Lesson 28 Show Appreciation for What Jehovah and Jesus Did for You

[Image:] People passing a plate of unleavened bread during the Lord’s Evening Meal.
How do you feel when a friend gives you a beautiful gift? Likely, it makes you very happy and you want to show your friend that you appreciate the gift. Jehovah and Jesus gave us the greatest gift we could ever receive. What is it, and how can we show that we are grateful for it?
1. What is one way to show appreciation for what God and Christ did for us?
The Bible promises that “everyone exercising faith in [Jesus]” can live forever. (John 3:16)
[Quotation] John 3:16: “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. [End Quotation]
What does it mean to exercise faith? It means more than just believing in Jesus. We also need to show our faith by the choices we make and the things we do. (James 2:17)
[Quotation] James 2:17: So, too, faith by itself, without works, is dead. [End Quotation]
When we show our faith by what we do and what we say, we strengthen our friendship with Jesus and his Father, Jehovah. Read John 14:21.
[Read scripture] John 14:21: Whoever has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me. In turn, whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and will clearly show myself to him.” [End of Read scripture]
2. What special event helps us to show our gratitude for what Jehovah and Jesus did?
The evening before he died, Jesus told his followers about another way to show gratitude for his sacrifice. He introduced a special observance that the Bible calls “the Lord’s Evening Meal,” also known as the Memorial of Christ’s death. (1 Corinthians 11:20)
[Quotation] 1 Corinthians 11:20: When you come together in one place, it is not really to eat the Lord’s Evening Meal. [End Quotation]
Jesus instituted it so that his apostles, and all true Christians after them, would remember that he gave his life for us. Regarding this observance, Jesus commanded: “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19)
[Quotation] Luke 22:19: Also, he took a loaf, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying: “This means my body, which is to be given in your behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” [End Quotation]
When you attend the Memorial, you show that you are grateful for the great love that Jehovah and Jesus have for us.
Dig Deeper
Examine further ways to show appreciation for the great love shown by Jehovah and Jesus. Consider the importance of the Memorial of Christ’s death.
3. Gratitude moves us to action
Imagine that someone saved you from drowning. Would you simply forget about what that person did for you? Or would you look for ways to show him that you are grateful for what he did?
We owe our lives to Jehovah. Read 1 John 4:8 through 10, and then discuss these questions:
Why is Jesus’ sacrifice a special gift?
How do you feel about what Jehovah and Jesus did for you?
[Read scripture] 1 John 4:8 through 10: Whoever does not love has not come to know God, because God is love. By this the love of God was revealed in our case, that God sent his only-begotten Son into the world so that we might gain life through him. The love is in this respect, not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins. [End of Read scripture]
How can we show our appreciation for what Jehovah and Jesus did for us? Read 2 Corinthians 5:15 and 1 John 4:11 and 5:3. After reading each scripture, discuss this question:
Based on that scripture, what can we do to show our gratitude?
[Read scripture] 2 Corinthians 5:15: And he died for all so that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for him who died for them and was raised up. [End of Read scripture]
[Read scripture] 1 John 4:11: Beloved ones, if this is how God loved us, then we are also under obligation to love one another. [End of Read scripture]
[Read scripture] 1 John 5:3: For this is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome, [End of Read scripture]

4. Imitate Jesus
Another way to show our appreciation is by imitating Jesus. Read 1 Peter 2:21, and then discuss the question that follows:
[Read scripture] 1 Peter 2:21: In fact, to this course you were called, because even Christ suffered for you, leaving a model for you to follow his steps closely. [End of Read scripture]
In what ways could you follow Jesus’ steps closely?

[Image:] Jesus reading God’s Word from a scroll. [Image:] Jesus speaking to a Samaritan woman at a well. [Image:] Jesus healing a sick man. Caption: Jesus loved God’s Word, preached the good news, and helped others
5. Observe the Memorial of Christ’s death
To see what happened during the first observance of the Lord’s Evening Meal, read Luke 22:14 and 19 and 20. Then discuss the questions that follows:
[Read scripture] Luke 22:14: So when the hour came, he reclined at the table along with the apostles. [End of Read scripture]
[Read scripture] Luke 22:19 and 20: Also, he took a loaf, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying: “This means my body, which is to be given in your behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” Also, he did the same with the cup after they had the evening meal, saying: “This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood, which is to be poured out in your behalf. [End of Read scripture]
What happened at the Lord’s Evening Meal?
What do the bread and the wine represent? See verses 19 and 20.
Jesus intended for his disciples to observe the Lord’s Evening Meal once a year on the anniversary of his death. Thus, Jehovah’s Witnesses meet together yearly to remember Christ’s death in the way that he commanded. To learn about this important meeting, play the video Remember Jesus’ Death (1:41). Then discuss the question that follows.

[Click for Transcript]|[Remember Jesus Death]
Presenter: Imagine a world filled with peace,
[A waterfall in a lush rainforest]
free of suffering,
[Children run on along a shoreline]
an abundance of food for all,
[Friends around a bounteous table]
and life in perfect health.
[As waves roll onto a beach, a young couple strolls hand in hand]
But how can this beautiful future be possible? Because of what Jesus did for us.
[Onlookers watch Jesus drag his torture stake]
He came to earth for a purpose.
[Soldiers sink the stake into the ground]
He gave his life for those he loved. The night before he died, Jesus asked that we commemorate his sacrifice.
[Jesus at the Lord’s evening meal]
He said: Keep doing this in remembrance of me.
[Text: Luke 22:19, New World Translation]
On the anniversary of his death, people around the world will gather to remember him.
[Scenes of the memorial worldwide]
Jehovah’s Witnesses invite you and your family to attend the Memorial of Jesus’ death.
[An audience holds Bibles]
At that meeting, you will find out why his sacrifice was so important and how his promises affect you.
[They pass unleavened bread]
To learn more on what the Bible says on this, and many other topics go to JW.org.
[A Bible opens and computer icons pop up then transforms into the JW icon.
(Logo inside a White box. Black capital letter JW.ORG. Produced by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. Wallkill, New York, U.S.A. Copyright 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania) [Click to close]
What happens at the Memorial?

[Image:] Wine being passed during the Lord’s Evening Meal. [Image:] A plate of unleavened bread and a glass of wine. Caption: The bread and the wine are emblems. The bread represents Jesus’ perfect human body that he sacrificed for us. The wine represents his blood

Some People Say: “All you have to do to be saved is believe in Jesus.”
How could you use John 3:16 and James 2:17 to show that more is needed?
[Read scripture] John 3:16: “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. [End of Read scripture]
[Read scripture] James 2:17: So, too, faith by itself, without works, is dead. [End of Read scripture] [End of box]
We show appreciation for what Jesus did for us by exercising faith in him and by attending the Memorial of his death.
What does it mean to exercise faith in Jesus?
How would you like to show your appreciation for what Jehovah and Jesus did for you?
Why is it so important to attend the Memorial of Christ’s death?
Attend the next Memorial of Christ’s death. Ask your Bible teacher when it will be, and mark the date on your calendar. Set Other Goals

What does Christ’s death motivate us to do? He Used His Body to Honor Jehovah (9:28)

[Click for transcript]|[He Used His Body to Honor Jehovah]
(Text: Mark Noumair. Helper to the Teaching Committee)
Mark: Did Jesus explain to his disciples how his perfect body came to be? Did he take the time to do that? We don’t know. But what we do know is that how he used that perfect body when he was on earth has a profound effect upon our relationship with Jehovah God. When we meditate and think about that, that’s what we want to focus on in our discussion this morning. But how did that body come about? Let’s find out. Let’s open our Bibles, please, to Luke chapter 1, Luke chapter 1, and we’re going to look at verse 31. Now, the angel Gabriel, in speaking to Mary, he says “Look, you will become pregnant, and you will give birth to a son, and you are to name him Jesus.” ‘Pregnant, me? I’m a virgin. How can that happen?’ Jehovah employed his holy spirit in transferring the perfect life force of his only begotten Son to the womb of Mary, thus causing conception. Jehovah would cancel out any imperfection that would be passed on to the child, thereby producing a genetic pattern that was perfect from its start. Imperfection was not going to stop Jehovah’s purpose from being accomplished. He dealt with that; he handled that. Very interesting here, too, in verse 35: “In answer the angel said to her: “Holy spirit will come upon you, and power of the Most High will overshadow you.” So again, holy spirit is involved. And in some manner, Jehovah guaranteed that it would be a boy, and then he assured that, that developing embryo would be shielded from the taint of sin and protected from any harmful force. So, there she has this baby boy. She was a Jewish mother, so no doubt Jesus would have had some of the physical traits of Mary, his Jewish mother. However, we need to remember that he was not another personality, he was not another person. He was the only begotten Son, and he was able to identify himself as such in due time. But now imagine Mary giving birth to this little baby, and she’s holding this little baby in her arms. Now, how many mothers have said to us when that baby is born and they’re holding that baby, and they say “Look at my baby. It’s perfect.” But Mary was right, she got it right. She was the only one that could say, “My baby is perfect.” She didn’t have to count the toes and the fingers and so forth. She got it. But the thought is that though she didn’t fully understand all the details, she’s holding this body and it’s this body that for thirty-three and a half years is holding the blood that’s going to be poured out in behalf of mankind as a ransom sacrifice. But before that blood was going to be poured out, Jesus was going to use that body in a very special way. He used his fleshly body to honor Jehovah God. So again, understanding how he used that fleshly body to honor Jehovah has a profound effect upon our relationship with Jehovah. Let’s see how. Let’s open our Bibles now to 1 Peter chapter 4. First Peter chapter 4, we’re going to read verse 1. “Since Christ suffered in the flesh,” suffered in the flesh, “you too arm yourselves with the same mental disposition because the person who has suffered in the flesh has desisted from sins.” Let’s think about this for a moment. Christ suffered in the flesh, that fleshly body. This is directly related to the issue of sovereignty. His blood paid the ransom. But why did Christ suffer in the flesh? Because he chose to use his fleshly body to honor Jehovah, he chose to use his fleshly body to defend Jehovah’s sovereignty, he chose to use that fleshly body to prove that Satan is a liar. He suffered in the flesh. On Nisan 14, 33 C.E., Jesus allowed himself to be arrested by a mob, he allowed himself to be subjected to an illegal trial, he allowed his back to be torn by rivets and scourged through a scourging and to be nailed, his hands and feet, to a pole. He allowed that. And this is why he said at John 10:17 “This is why the Father loves me.” The Father loves me. Why? “Because I surrender my life. No man takes my life from me. I surrender it of my own initiative.” Now, that’s the example he set for us. Now, let’s look at verse 1 again. This time we see that b part where it says, “Because the person who has suffered in the flesh.” So, who is that? That’s you, that’s me, we’re the person. We suffer in the flesh, we desist from sins. Verse 2 “So that he,” you, me “may live the remainder of his time in the flesh, no more for the desires of men, but for God’s will.” The fact that Peter draws attention to suffering in the flesh for you and me, this is what we’re expected to do. We’re imitating Jesus Christ by doing that. So here we are in this very special week of activity. We think deeply upon the ransom sacrifice, we think deeply about how Jesus used his life. And we have opportunity to do that. For example, some ask, ‘Why do we pass the emblems on Memorial night?’ They say, ‘If in a large congregation there are so many there, wouldn’t it be more practical if the servers just stood at the end of the aisle? And if someone wanted to partake of the emblems, they would just nod or give a sign to the server, and he would give them to that person. Look at the time we would save.’ But that’s not the pattern in the Scriptures, that’s not what Jesus did, that’s not the procedure that was instituted. We’re following the Biblical pattern. But in addition to that, in the actual passing of the emblems, what does that do? That deepens our appreciation as we see the bread passed, as we see the wine passed. We are able to understand the sacred things that are discussed even more so that evening. And we’re able to get involved. Our feelings get involved. That event burns into our memory. So this Friday as those emblems are being passed, as the bread is being passed, now you might say, ‘But I’ve been to so many Memorials.’ And some in our family have been to decades worth of Memorials. But how about this Friday we do something different? We just, as that bread passes, we just think, we just take a moment to reflect on what that bread represents. And we ask ourselves ‘Can I think of one way, that I can use my body, my mind, ‘my energy, to better worship Jehovah God? Is there one way that I can do better? To what extent am I slaving for others as Jesus Christ did? Like Jesus Christ, to what extent am I pummelling my body, and leading it as a slave. Even if it has to take drastic measures, at times with self-control, to make sure that I am giving an answer to the one who is taunting my heavenly Father?’ When we examine the life of Jesus Christ, it’s as if he said to the Devil, it’s as if he declared “You want to attack my Father? You go through me. You’re going to go through me, because I am Michael, Who is like God? No one attacks my God. I am the chief defender of His sovereignty. I am the champion of my God. I am the chief vindicator of Him. That’s who I am.” And we take that same stance, that same posture. Someone wants to attack our heavenly Father. “You want to attack my heavenly Father, Devil? You go through me, you go through me. And my integrity, my obedience, my faithful course, you know what it will do? It will embarrass you, it’s going to push you back, it’s going to humiliate you, it’s going to disgrace you because, I am using my body as Jesus Christ did, to honor my heavenly Father.”
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2017 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania) [Click to close]
Learn more about faith and how we can exercise it. “Exercise Your Faith in Jehovah’s Promises” (The Watchtower, October 2016)
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In the story “I Feel Clean, Alive, and Whole,” see the effect that learning about Christ’s sacrifice had on one woman’s life. “The Bible Changes Lives” (The Watchtower, August 1, 2011)
[Click for article]|[Coming soon] [Click to close]

Consider why few partake at the Memorial. “Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Observe the Lord’s Supper Differently From the Way Other Religions Do?” (Web article)
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