Lesson 44 Do All Celebrations Please God?

[Image:] Hundreds of people releasing illuminated lanterns into the night sky during a festival.
Jehovah wants us to enjoy life and even to celebrate at times. But do all celebrations and holidays please him? How can we show our love for Jehovah in this matter?
1. Why do many celebrations displease Jehovah?
You might be surprised to learn that many celebrations are based on unscriptural teachings or have pagan origins. Such celebrations may be connected with false religion. They may be linked to spiritism or be based on the idea that the soul is immortal. Some celebrations are rooted in superstition or a belief in luck. (Isaiah 65:11)
[Quotation] Isaiah 65:11: But you are among those forsaking Jehovah, Those forgetting my holy mountain, Those setting a table for the god of Good Luck, And those filling up cups of mixed wine for the god of Destiny. [End Quotation]
Jehovah warns his worshippers: “Separate yourselves . . . and quit touching the unclean thing.” ( 2 Corinthians 6:17)
[Quotation] 2 Corinthians 6:17: “‘Therefore, get out from among them, and separate yourselves,’ says Jehovah, ‘and quit touching the unclean thing’”; “‘and I will take you in.’” [End Quotation] * [Footnote] * See Endnote 5 to learn how to handle certain holiday situations. [End of footnote]
2. How does Jehovah feel about celebrations that give undue honor to humans?
Jehovah cautions us not to fall into the trap of putting our “trust in mere humans.” (Read Jeremiah 17:5.) Some holidays honor rulers or soldiers. Others celebrate national symbols or independence. (1 John 5:21)
[Quotation] 1 John 5:21: Little children, guard yourselves from idols. [End Quotation]
Still others promote political or social movements. How would Jehovah feel if we gave undue honor to a person or an organization, especially one that promoted ideas contrary to His purpose?
[Read scripture] Jeremiah 17:5: This is what Jehovah says: “Cursed is the man who puts his trust in mere humans, Who relies on human power, And whose heart turns away from Jehovah. [End of Read scripture]
3. What behavior can make celebrations unacceptable?
The Bible condemns “overdrinking, wild parties, [and] drinking bouts.” (1 Peter 4:3)
[Quotation] 1 Peter 4:3: For the time that has passed by is sufficient for you to have done the will of the nations when you carried on in acts of brazen conduct, unbridled passions, overdrinking, wild parties, drinking bouts, and lawless idolatries. [End Quotation]
Some celebrations feature unrestrained and immoral behavior. To remain Jehovah’s friends, we need to stay far away from such moral uncleanness.

Dig Deeper
Find out how you can please Jehovah by making wise decisions about holidays and celebrations.

[Image:] A coworker offering a brother a Christmas gift.
4. Reject celebrations that dishonor Jehovah
Read Ephesians 5:10, and then discuss the questions that follow:
[Read scripture] Ephesians 5:10: Keep on making sure of what is acceptable to the Lord; [End of Read scripture]
What do we need to make sure of when deciding whether to celebrate a holiday?
What holidays are popular where you live?
Do you think those holidays please Jehovah?
For example, have you ever wondered what God thinks of birthday celebrations? The Bible never refers to a worshipper of Jehovah celebrating a birthday, but it does record two birthdays celebrated by people who did not serve Him. Read Genesis 40:20-22 and Matthew 14:6 through 10. Then discuss the questions that follow:
[Read scripture] Genesis 40:20 through 22: Now the third day was Pharaoh’s birthday, and he made a feast for all his servants, and he brought out both the chief cupbearer and the chief baker in the presence of his servants. And he returned the chief cupbearer to his post of cupbearer, and he continued to hand the cup to Pharaoh. But he hanged the chief baker, just as Joseph had interpreted to them. [End of Read scripture]
[Read scripture] Matthew 14:6 through 10: But when Herod’s birthday was being celebrated, the daughter of Herodias danced for the occasion and pleased Herod so much that he promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked. Then she, at her mother’s prompting, said: “Give me here on a platter the head of John the Baptist.” Grieved though he was, the king, out of regard for his oaths and for those dining with him, commanded it to be given. So he sent and had John beheaded in the prison. [End of Read scripture]
What do both birthday celebrations have in common?
Based on these Bible accounts, how do you think Jehovah feels about birthdays?
Still, you may wonder, ‘Does Jehovah really care whether I participate in a birthday or other unscriptural celebration?’ Read Exodus 32:1 through 8. Then, play the video Holidays and Celebrations That Displease God (5:07) and discuss the questions that follow.
[Disclaimer: The following video is created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]

[Click for Transcript]|[Holidays and Celebrations That Displease God]
[In front of a large brick school, a young boy in a puffy blue coat solemnly looks at the ground before climbing into the back seat of his mom's car. Cheerfully, she turns around to greet him]
Mom: Hey, Buddy! How was school?
[Looking dejected, he slightly drops his head]
Aiden: That’s my dad, Grayson, and my older brother, Dylan.
[Arriving home, Aiden sets down his coat]
Dylan: Hey, Bro! We’re going to play ball. You want to come?
Aiden: No thanks.
[Concerned, dad looks at mom]
Dad: Is he OK?
Mom: He normally loves to talk about school. He didn’t want to talk about school today.
[In his room, Aiden lies on his bed with crossed arms]
Aiden: It wasn’t my worst day at school but pretty close.
[Remembers in the classroom]
It all started first thing this morning.
[Kids gather around teachers’ desk]
Everyone was signing a birthday card for one of our classmates, Lucas.
Teacher: Do you want to sign the birthday card for Lucas?
Aiden: He just got home from being at the hospital for cancer treatments. No thanks. I’m a Jehovah’s Witness, and I don’t celebrate birthdays.
Classmates: What? Hum? That’s rude. Come on, sign it!
Teacher: You guys, you guys, Aiden
Aiden: My teacher said that Lucas may not come back to school for a long time.
[His eyes wide]
I felt so bad he was sick.
[Imagines Lucas at the hospital grimacing as he receives an IV in his forearm]
Teacher: Aiden, Aiden, can you think about it?
[Hopeful, the teacher hands Aiden the large, decorated birthday card. Now, back on his bed]
The thing is, I did want to sign the card.
[He pulls the card out of his backpack and stares at it]
Lucas was one of the nicest people in my class.
[It displays the number 8 on a birthday cake]
Maybe I can just sign it.
[Takes a pencil from his backpack]
I mean, it’s not like I’m going to a birthday party.
[Biting his lip, he puts the pencil to the paper, then quickly tucks it behind his pillow]
Dad: Hey, little man. How are you doing?
[Shrugging, he folds his hands]
Yeah? Mom said you had a rough day today.
Aiden: When Dad came in, I told him everything that happened.
[Dad sits on the bed next to Aiden]
I know from the Bible that it’s wrong to celebrate birthdays. But is signing the card really a big deal?
[He shows dad the card]
Dad said my question was a good one.
[Aiden nods at dad]
Then he showed me a scripture.
Dad: Do you want to get your Bible for me? Let’s look in Ephesians 5. Aiden: Ephesians 5:10: Keep on making sure of what is acceptable to the Lord. He said, “We all have to keep making sure of what’s acceptable to Jehovah because Satan is a master at tricking us.” Then he used the example of Aaron.
[Imagines a group of frustrated Israelites surrounding Aaron]
The Israelites asked Aaron to make them a god.
[Aaron then stands before a bowl where Israelites drop in articles of gold]
So, Aaron made a golden calf, thinking that it could represent Jehovah.
[They dance around the calf]
He told the people: There is a festival to Jehovah tomorrow. But true worship was being mixed with false worship,
[Moses sternly approaches Aaron]
and Jehovah was not happy.
[Moses glares as Aaron explains]
And many were punished.
[Distressed, Aaron pinches the bridge of his nose]
That example helped me a lot.
[Aiden contemplates]
I know birthdays are wrong because the Bible teaches that they are not approved by Jehovah.
[Smiling, dad explains]
But we don’t want to be confused like Aaron and try to mix true and false worship.
Dad: All right, let’s go talk to Mom.
Aiden: We want to make Jehovah happy.
[In the classroom after the other kids leave]
So, Dad said, “It’s always good to ask,
[Aiden approaches his teacher]
How would Jehovah feel if I did this? I still didn’t sign the card, but I’m going to do something else for Lucas.
[Slightly smiling and nodding, she glances at the card and drops it on her desk. Later, Aiden and his parents are shown greeting Lucas’ mother at her house. Aiden’s mom holds a covered dish. They are welcomed inside. Looking tired, Lucas’ mother speaks to them. Grayson gives Aiden and encouraging wink]
Can I go see Lucas?
Lucas’ mom: Yeah. Go ahead, Buddy. He’s right over there.
[Aiden enters Lucas room. Pale and fatigued, Lucas slowly sits up in his blue and tan stripped bed]
Aiden: How have you been feeling?”
Lucas: A little better.
Aiden: And then I realized something: Instead of celebrating one day, I could share with Lucas our hope of living forever on a beautiful paradise earth. So, there will be no sickness ever again. They will build houses and have food.
[From his backpack, Aiden removes the learned from the great teacher book and points to pictures of paradise. Lucas intently looks at Aiden's face and nods]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2017 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania) [Click to close]
Why do we need to make sure of what is acceptable to Jehovah?
How can we do so?
[Read scripture] Exodus 32:1 through 8: Meanwhile, the people saw that Moses was taking a long time coming down from the mountain. So the people gathered around Aaron and said to him: “Get up, make for us a god who will go ahead of us, because we do not know what has happened to this Moses, the man who led us up out of the land of Egypt.” At this Aaron said to them: “Take the gold earrings from the ears of your wives, your sons, and your daughters and bring them to me.” So all the people began taking off the gold earrings that were in their ears and bringing them to Aaron. Then he took the gold from them, and he formed it with an engraving tool and made it into a statue of a calf. They began to say: “This is your God, O Israel, who led you up out of the land of Egypt.” When Aaron saw this, he built an altar before it. Then Aaron called out: “There is a festival to Jehovah tomorrow.” So they got up early on the next day and began offering up burnt offerings and presenting communion sacrifices. After that the people sat down to eat and drink. Then they got up to have a good time. Jehovah now said to Moses: “Go, descend, because your people, whom you led up out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves. They have quickly deviated from the way I commanded them to go. They have made for themselves a statue of a calf, and they keep bowing down to it and sacrificing to it and saying, ‘This is your God, O Israel, who led you up out of the land of Egypt.’” [End of Read scripture]
[Box] How to Know if a Celebration Displeases God
Is it based on unscriptural teachings? To find out, investigate its origins.
Does it give undue honor to humans, organizations, or national symbols? We honor Jehovah above all and trust in him to solve the world’s problems.
Do its customs and practices conflict with Bible standards? We need to remain morally clean. [End of box]

5. Help others to respect your beliefs
It can be hard to resist when others pressure you to participate in celebrations that displease Jehovah. Explain your decisions patiently and tactfully. To see an example of how to do this, play the video Tactfully Explain Your Beliefs (2:01).
[Disclaimer: The following video is created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]

[Click for Transcript]|[Tactfully Explain Your Beliefs]
[Text: Michiyo Kumagai. Japan]
Michiyo Kumagai: I started studying the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses when I was 14.
[Pictures from her past as a young woman]
The moment I realized that God did exist, I was so happy and prayed, saying: “I just assumed you didn’t exist. Please forgive me.”
[With friends and big smiles]
Right away, I told my family that I wouldn’t be able to join the Christmas and birthday parties that we cherished.
My mother called all our relatives and spoke to them in tears as she told them that her daughter had joined a terrible religion.
[Feeling crushed]
She even told my study conductor to give back her daughter.
[She drops her head]
She felt like I was taken from her.
When I observed those things,
[She frowns]
at times, I felt as if I was doing something wrong.
[Reflectively sitting at her desk, reading the Bible]
But then, I knew that if I compromised, Jehovah would be sad. Jehovah had kindly let me know the truth. I strongly felt that in order to please him, I should not give up.
[Confidently, she smiles]
It would have been easier if I had given up, then. Yet, I knew that if I did, I wouldn’t be able to draw my parents to the truth.
[Packs her meeting bag]
I knew I would get emotional if I tried to talk with them face-to-face, so I wrote them letters instead.
[Mother opens the letter]
I prayed and prayed and kept telling my mother how much I appreciated her. Gradually, she realized that she hadn’t lost her daughter, and she was relieved. Now someone is calling on her, and we have a very peaceful and pleasant relationship.
[Talking on zoom with her mum, Michiyo and her husband wave and smile]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2019 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania) [Click to close]
Read Matthew 7:12, and then discuss the questions that follow:
[Read scripture] Matthew 7:12: “All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must do to them. This, in fact, is what the Law and the Prophets mean. [End of Read scripture]
Based on this verse, should you tell your unbelieving family members that they cannot celebrate a holiday?
What might you do to reassure your family that even though you will not celebrate with them, you love and appreciate them?
6. Jehovah wants us to be happy
Jehovah wants us to enjoy good times with our family and friends. Read Ecclesiastes 8:15, and then discuss the question that follow:
[Read scripture] Ecclesiastes 8:15: So I recommended rejoicing, because there is nothing better for man under the sun than to eat and drink and rejoice; this should accompany him as he works hard during the days of his life, which the true God gives him under the sun. [End of Read scripture]
How does this verse show that Jehovah wants us to be happy
Jehovah wants his people to have fun and enjoy good times together. Play the video Showing Hospitality at International Conventions (5:40) to see how this has been very evident at our international conventions.
[Disclaimer: The following video is created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]

[Click for Transcript]|[Showing Hospitality at International Conventions]
[Montage of brothers and sisters of all nationalities expressing themselves about the hospitality that is shown at international conventions. A long line of brothers and sisters welcoming delegates from various countries and races]
Person 1: We have 2,500 delegates coming in. For us, we want to give them our absolute best.
Person 2: What we want them to feel is the love of the true brotherhood.
Person 3: The commission was to make it a life-changing experience. In order to do that, we thought we had to put together more than just, ‘Come and have some dinner with us.’
Person 4: Overwhelming, I don’t know how to express how I feel.
Person 5: We had to first of all come up with and create the acts. So, I went in a room for two days and cried and prayed.
Person 6: This is where the trust that Jehovah is directing us through his organization has helped us.
Person 7: There was so much more involved in showing hospitality to our delegates than we originally thought.
Person 8: We have an original, authentic, 1892 chuck wagon, real Texas cowboys, real horse trainers, [Swinging lasso] roping lessons, and Texas Longhorns. We’re making buttermilk biscuits just like they did on the trail, in a Dutch oven with coals.
Person 9: We have four different casts that we’re using (each somewhere in the range of 80-90 per cast), three different locations we’re going to be performing at, and this spans over four days.
[Rehearsing Show]
Person 10: The evening programs include providing some food to the friends that are here, some spiritual entertainment with music, some interviews, some videos.
Person 11: We haven’t had field service as part of our conventions as in the past.
Person 12: However, it’s so apparent that Jehovah is behind this, the example set by the slave; it’s so evident that this should be done.
Person 13: They’re facing similar challenges in the ministry, but they’re still working hard while dealing with these challenges. Hearing that was very encouraging, and it gave me the renewed motivation to keep preaching with zeal.
Person 14: We also needed volunteers to come to the Assembly Hall and greet the delegates as they came in off the buses.
Person 15: At first, I wasn’t sure why there were so many people outside when I saw them from the bus. When I found out that they were there to welcome us, it brought me to tears.
Person 16: When we found out that the tours were coming to the Assembly Hall, we knew that we were going to have an extra special blessing.
Person 17: We had well over 3,600 volunteers and probably more like 5,000 that were willing to help.
Person 18: We contacted probably a little bit over 200 congregations to participate in these activities.
[Hug delegates at bus]
Person 19: We are from Cheyenne, Wyoming, about 850 miles (1,367 km) away. We started about two or three weeks ago getting all the wagons ready, and it took a couple of days to get here.
[Friends climb into covered wagon]
Person 20: One of the things I had to do was to ask permission at my job—ask for a week off in order to be here. I prayed a lot to Jehovah. And through him, they gave me permission, and I was able to be here.
[Shed tears]
Person 21: I’m so energized and pumped, and I really just see us walking into the new world and feeling all of this every day.
Person 22: My job has been to come up with drawings and paintings for note cards of things that are indigenous to Washington.
[Artwork of Native American Indians]
Person 23: I had the privilege of designing the logo that went on the gift bags for the international convention.
Child 1: We’re going to sing for the delegates.
Child 2: I want to sing for the delegates because I want to make God happy and the delegates too.
Person 24: The singing at the airports, it was touching to see them waiting for us at night, because we arrived around 10:00 p.m.
[Holding signs]
Person 25: I think that they’ll be happy to see all of us welcoming them and the things that we’re preparing for them, something to take back with them to remember this opportunity that they have had.
Person 26: This part, the top part, the large JW was actually from The Messenger, which was back in 1931 at the international convention in Columbus, Ohio.
[Pass out black totes]
Person 27: As you see with all the brothers and sisters—everyone wanting to contribute, everyone wanting to have a part, everyone wanting to be called, everyone wanting to participate in whatever way they can.
[Make cards]
Group 1 in Unison: Welcome to Seattle!
Person 28: Just seeing it being used and enjoyed by the delegates was a great feeling.
Person 29: I was a little bit tired from the flight. But when you (kind of like) saw all the smiles and the cheers and the big banners and all the gifts, it was just like, 'Oh, my goodness!'
Person 30: You felt loved, didn’t you? You felt loved straightaway.
Person 31: You felt loved.
Person 32: It was love.
Person 33: We don’t know where they’re from. We don’t know their names. But they just smile and wave and seeing that unity, I mean its genuine love, and you just, you just almost want to cry. Person 31: We want them to know that they have brothers here that will support them and who love them and are willing to do whatever we can to make them enjoy their stay here.
Person 34: Yes.
Person 35: We just want them to feel like our arms have been around them the whole time they’ve been here.
Person 36: It really shows that Jehovah is behind the work. But it also shows the loving brotherhood because it’s so evident by what you see with all the happy faces, the zeal, the enthusiasm. Everything that is being spent is all so that we can praise Jehovah but also to welcome his sheep, the delegates, coming from all the different parts of the world.
Person 37: I hope that 2,000 to 3,000 years from now somebody walks up to me and says: I remember you! You were at the cowboy deal in Texas! That, to me, would be fantastic. I know cowboys aren’t supposed to cry, but trust us, we do when it comes to this.
Person 38: I’m so happy! It moves me to tears.
Child 3: They came here to let us sing, and they watched us, so they take our song with them.
Child 4: We want the delegates to be happy! [A little girl with dark hair and brown eyes, wearing a pink frilly dress with a pink headband in her hair]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2015 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania) [Click to close]
Read Galatians 6:10, and then discuss the questions that follow:
[Read scripture] Galatians 6:10: So, then, as long as we have the opportunity, let us work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith. [End of Read scripture]
Do we need to celebrate popular holidays to do “what is good” to others?
What kind of giving would make you happier, feeling obligated to give on a holiday or giving spontaneously?
Many Witnesses occasionally organize something special for their children and even surprise them with gifts. If you have children, what are some special things that you could do for them?

[Image:] A girl receiving an unexpected gift from her parents.
Some People Say: “A holiday’s origins don’t really matter. It’s about having a good time with family and friends.” What would you say? [End of box]
Jehovah wants us to enjoy time with family and friends. But he also wants us to avoid celebrations that displease him.
What questions can we ask to determine whether a celebration displeases Jehovah?
How can we help our family and friends to understand our decisions regarding holidays?
How do you know that Jehovah wants us to be happy and to have fun?
Use what you learned in this lesson to evaluate the holidays that are popular in your area. Set Other Goals

Consider some specific holidays that Christians do not celebrate. “Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses Celebrate Certain Holidays?” (Web article)
[Click for article]|[Coming soon] [Click to close]

See four reasons why we believe that birthday celebrations displease God. “Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses Celebrate Birthdays?” (Web article)
[Click for article]|[Coming soon] [Click to close]
See how young children who love Jehovah can please him during the holidays. You Are Precious to Jehovah (11:35)

[Click for transcript]|[Coming soon] [Click to close]
Millions of Christians have chosen not to celebrate Christmas. How do they feel about their decision? “They Found Something Better” (The Watchtower, December 1, 2012)
[Click for article]|[Coming soon] [Click to close]