Lesson 21 How Is the Good News Being Preached?

[Image:] A man on a city street talking with two of Jehovah’s Witnesses next to a literature cart.
By means of his Kingdom, Jehovah will soon eliminate all of our problems. That news is too good to keep to ourselves. Jesus wanted his followers to share this message with everyone!
[Quotation] Matthew 28:19 and 20: Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” [End Quotation]
How have Jehovah’s Witnesses responded to Jesus’ command?
1. How is Matthew 24:14 being fulfilled today?
Jesus foretold: “This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth.” (Matthew 24:14) Jehovah’s Witnesses are happy to share in this important work. We are preaching the good news worldwide in over 1,000 languages! This colossal work requires tremendous effort and organization. It could not be done without Jehovah’s help.
2. What efforts do we make to preach to people?
We preach wherever we can find people. Like first-century Christians, we preach “from house to house.” (Acts 5:42)
[Quotation] Acts 5:42: And every day in the temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus. [End Quotation]
This systematic method allows us to reach millions of people each year. Since people are not always at home, we also preach in many public places. We are always looking for opportunities to tell others about Jehovah and his purposes.

3. Who has the responsibility to preach the good news?
All real Christians have the responsibility to share the good news with others. We take our responsibility seriously. We preach as much as our personal circumstances allow because we realize that lives are at stake. (Read 1 Timothy 4:16) We are not paid to do this work, for the Bible says: “You received free, give free.” (Matthew 10:7 and 8)
[Quotation] Matthew 10:7 and 8: As you go, preach, saying: ‘The Kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.’ Cure the sick, raise up the dead, make lepers clean, expel demons. You received free, give free. [End Quotation]
Not everyone accepts our message. But we continue because preaching is part of our worship and it makes Jehovah happy.
[Read scripture] 1 Timothy 4:16: Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching. Persevere in these things, for by doing this you will save both yourself and those who listen to you. [End of Read scripture]

Dig Deeper
Learn more about the efforts of Jehovah’s Witnesses to preach worldwide, and see how Jehovah helps us.

[Image:] Two of Jehovah’s Witnesses preaching to a man on a grassy hillside in Costa Rica. [Image:] Two pairs of Jehovah’s Witnesses preaching to fishermen on a dock in the United States. [Image:] Two of Jehovah’s Witnesses preaching to a man in a rural village in Benin. [Image:] A Witness preaching to a woman at a floating market in Thailand. [Image:] Two of Jehovah’s Witnesses preaching to a woman in front of large stone disks in Yap. [Image:] Two of Jehovah’s Witnesses preaching to a woman on a snowy sidewalk along a canal in Sweden. Caption: Preaching around the world: (A) Costa Rica, (B) United States, (C) Benin, (D) Thailand, (E) Yap, (F) Sweden
4. We work hard to reach all people
Jehovah’s Witnesses make special efforts to preach the good news to people everywhere. Play the video Preaching in “the Most Distant Part of the Earth” (7:33), and then discuss the question that follows.
[Disclaimer: The following video is created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]

[Click for Transcript]|[Preaching in the Most Distant Part of the Earth]
Presenter: Our ministry is another kind of search-and-rescue operation, and we search wherever people can be found. For example, in the following report, notice the efforts our brothers made to reach people living in the remotest areas of Africa.
[Sun glistens over rolling sand dunes. Pieter De Heer. South Africa Branch Committee]
Pieter: Jesus made the bold statement at Acts 1:8: You will be witnesses of me . . . to the most distant part of the earth. This resonates deeply in the country of Namibia. These warm and beautiful people are spread across great expanses of dramatic and thirsty land. The people are not only separated by physical distances, but they’re also separated by cultures, ancient traditions, and historic injustices. Since the South Africa branch office oversees the work in this territory, we are pleased to assist a group of brothers from the capital city, Windhoek, with a special witnessing trip.
Brother 1: So, brothers, our journey will start in Windhoek, and we’re going to travel to Gam first. From there, we are going to go to Tsumkwe. We’re going to camp in those two places, Gam and Tsumkwe, and we may travel a distance of about 1,500 km (900 mi). Let’s talk safety now. You want to keep three creatures out of your tent —animals such as hyenas, scorpions, and snakes. Always zip your tent. Toilet facilities —a method that Moses prescribed for the Israelites.
Brother 2: When we enter the Herero home, enter through the side gate. This is to show respect because they have areas in their homesteads that are restricted for ancestor worship. Also, they don’t like being asked direct questions. It would be better to show them pictures and let them comment. The theme scripture, 1 Corinthians 9:22, said: I have become all things to people of all sorts, so that I might by all possible means save some. And that’s really the purpose of our trip —giving them a hope for the future. Brothers and sisters let’s enjoy our trip into the Kalahari.
[A caravan of vehicles heads down a wide dirt road. The brother stopped on the side of the road and preached to a cattleman. As the brothers leave, the cattleman waves goodbye]
Brother 3: So, we’ve been, as a family, involved with unassigned territory for about 30 years. You know, it’s just a privilege to bring the truth to these different cultures. This is probably the only chance that they will have in this distant part of the world to find the truth.
Brother 4: When you talk to them about the truth, you see how people enjoy listening; this is something that changes in their eyes.
[Adolf Denk. Katutura South Congregation]
Adolf: The joy that we get as a family from teaching people about Jehovah is just incomparable; it really rejuvenates our ministry.
[The brothers and sisters gather in a circle]
Brother 5: Welcome to the meeting for field service. We will see two demonstrations presenting the good news to a Herero and a San householder.
[The sisters practice a tribal handshake]
Brother 6: You put that piece of literature in the person’s hand; you feel a sort of peace.
[Ngapue Mieze. Herero Translator]
Ngapue: My grandmother came into contact with the Witnesses through unassigned territory. She moved to the city to attend meetings, and I went with her. I learned the truth from her, and later we were baptized. I work in the translation office in Windhoek, and now I have a part in the translation of the literature for people who live in remote areas like these.
[Erika Kamuatjiuru. Local Resident – Otumumbonde Village]
Erika: We live very far in the bush, so I was happy when they came for the first time. I even asked them: Who sent you to my place? Because this is the right place that you are visiting. These books help me understand my Bible.
[She and her family wave goodbye]
Brother 7: What really helps us also, as a family, is seeing Jehovah’s creation. We’ve been camping here at the big baobab tree. I’m sure it’s thousands of years old.
[Brothers and sister cook and play music around a campfire]
[Michael Reichel. Katutura South Congregation]
Michael: It really does show you exactly how Jehovah feels about every person in his organization. I mean, if he is willing to send six vehicles and over 30 brothers just to find one person in one territory about 600 kilometres (370 mi) from any congregation, then he must have great love for each person in the congregation.
[Juan Van Niekerk. Katutura South Congregation]
Juan: When Jehovah looks at people or at countries, he doesn’t see groups or nationalities, but he sees individuals. And it’s really his will that each individual human being gets to know him, learn to love him, and have a close relationship with him.
[Sunbeams overhead in a bright blue sky, trucks drive through the bush. A few brothers and sister gather with a family under a tree in front of a grass roofed hut]
[Ioma Glaqó. Local Resident - Tsumkwe Village]
[Text translation: Ioma: This visit is from God. And the reason I love it is because God is helping us and encouraging us through this visit. It is so wonderful to see how united both white and black people are. It is also very important that San people hear and understand God’s word in their language]
[Maria Kemp. Gobabis Congregation]
Maria: Since I’m the only San-speaking Witness, I will be thrilled to speak to the San people about God’s Word because I have seen how much joy the truth has brought me. The old lady we witnessed to yesterday —I explained to her that she will also be young, with fresh skin. And then she was very happy that she could be young again, and Jehovah is going to make a paradise soon. It’s really nice that we don’t overlook the children. You could really see that even the ones that were sitting far came closer and were seriously watching the Caleb videos. So, it can really touch their little hearts. I am confident in Jehovah’s Word, where it says that all the nations will hear the truth —even the San people. Even if they are the last ones to hear the truth, they will hear it.
[Sun shines brightly over the bush, grasses wave in the wind]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2015 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania) [Click to close]
What impresses you about the efforts Jehovah’s Witnesses make to preach?
Read Matthew 22:39 and Romans 10:13 through 15, and then discuss the questions that follow:
[Read scripture] Matthew 22:39: The second, like it, is this: ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ [End of Read scripture]
[Read scripture] Romans 10:13 through 15: For “everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.” 14 However, how will they call on him if they have not put faith in him? How, in turn, will they put faith in him about whom they have not heard? How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach? 15 How, in turn, will they preach unless they have been sent out? Just as it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who declare good news of good things!” [End of Read scripture]
How does our ministry show that we love our neighbors?
How does Jehovah feel about those who preach the good news? See verse 15.

5. We are God’s fellow workers
Many experiences show that Jehovah is directing our work. For example, in New Zealand a brother named Paul met a woman in the house-to-house work one afternoon. That very morning, the woman had prayed to God, using God’s name, Jehovah, and asking that someone call on her. “Three hours later,” says Paul, “I arrived at her doorstep.”
Read 1 Corinthians 3:9, and then discuss the question that follows:
[Read scripture] 1 Corinthians 3:9: For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field under cultivation, God’s building. [End of Read scripture]
How do experiences such as the one in New Zealand show that Jehovah is directing the preaching work?
Read Acts 1:8, and then discuss the question that follows:
[Read scripture] Acts 1:8: But you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you, and you will be witnesses of me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the most distant part of the earth.” [End of Read scripture]
Why do we need Jehovah’s help to accomplish our ministry?

[Box] Did You Know?
Each week at our midweek meeting, we receive training to help us preach. If you have attended one of these meetings, what did you think of the training offered? [End of box]

[Image:] Two of Jehovah’s Witnesses demonstrating how to preach the good news during a congregation meeting.
6. We obey God’s command to preach
In the first century, opposers tried to stop Jesus’ followers from preaching. Early Christians defended their right to preach by “legally establishing ... the good news.”
[Quotation] Philippians 1:7: It is only right for me to think this regarding all of you, since I have you in my heart, you who are sharers with me in the undeserved kindness both in my prison bonds and in the defending and legally establishing of the good news. [End Quotation]
Jehovah’s Witnesses do the same today. * [Footnote] * God is the one who authorizes our ministry. Thus, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not need permission from human authorities to preach the good news. [End of footnote]
Play the video Legally Defending the Good News (2:28).
[Disclaimer: The following video is created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]

[Click for Transcript]|[Legally Defending the Good News]
Presenter: Under the direction of the Governing Body and the United States Branch Committee, the Legal Department works to protect our legal rights to worship. When restrictions are placed on our activities, we work to ‘defend and legally establish the good news.’
[Text: Case History. Stratton, Ohio]
Let’s examine a case that was taken all the way to the United States Supreme Court.
[Text: Permit to canvass to solicit, etc. In accordance with the provisions of section 116.04 of the Codified Ordinances of the village of Stratton, Ohio, the Mayor of the Village of Straton, Ohio has issued to the above Applicant a Permit, authorising the Applicant to canvass, solicit, peddle, hawk, or sell merchandise or services, by going in or upon private property to which the Applicant is invited. Applicant has registered as required by Village Ordinance. The address or addresses of parties inviting the Applicant appear above in Applicant’s Application. Mayor]
The town of Stratton, Ohio passed an ordinance requiring that anyone wanting to engage in door-to-door activity had to obtain a permit from the mayor.
[Image of sign. Text: No soliciting without permit violators will be prosecuted]
[Philip Brumley. Legal Department]
Philip: The ordinances that were enacted were specifically designed to restrict the activity of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
[Paul Polidoro. Legal Department]
Paul: The Witnesses tried to work the matter out with the municipality, with the village, but the village was insistent that our brothers and sisters obtain permits prior to going from door to door.
Presenter: This permit scheme was upheld in the lower courts in Ohio. Thus, the case was appealed to the United States Supreme Court. The Supreme Court ruled in our favor and held that such ordinances are unconstitutional as applied to the public ministry of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
[Newspaper headlines: Court Strikes Down Curb on Visits by Jehovah’s Witnesses; Court slams shut Ohio village’s door-to-door law; Court allows canvassing]
Paul: Even now, we still have some municipalities that would like to enforce their permit regulation against our brothers and sisters. We turn their attention to the Stratton decision, and the issue is resolved.
Presenter: Since 1919, Jehovah’s Witnesses have obtained 50 victories before the United States Supreme Court. Just as extraordinary, we have prevailed in the European Court of Human Rights over 50 times.
[Black and white Photograph. Text: At Monessen, Pa. their flagless school was closed, and Witnesses were crowded into a small jail] [Text: Monessen, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 1940]
Philip: Jehovah’s Witnesses do not seek confrontation. They prefer to quietly serve God.
[Black and white photo of 16 brothers. Text: Buchenwald Concentration Camp, Germany. 1945]
But when events unfold that force them to stand up and say: ‘I won’t do this’.
[Black and white Photograph of a brother. Text: Kavála Prison, Greece. 1948]
or ‘I have to do that because my faith compels me to do so’.
[Black and white Photograph of group of brothers and sisters. Text: Siberia, Russia. 1953]
it is remarkable to see
[Photograph of brothers in prison clothing. Text: Kangjoo Prison, Korea. 1993]
the steel-like determination
[Photograph of 3 brothers. Text: Sawa Prison Camp, Eritrea. 2003]
of these individuals who have looked into the eyes of judges, magistrates, and police officers and have simply said: ‘I have to obey God.’
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2014 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania) [Click to close]
Read Acts 5:27 through 42, and then discuss the question that follows:
[Read scripture] Acts 5:27 through 42: So they brought them and stood them before the Sanhedrin. Then the high priest questioned them 28 and said: “We strictly ordered you not to keep teaching on the basis of this name, and yet look! you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you are determined to bring the blood of this man upon us.” 29 In answer Peter and the other apostles said: “We must obey God as ruler rather than men. 30 The God of our forefathers raised up Jesus, whom you killed, hanging him on a stake. 31 God exalted this one as Chief Agent and Savior to his right hand, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. 32 And we are witnesses of these matters, and so is the holy spirit, which God has given to those obeying him as ruler.” 33 When they heard this, they were infuriated and wanted to do away with them. 34 But a Pharisee named Gamaliel rose in the Sanhedrin; he was a Law teacher esteemed by all the people, and he gave the command to put the men outside for a little while. 35 Then he said to them: “Men of Israel, be careful as to what you intend to do about these men. 36 For instance, before these days Theudas rose up, saying he himself was somebody, and a number of men, about 400, joined his party. But he was done away with, and all those who were following him were dispersed and came to nothing. 37 After him, Judas the Galilean rose up in the days of the registration, and he drew followers after himself. That man also perished, and all those who were following him were scattered. 38 So under the present circumstances, I say to you, do not meddle with these men, but let them alone. For if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; 39 but if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them. Otherwise, you may even be found fighters against God himself.” 40 At this they took his advice, and they summoned the apostles, flogged them, and ordered them to stop speaking on the basis of Jesus’ name, and let them go. 41 So they went out from before the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy to be dishonored in behalf of his name. 42 And every day in the temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus. [End of Read scripture]
Why will we not stop preaching? See verses 29, 38, and 39.

Someone May Ask: “Why do Jehovah’s Witnesses go from door to door?” How would you answer? [End of box]
Jesus instructed his followers to preach the good news to all nations. Jehovah is helping his people to do this work.
How is the good news being preached worldwide?
How does our ministry show that we love our neighbors?
Do you think that preaching can be a satisfying work? Why?
Ask some of the friends at the Kingdom Hall what challenges they had to overcome to preach and what blessings they have received. Set Other Goals

See how Jehovah’s Witnesses preach to people in large cities. Special Metropolitan Public Witnessing in Paris (5:11)

[Click for transcript]|[Coming soon] [Click to close]
How have Jehovah’s Witnesses reached out to refugees? Satisfying Spiritual Thirst Among Refugees (5:59)

[Click for transcript]|[Coming soon] [Click to close]
Hear firsthand how satisfying life can be as a full-time minister. Glad I Chose This Career (6:29)

[Click for transcript]|[Coming soon] [Click to close]
Learn about noteworthy court victories that have advanced the preaching of the good news. “Kingdom Preachers Take Their Case to Court” (God’s Kingdom Rules!, chapter 13)
[Click for article]|[Coming soon] [Click to close]