about righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the force of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, from a weak state were made powerful, became mighty in war, routed invading armies. 35 Women received their dead by resurrection, but other men were tortured because they would not accept release by some ransom, in order that they might attain a better resurrection. 36 Yes, others received their trial by mockings and scourgings, indeed, more than that, by chains and prisons. 37 They were stoned, they were tried, they were sawn in two, they were slaughtered by the sword, they went about in sheepskins, in goatskins, while they were in need, in tribulation, mistreated; 38 and the world was not worthy of them. They wandered about in deserts and mountains and caves and dens of the earth. 39 And yet all of these, although they received a favorable witness because of their faith, did not obtain the fulfillment of the promise, 40 because God had foreseen something better for us, so that they might not be made perfect apart from us. Chapter 12 So, then, because we have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also throw off every weight and the sin that easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, [End of Quotation]

For example, in ancient times, God told his people: “You are my witnesses.” (Read Isaiah 43:10) Jesus is called “the Faithful Witness.” (Revelation 1:5)

[Quotation] Revelation 1:5: and from Jesus Christ, “the Faithful Witness,” “the firstborn from the dead,” and “the Ruler of the kings of the earth.” To him who loves us and who set us free from our sins by means of his own blood [End Quotation]

Thus, in 1931 we adopted the name Jehovah’s Witnesses. We are proud to bear that name.

[Read scripture] Isaiah 43:10: “You are my witnesses,” declares Jehovah, “Yes, my servant whom I have chosen, So that you may know and have faith in me And understand that I am the same One. Before me no God was formed, And after me there has been none. [End of Read scripture]


3. How do Jehovah’s Witnesses imitate Jesus’ love?

Jesus loved his disciples so much that they were like family to him. (Read Mark 3:35.) Similarly, Jehovah’s Witnesses are a united, worldwide family. That is why we call each other brother and sister.

[Quotation] Philemon 1:1 and 2: Paul, a prisoner for the sake of Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, to Philemon our beloved fellow worker,  and to Apphia our sister, and to Archippus our fellow soldier, and to the congregation that is in your house: [End Quotation]

We also obey the command: “Have love for the whole association of brothers.” (1 Peter 2:17)

[Quotation] 1 Peter 2:17: Honor men of all sorts, have love for the whole association of brothers, be in fear of God, honor the king. [End Quotation]

Jehovah’s Witnesses show this love in many ways, such as by helping our fellow believers around the world in times of need.

[Read scripture] Mark 3:35: Whoever does the will of God, this one is my brother and sister and mother.” [End of Read scripture]


Dig Deeper

Take a closer look at the history of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and see further evidence that we are real Christians.


[Image:] Collage: Jehovah’s Witnesses preaching. 1. A sister reads and discusses a scripture with a woman. 2. A brother shares Bible truths with a man at a public witnessing cart. Caption: Real Christians base their beliefs on the Bible and share them with others

4. We base our beliefs on the Bible

Jehovah foretold that Bible truth would be revealed. Read Daniel 12:4 and footnote, and then discuss the question that follows:

[Read scripture] Daniel 12:4: “As for you, Daniel, keep the words secret, and seal up the book until the time of the end. Many will rove about *, and the true knowledge will become abundant.” [Footnote] Or “examine it [that is, the book] thoroughly.” [End of footnote] [End of Read scripture]

What would “become abundant” among God’s people as they continued to examine the Bible?

Consider how a group of Bible students, including Charles Russell, studied God’s Word. Play the video Rediscovering Bible Truth (7:45), and then discuss the question that follows.

[Disclaimer: The following video is created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]

[Click for Transcript]|[Rediscovering Bible Truth]
[In the mid-1800’s, a port bustles with people. A couple smile as they hold their belongings and walk away from the dock]
Presenter: It was in 1845 that Joseph and Ann Eliza Russell emigrated from Ireland to Pennsylvania, U.S.A. They would have five children, among them Charles Taze. But times were hard. His brother Thomas died at age five.
[A photo of the two young brothers]
Before Charles turned nine, two more of his siblings died.
[On a dreary, stormy day young Russell weeps over a grave, then glares up at the sky as he continues to sob]
Then his mother died.
Father: It’s OK, Son. Everything is going to be all right.
[His father leans down and puts his arm around him consolingly. The large tombstone is set by three smaller tombstones. Rifles point and fire]
Presenter: That same year, 1861, the United States became embroiled in a civil war that would send 618,000 to their graves.
[Black and white photos of dead soldiers]
Thousands perished on battlefields not far from where the Russell’s lived and worked.
[By a long dirt road in the country, several dead soldiers lie next to a wooden fence. Another photo shows countless bodies spread across a large field. David H. Splane. Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses]
David: They would be able to see first-hand the havoc that war wreaks on people —the suffering, the death.
Presenter: Young Charles Russell thought often about what happens to the dead. Most religions held that God created man immortal and that He made a fiery hell in which to torment people forever, except for those predestined for salvation.
[Russell now a young man]
Russell’s feelings about such teachings came through in what he wrote.
[Sits outside and writes in a journal]
A God that would use his power to create human beings whom he foreknew and predestinated should be eternally tormented, could be neither wise, just, nor loving. His standard would be lower than that of many men.
David: He could never reconcile the teaching of eternal torment with the description in the Bible of a loving God. As he examined the creeds of the great churches, when he saw that they taught that the wicked are tormented eternally, why, he just could not accept that!
[Geoffrey W. Jackson. Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses]
Geoffrey: The whole culture, the religious culture, at that time was a matter of believing that God was a God of vengeance.
[John Wischuk. Brooklyn Bethel]
John: And Russell knew that the Bible said, as it does at 1 John 4:8: God is love. How could a God of love do this? And so, his faith wavered. He felt that he could do the most good for people through business and philanthropy. As a preteen, he became his father’s partner in a growing chain of clothing stores. Charles Russell enlarged the business, eventually operating a number of stores by himself.
Charles Russell: Here’s your change. Thank you for coming.
John: By age 25, he possessed over three hundred thousand dollars, the equivalent of seven million dollars today.
[At night in his store, Russell puts away money and jots notes. He sighs and lifts a lantern off the desk and exiting the store]
Yet, his search for truth continued. In 1869, something happened that would help re-establish his faith.
[With lantern in hand, he strolls through the town and slows to a halt, looking all around, eye searching. He walks down a dark staircase light emerging from a room at the bottom]
Charles: Seemingly by accident, one evening, I dropped into a dusty, dingy hall to see if the handful who met there had anything more sensible to offer than the creeds of the great churches.
[He slowly enters and sits next to a man who shares his Bible]
Preacher: Let us take note of the words of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus himself, to the apostles
Charles: There, for the first time, I heard something of the views of Second Adventists from the preacher Mr. Jonas Wendell.
Preacher: And he said unto them, . . .
Charles: Though his Scripture exposition was not entirely clear, it was sufficient, under God, to re-establish my wavering faith in the divine inspiration of the Bible.
[He nods in approval]
David: Now, remember at this point, Russell is not an atheist; he’s just discouraged. He doesn’t feel the truth can be found anywhere. And that sermon by a Second Adventist was enough to get him to take his well-worn Bible off the shelf and to start digging again.
Charles: As we’ve already seen, the word Trinity doesn’t appear anywhere in the Bible.
Presenter: Fired with enthusiasm, Charles; his father, Joseph; and a few acquaintances in Pittsburgh and Allegheny formed a class for Bible study.
David: They would take a subject. They would get a Bible concordance. They would look up every single scripture that had a bearing on the subject. And then they would write down their conclusions. And then they would say: ‘All right. This is what the Bible teaches. We are going to believe this.’
Charles: Yes, and God’s Word is clear.
Presenter: After five years of study, the religious thinking of these men had undergone remarkable change. Christ’s return will mean great blessings . . . Their study of the Bible led them to major conclusions that challenged the prevailing religious views of the day.
[From a pulpit, a preacher lectures and shakes his finger]
Presenter: For example, while most religions taught that man has a soul, Russell and his associates concluded that man is a soul and that the soul can die.
[Text: Genesis 2:7]
And, whereas Christendom’s churches teach that the Father, the Son, and the holy ghost are one person, these students held that Jehovah is one God and not part of a Trinity.
[Text: John 14:28; 1 Corinthians 11:3]
In addition, while some churches were teaching that Christ would return in the flesh and that the earth would be destroyed, this small group came to understand that Christ would return invisibly, in the spirit, with the purpose of blessing obedient mankind.
[Text: Matthew 24:37; Acts 1:11; Galatians 3:8]
Geoffrey: So it wasn’t just philosophizing, just talking about ‘what if’ or ‘perhaps this way,’ but they were focused on actually trying to find the truth. And the fact that they decided to write down those conclusions showed that they had a belief that there is some truth to be found.
David: We see light only when it’s Jehovah’s time to reveal light. And so, this was the beginning of Jehovah’s time to lead his people out of darkness into the wonderful light.
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2010 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania) [Click to close]

In the video, how did Charles Russell and his fellow Bible Students study the Bible?


[Box] Did You Know?

Occasionally, we have adjusted some of our beliefs. Why? Just as the rising sun reveals details of a landscape gradually, God grants an understanding of his Word progressively. (Read Proverbs 4:18.) So although the Bible does not change, we adjust our beliefs as our understanding of the Bible improves.

[Read scripture] Proverbs 4:18: But the path of the righteous is like the bright morning light That grows brighter and brighter until full daylight. [End of Read scripture] [End of box]




5. We live up to our name

Why did we adopt the name Jehovah’s Witnesses? Play the video A Name That Defines Us (2:56), and then discuss the question that follows.

[Disclaimer: The following video is created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]

[Click for Transcript]|[A Name that Defines Us]
[Text: You are my Witnesses. Early 1900s photo of international Bible students. John E. Barr. Governing Body]
John: We were always just called the Bible Students, and Brother Russell kind of encouraged that. He said we didn’t want to be known by any distinctive name but just Bible Students, and I appreciated his viewpoint on that. But the trouble was that people began to call us Russellites and Rutherfordites, and not only that but the term “Christian” itself became a misnomer. Many people said they were Christians, and they didn’t have any idea as to what being a Christian meant.
Presenter: Their identity would be considered at a seven-day convention held in Columbus, Ohio, in 1931.
[Photos of the convention]
Attendees received programs with the puzzling letters “JW” on the cover. Speaking on Isaiah 43:10, J. F. Rutherford presented a resolution.
Brother J. F. Rutherford: We have great love for Brother Charles T. Russell, and we gladly acknowledge that the Lord used him and greatly blessed his work, yet we cannot consent to be called by the name “Russellites.” The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society and the International Bible Students Association are merely names of corporations.
[Listeners nod yes]
We are servants of Jehovah God commissioned to do a work in his name. Henceforth, may it be known that we are Jehovah’s Witnesses.
[The audience stands and claps with vigour]
Presenter: Early editions of Zion’s Watch Tower reveal that the Bible Students had already known God’s name.
[Quotes from Zion’s Watchtower: “Jehovah, He is the God” 1898. “Qualities and Attributes of Jehovah” 1913. “Praise Jehovah!” 1929]
But now, their new designation would remind these Christians that knowledge brings responsibility to bear witness.
[Antony Morris III. Governing Body]
Anthony: It just identifies us, and it was far more than a label though. You represent the Most High God Jehovah, so you have to get out in this preaching work and you also have to have conduct that supports the fact that you do worship this true God
[Geoffrey W. Jackson. Governing Body]
Geoffrey: So, at that particular time, we went from being a vague group of persons who were joined together by a common interest in studying the Scriptures to being a Scriptural identity that we could stand up and be proud of.
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2011 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania) [Click to close]

Why is the name Jehovah’s Witnesses appropriate?

Why has Jehovah chosen people to be his witnesses? Because they would identify him as the true God, since many lies have been told about him. Consider just two of those lies. Some religions teach their members that God wants them to use images in their worship. However, read Leviticus 26:1, and then discuss the questions that follow:

[Read scripture] Leviticus 26:1: “‘You must not make worthless gods for yourselves, and you must not set up a carved image or a sacred pillar for yourselves, and you must not put a stone figure in your land in order to bow down toward it; for I am Jehovah your God. [End of Read scripture]

What is the truth? How does Jehovah feel about idols?

Some religious leaders teach that Jesus is God. However, read John 20:17, and then discuss the questions that follow:

[Read scripture] John 20:17: Jesus said to her: “Stop clinging to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God.’” [End of Read scripture]

What is the truth? Are God and Jesus the same person?

How does it make you feel to know that Jehovah has sent his Witnesses to preach the truth about him and his Son?


6. We love one another

The Bible compares Christians to different parts of the human body. Read 1 Corinthians 12:25 and 26, and then discuss the questions that follow:

[Read scripture] 1 Corinthians 12:25 and 26: so that there should be no division in the body, but its members should have mutual concern for one another. If one member suffers, all the other members suffer with it; or if a member is glorified, all the other members rejoice with it. [End of Read scripture]

How should real Christians react when other Christians suffer?

What have you observed about the love among Jehovah’s Witnesses?

When Jehovah’s Witnesses suffer in one part of the earth, fellow Witnesses all over the world respond immediately. To see one example, play the video Haiti Endures Hurricane Matthew (5:29). Then discuss the question that follows.

[Disclaimer: The following video is created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]

[Click for Transcript]|[Haiti Endures Hurricane Matthew]
[Trees blowing outside. Wind howls through a window]
[Text: On October 4, 2016. Haiti was hit by Hurricane Matthew. Some 2 million people were affected, and over 700 Jehovah’s Witnesses were displaced. Brother Lösch of the Governing Body was scheduled to dedicate an Assembly Hall in Haiti a few weeks after the hurricane. He took advantage of this occasion to provide encouragement to the victims of the disaster. A bird’s eye view of the destruction. Dilapidated homes, trees down. Along a coastline hollowed-out homes, a car on its side]
Brother 1: About every two or three minutes, we prayed because the hurricane was so terrifying.
Sister 1: Imagine that your house just lifted up into the air and flew away. At that time, we were standing in water, so we just ran.
[Cars and residents wade through standing water in a street. Daylight shines through a shredded Kingdom Hall roof]
Brother 1: This is our Kingdom Hall. When we saw that it was damaged, we were deeply affected because we realized we could not meet here anymore with our brothers and sisters to sympathize with them. That was very hard for us.
[A vehicle trug along through a damaged neighbourhood]
Even in this situation, I know we’re not alone —even though our town was destroyed. I know our brothers, no matter where they are, will come to help us.
[The vehicle pulls into a Kingdom Hall, a smiling brother Lösch and his wife exit the vehicle, greeted by local brothers]
Brother 2: The priority of disaster relief is for the Branch Committee to quickly appoint qualified local brothers to respond to the first immediate needs of our brothers and sisters. Of course, giving support to our brothers and sisters oftentimes means funds. So it’s the worldwide brotherhood, the Matthew 24:14 contributions, that really does help.
[Brothers passing out sacks of supplies]
Brother 3: Here in Haiti, many brothers are overjoyed that they can send something to help their brothers. There are brothers who have even donated beyond their means.
[Brothers and sisters bring more sacks of supplies]
Brother 4: In our brotherhood, no matter where a brother is, if he’s suffering from a disaster or he has a problem, all the brothers feel as if they’re also facing that problem. We all do our best to support and help them.
[Brothers repairing a roof]
Sister 2: We didn’t have any way to make a bed to lie down. Eventually, our sisters in the Paillant Congregation helped us out. They ran up and made beds for us out of plywood that they would put on top of eight blocks. And they brought sheets and pillows so that we could lie down. That was very touching, that kind deed our brothers did for us. We truly felt that it was Jehovah who was coming to our aid at that moment.
Brother 5: They brought boxes of Bibles, medical kits, food stuffs. Besides that, they brought several tents. That helped the brothers that lost all that they had, even their houses, so that they could have shelter from the rain.
[Brother Lösch on a platform giving a talk at a Kingdom Hall]
Brother 6: In one of the talks given by a Governing Body member, he showed that we have more difficult situations ahead. The only thing we can do is continue to rely on Jehovah.
[A smiling sister with other friends sit and chat with Brother Lösch]
Brother 2: A way we can help our brothers cope when they’re in such a circumstance is to make them realize that it is the Kingdom hope —to refresh their memory, to make them really believe and feel that it’s the Kingdom hope— that’s going to change all of this.
[Friends gather at the Assembly Hall. Sisters hug and smile]
Brother 5: They shared encouraging words and read Bible verses that really helped us to see the power of God’s Word. That boosted our faith in the promises Jehovah made to remove all causes of suffering that afflict us today.
[Brothers and sisters sing at the Kingdom Hall]
Sister 3: It’s like the Bible says: A righteous man’s supplication has a powerful effect. So the strength I regained makes me feel that the entire worldwide brotherhood is praying for me. I feel that it’s that strength that has allowed me to resume my theocratic activities with zeal.
Brother 6: As Jehovah’s Witnesses, not only do we know that these things must take place —since we are deep in the last days— but we also know that our deliverance is closer.
Sister 3: I lost my livelihood; it’s all completely gone. But I have been so encouraged; it’s as if the hurricane never even happened. That’s how I feel, like it never even happened.
[The sister laughs and smiles]
Brother 3: Many people say it would have been better if they had died in the hurricane. But no matter what sufferings we endure, we have hope. We see beyond the suffering and see God’s Kingdom is coming. This is extraordinary. No matter what form suffering may take, we are able to patiently endure because we know that suffering will not last forever.
[Brothers, sisters and children with bright eyes and beaming smiles]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2017 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania) [Click to close]

How are the relief efforts of Jehovah’s Witnesses evidence of love?


[Image:] Two of Jehovah’s Witnesses helping a mother and her child who have just experienced a disaster. They wrap them in a warm blanket and give them clean water to drink. Caption: Real Christians show love to those in need


Some People Say: “Jehovah’s Witnesses are just a new religion.” Since when has Jehovah been calling his worshippers witnesses? [End of box]


Jehovah’s Witnesses are real Christians. We are a worldwide family of worshippers who base our beliefs on the Bible and who make known the truth about Jehovah.


Why did we adopt the name Jehovah’s Witnesses?

How do we treat one another?

Do you think Jehovah’s Witnesses are real Christians?


Ask one of Jehovah’s Witnesses what convinced him that we have the truth. Set Other Goals


Learn more about our history. Jehovah’s Witnesses​—Faith in Action, Part 1: Out of Darkness (1:00:53)

[Click for transcript]|[Coming soon] [Click to close]

See an example of how Jehovah’s Witnesses have exposed false teachings. God’s People Glorify His Name (7:08)

[Click for transcript]|[Coming soon] [Click to close]

Get answers to questions you may have about Jehovah’s Witnesses.“Frequently Asked Questions About Jehovah’s Witnesses” (web page)

[Click for article]|[Coming soon] [Click to close]

Stephen participated in hate crimes. Find out what he saw among Jehovah’s Witnesses that moved him to change. “My Life Was Going From Bad to Worse” (The Watchtower, July 1, 2015)

[Click for article]|[Coming soon] [Click to close]

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