Lesson 54 The Role of “the Faithful and Discreet Slave”

[Image:] The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses meeting in a conference room.
Jesus is the Head of the Christian congregation. (Ephesians 5:23)
[Quotation] Ephesians 5:23 because a husband is head of his wife just as the Christ is head of the congregation, he being a savior of this body. [End Quotation]
Today, from his position in heaven, Jesus directs his followers on earth by means of a “faithful and discreet slave.” (Read Matthew 24:45)
[Read scripture] Matthew 24:45: “Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? [End of Read scripture]
Having received an appointment from Jesus himself, the “slave” would have a certain amount of authority but would remain a slave of Christ and serve Christ’s brothers. Who is that slave? How does the slave care for us?
1. Who is “the faithful and discreet slave”?
Jehovah has always used a man or a small group of men to give direction to his people. (Malachi 2:7; Hebrews 1:1)
[Quotation] Malachi 2:7 For the lips of a priest should safeguard knowledge, and people should seek the law from his mouth, because he is the messenger of Jehovah of armies. [End Quotation]
[Quotation] Hebrews 1:1 Long ago God spoke to our forefathers by means of the prophets on many occasions and in many ways. [End Quotation]
After Jesus’ death, the apostles and elders in Jerusalem took the lead. (Acts 15:2)
[Quotation] Acts 15:2 But after quite a bit of dissension and disputing by Paul and Barnabas with them, it was arranged for Paul, Barnabas, and some of the others to go up to the apostles and elders in Jerusalem regarding this issue. [End Quotation]
Following that pattern, today a small group of elders, the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, provides spiritual food and directs the preaching work. This group is “the faithful and discreet slave whom [Jesus] appointed.” (Matthew 24:45a) All members of the Governing Body are spirit-anointed Christians, who look forward to joining Christ in his heavenly Kingdom when their life on earth is over.
2. What spiritual food does the faithful slave provide?
Jesus said that the faithful slave would “give [fellow Christians] their food at the proper time.” (Matthew 24:45b) Just as the food we eat helps us to stay physically strong and healthy, spiritual food, instruction from God’s Word, gives us the strength we need to remain loyal to Jehovah and carry out the work Jesus has assigned us to do. (1 Timothy 4:6)
[Quotation] 1 Timothy 4:6 By giving this counsel to the brothers, you will be a fine minister of Christ Jesus, one nourished with the words of the faith and of the fine teaching that you have followed closely. [Quotation]
We receive that spiritual food through meetings, assemblies, and conventions, as well as through Bible-based literature and videos that help us to understand God’s will and to strengthen our friendship with him.
Dig Deeper
See why we need “the faithful and discreet slave”, the Governing Body.

[Image:] Collage: Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide receiving and following direction from the Governing Body. 1. A family watches a program on JW Broadcasting. 2. Witness volunteers load relief supplies onto a truck. 3. Two Witnesses preach next to a witnessing cart. 4. An elder reads a letter at a congregation meeting. Caption: The Governing Body provides spiritual food, direction, and practical help for Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world
3. Jehovah’s people must be organized
Under Jesus’ direction, the Governing Body organizes the work of Jehovah’s Witnesses. A similar arrangement existed among the early Christians. Play the video Jehovah Organizes His People (6:18).
[Disclaimer: The following video is created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]

[Click for Transcript]|[Jehovah Organizes His People]
[JW Broadcasting. Gage Fleegle. Governing Body]
Gage: Have you ever heard someone say: “I’m not religious, but I am spiritual” or “I don’t need to belong to a religion; I worship God in my own way”? Many people believe that they don’t need to be associated with a specific religious organization, that it’s good enough simply to have a personal relationship with God. It’s not surprising that they feel that way. Many religious organizations have promoted false worship. They’ve mistreated their followers or demanded large sums of money from them and tolerated or even promoted conduct that the Bible condemns. Of course, it’s the fruitage of those organizations that’s bad, not the fact that they are organized. But we might still ask, ‘Does Jehovah want his people to be organized?’ What does his Word say? The Bible reveals that the early Christians were organized. Consider what’s recorded in Acts chapter 15. An issue arose —an issue involving doctrine, or belief, that caused disagreement among those in the congregation. How would they settle that issue? Did they conclude that it was enough for each Christian to have his own relationship with God and for each person to believe what he personally wanted? No. That would have divided the young Christian congregation, which at this point was less than 20 years old. At Acts 15:2, we read: “But after quite a bit of dissension and disputing by Paul and Barnabas with them, it was arranged for Paul, Barnabas, and some of the others to go up to the apostles and elders in Jerusalem regarding this issue.” The apostles and elders in Jerusalem made a decision that resolved the issue. Thereafter, they made their decision known to the congregations. This helped to restore peace and unity. That wasn’t an exceptional case. Sometime later, the apostle Paul and Timothy visited the congregations. What did they accomplish? Acts 16:4 says: “As they traveled on through the cities, they would deliver to them for observance the decrees that had been decided on by the apostles and the elders who were in Jerusalem.” The apostles and elders in Jerusalem consistently provided spiritual food, direction, and practical help for God’s people in the first century. They acted as a governing body. What was the result of such organization? Note the next verse. It says: “Then, indeed, the congregations continued to be made firm in the faith and to increase in number day by day.” That organization in the first century helped the early Christians to be united, productive, and happy. In like manner, Jehovah’s people today are organized. This reflects Jehovah’s personality. First Corinthians chapter 14, verses 33 and 40 says in part: “God is a God not of disorder but of peace. . . . Let all things take place decently and by arrangement.” Think about it: Organization really helps us to fulfill Jehovah’s requirements for true worship. Consider five examples. First, we must be organized to meet together for worship. How could we do so if we didn’t know one another, didn’t have designated places and times to gather together, and didn’t have a scheduled program for each meeting? Second, we must be organized to be united in belief. All of us receive the same instruction at congregation meetings, assemblies, and conventions, and we’re helped to understand the Scriptures through Bible-based publications and videos. These provisions require organization, and they help us to worship unitedly and, as 1 Corinthians 1:10 counsels us, to “speak in agreement.” Third, we must be organized to form a worldwide brotherhood. First Peter 2:17 reminds us that we belong to an “association of brothers.” If we weren’t organized, how could we even identify those who are truly part of our spiritual family? Fourth, we must be organized to preach the good news to people of different nations, tribes, and languages. How could we possibly declare the Kingdom message thoroughly and effectively if we weren’t associated with an organization? Fifth, we must be organized to provide disaster relief. Just as the early Christians had an arrangement to supply financial aid to their needy brothers and sisters in other lands, so we are organized to help our brothers and sisters as soon as possible after a disaster, disease outbreak, or other emergency. As was the case in the first century, the Governing Body today provides spiritual food, direction, and practical help for God’s people around the world. Jesus has appointed that Governing Body to be “the faithful and discreet slave.” How grateful we are that Jehovah, through our Leader, Jesus Christ, has organized us so that we can do God’s will as a united brotherhood!
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2023 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania) [Click to close]
Read 1 Corinthians 14:33, 40, and then discuss the question that follows:
[Read scripture] 1 Corinthians 14:33: For God is a God not of disorder but of peace. As in all the congregations of the holy ones, [End of Read scripture]
[Read scripture] 1 Corinthians 14:40: But let all things take place decently and by arrangement. [End of Read scripture]
How do these verses show that Jehovah wants his Witnesses to be organized?
4. The faithful slave organizes our preaching work
Preaching was the most important work performed by the early Christians. Read Acts 8:14 and 25, and then discuss the questions that follow:
[Read scripture] Acts 8:14: When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them; [End of Read scripture]
[Read scripture] Acts 8:25: Therefore, when they had given the witness thoroughly and had spoken the word of Jehovah, they started back toward Jerusalem, and they went declaring the good news to many villages of the Samaritans. [End of Read scripture]
Among the early Christians, who directed the preaching work?
How did Peter and John respond to the direction of their fellow apostles?
Preaching is the most important work organized by the Governing Body. Play the video Focused on the Preaching Work (1:24).
[Disclaimer: The following video is created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]

[Click for Transcript]|[Focused on the Preaching Work]
[Black and white photos of a battlefield. A pale person lying, holding IV fluid. A malnourished child. A collapsed building. Two brothers witnessing to a man on a park bench] [Text: Wars. Matthew 24:6, 7]
Presenter: Jehovah’s Witnesses are convinced that this system of things is deep into its last days,
[Text: Pestilences. Luke 21:11. Famines. Matthew 24:7. Earthquakes. Mark 13:8]
and the Governing Body is intent on reaching as many people as possible
[Text: Preaching. Matthew 24:14]
with the knowledge of God.
[M. Stephen Lett. Governing Body]
Stephen: We want to continue to oversee and give impetus to the preaching work because this has to be done before the end comes. Mark 13:10: “In all the nations, the good news has to be preached first.
[Guy H. Pierce. Governing Body]
Guy: Jesus said that we can have more confidence in the fulfilment of the Bible than the sun coming up. And so, with that kind of faith, we can do the work that’s involved. We just pour ourselves into that.
[Theodore Jaracz. Governing Body]
Theodore: It would be impossible for humans to do what Jehovah accomplished. We have to give him full credit for things that have transpired. And we also realize that we’ve got a work to complete.
[Geoffrey W. Jackson. Governing Body]
Geoffrey: "So keeping our brothers and sisters focused on what Jehovah wants us to do at this particular time, seeing how close the end is, that is our main focus, and giving full support to the brotherhood, as they continue to show their love for Jehovah to preach that “good news . . .in all the inhabited earth.”
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2011 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania) [Click to close]
Jesus emphasized how important preaching is. Read Mark 13:10, and then discuss the questions that follow:
[Read scripture] Mark 13:10: Also, in all the nations, the good news has to be preached first. [End of Read scripture]
Why is the preaching work so important to the Governing Body?
Why do we need “the faithful and discreet slave” to organize this global work?
5. The faithful slave provides direction
The Governing Body provides direction for Christians worldwide. How does it decide what direction to give? Consider how the governing body of the early Christians did so. Read Acts 15:1, 2, and then discuss the questions that follow:
[Read scripture] Acts 15:1 and 2: Now some men came down from Judea and began to teach the brothers: “Unless you get circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.” But after quite a bit of dissension and disputing by Paul and Barnabas with them, it was arranged for Paul, Barnabas, and some of the others to go up to the apostles and elders in Jerusalem regarding this issue. [End of Read scripture]
What issue caused conflict among some early Christians?
To whom did Paul, Barnabas, and others go in order to settle the issue?
Read Acts 15:12 through 18, and 23 through 29, and then discuss the question that follows:
[Read scripture] Acts 15:12 through 18: At that the entire group became silent, and they began to listen to Barnabas and Paul relate the many signs and wonders that God had done through them among the nations. 13 After they finished speaking, James replied: “Men, brothers, hear me. 14 Symeon has related thoroughly how God for the first time turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name. 15 And with this the words of the Prophets agree, just as it is written: 16 ‘After these things I will return and raise up again the tent of David that is fallen down; I will rebuild its ruins and restore it, 17 so that the men who remain may earnestly seek Jehovah, together with people of all the nations, people who are called by my name, says Jehovah, who is doing these things, 18 known from of old.’ [End of Read scripture]
[Read scripture] Acts 15:23 through 29: They wrote this and sent it through them: “The apostles and the elders, your brothers, to those brothers in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia who are from the nations: Greetings! 24 Since we have heard that some went out from among us and caused you trouble with what they have said, trying to subvert you, although we did not give them any instructions, 25 we have come to a unanimous decision to choose men to send to you together with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, 26 men who have given up their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 27 We are therefore sending Judas and Silas, so that they also may report the same things by word of mouth. 28 For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you except these necessary things: 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!” [End of Read scripture]
Before making a decision, what did the early governing body consider when seeking God’s guidance on the matter? See verses 12, 15, and 28
[Quotation] Acts 15:12 At that the entire group became silent, and they began to listen to Barnabas and Paul relate the many signs and wonders that God had done through them among the nations. [End Quotation]
[Quotation] Acts 15:15 And with this the words of the Prophets agree, just as it is written: [End Quotation]
[Quotation] Acts 15:28 For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you except these necessary things: [End Quotation]
Read Acts 15:30 and 31 and 16:4 and 5, and then discuss the questions that follow:
[Read scripture] Acts 15:30 and 31: So when these men were dismissed, they went down to Antioch, and they gathered the whole group together and handed them the letter. After reading it, they rejoiced over the encouragement. [End of Read scripture]
[Read scripture] Acts 16:4 and 5: As they traveled on through the cities, they would deliver to them for observance the decrees that had been decided on by the apostles and the elders who were in Jerusalem. Then, indeed, the congregations continued to be made firm in the faith and to increase in number day by day. [End of Read scripture]
How did the early Christians react to direction given by the governing body?
How did Jehovah bless their obedience?
Read 2 Timothy 3:16 and James 1:5, and then discuss the questions that follow:
[Read scripture] 2 Timothy 3:16: All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness [End of Read scripture]
[Read scripture] James 1:5: So if any one of you is lacking in wisdom, let him keep asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching, and it will be given him. [End of Read scripture]
Where does the Governing Body look for guidance when it makes decisions today?

Some People Say: “If you listen to the Governing Body, you’re just following men.” What proves to you that Jesus is leading the Governing Body? [End of box]
The Governing Body is “the faithful and discreet slave” appointed by Christ. It gives direction and spiritual food to Christians earth wide.
Who appointed “the faithful and discreet slave”?
How does the Governing Body care for us?
Do you believe that the Governing Body is “the faithful and discreet slave”?
As encouraged at 2 Thessalonians 3:1
[Quotation] 2 Thessalonians 3:1 Finally, brothers, carry on prayer for us, that the word of Jehovah may keep spreading rapidly and being glorified, just as it is with you [End quotation]
regularly pray for Jehovah to bless the work of the Governing Body. Set Other Goals

See how the Governing Body is organized to do its work. “What Is the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses?” (Web article)
[Click for article]|[Coming soon] [Click to close]
Learn how the Governing Body makes sure that we receive trustworthy spiritual food. Producing Accurate Publications (17:18)

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How do the members of the Governing Body feel about the work Jesus has assigned them to do? A Cherished Privilege (7:04)

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How do our meetings and conventions prove that Jehovah is directing the Governing Body? Jehovah Is Teaching His People (9:39)

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