Lesson 09 Draw Close to God Through Prayer

[Image:] A woman praying alone.
Do you ever feel that you need guidance in life? Do you have important questions that you want answered? Do you need comfort or reassurance? Would you like to feel closer to Jehovah? Prayer can help you fill all of those needs. But what is the right way to pray? Does God listen to all prayers? What can you do to make sure that he will hear your prayers? Let us see.
1. To whom should we pray, and what can we pray about?
Jesus taught that we should pray only to our heavenly Father. Jesus himself prayed to Jehovah. He said: “You must pray, then, this way: ‘Our Father in the heavens . . .’” (Matthew 6:9)
[Quotation] Matthew 6:9: “You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. [End Quotation]
When we pray to Jehovah, we strengthen our friendship with him. We can pray about practically any matter. Of course, for God to answer our prayers, they must be in harmony with his will. “No matter what we ask according to [God’s] will, he hears us.” (1 John 5:14)
[Quotation] 1 John 5:14: And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that no matter what we ask according to his will, he hears us. [End Quotation]
Jesus gave examples of appropriate things to pray for. (Read Matthew 6:9 through 13.) In addition to praying about our personal concerns, we must not forget to thank God for what he has done for us and ask him to help others.
[Read scripture] Matthew 6:9 through 13: “You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth. Give us today our bread for this day; and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the wicked one.’ [End of Read scripture]
2. How should we pray?
The Bible encourages us to “pour out [our] hearts before [God].” (Psalm 62:8)
[Quotation] Psalms 62:8: Trust in him at all times, O people. Pour out your hearts before him. God is a refuge for us. [End Quotation]
So our prayers should be sincere and heartfelt. We can pray aloud or silently and in any respectful body position. We can pray at any time and in any location.
3. How does God answer our prayers?
He does so in a variety of ways. Jehovah has provided his Word, the Bible, where we often find answers to our questions. Reading God’s Word can “[make] the inexperienced one wise.” (Psalms 19:7)
[Quotation] Psalms 19:7: The law of Jehovah is perfect, restoring strength. The reminder of Jehovah is trustworthy, making the inexperienced one wise. [End Quotation]
(read James 1:5) He can give us peace of mind when we face challenges. And he can move his worshippers to help us when we really need it.
[Read scripture] James 1:5: So if any one of you is lacking in wisdom, let him keep asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching, and it will be given him. [End of Read scripture]

Dig Deeper
Examine how you can offer heartfelt prayers that are pleasing to God, and find out how prayer can benefit you.
4. God has requirements for prayer
What factors determine if our prayers are acceptable to God or not? Play the video Does God Listen to All Prayers? Excerpt (2:42).

[Click for Transcript]|[Transcript: Does God Listen to All Prayers?
[Does God Listen to All Prayers? Joining hands a family prays at their table]
Presenter: “The Bible describes God as the “Hearer of prayer.”
[Psalm 65:2. A tram pulls to a stop]
He can even hear your silent prayers. How is that possible?
[Riding the tram a woman bows her head]
The Hearer of prayer is also the Creator of all life. He understands how the human mind works. He designed it. So, he can read the thoughts of your mind and hear your silent prayers.
[Glowing neurones fire in her brain. Standing, the woman puts her leather backpack over her shoulder]
Jehovah God is interested in you
[Three young men at a lunch table, one prays]
no matter where you live.
[A man in a poncho prays]
Whatever language you speak, he understands it.
[In an office a woman looks out the window thoughtfully]
But does he accept and listen to all prayers?
[In a back room of a grocery store an older man sits at a desk, he looks over his shoulder at a young man at a cash register]
Imagine a manager who sees an employee stealing.
[The young man slips money into his apron]
The manager confronts him, but the employee first lies about his stealing and then tries to justify his actions. Although the manager hears the employee’s lies and excuses, he refuses to accept them.
[The manager fires him]
Similarly, God does not accept all prayers. For example, what if a person’s prayer is selfish?
[A man finishes praying them pulls the arm of a slot machine]
What if a man mistreats his wife at home, and the next day he asks for God’s blessings?
[A wife cries on the floor. 1 Peter 3:7]
What if soldiers pray to God for help to destroy their enemy, while the opposing army prays for the same thing?
[Isaiah 1:15]
Will God accept such prayers? Clearly, God is not pleased with prayers that conflict with his moral principles.
[A girl with cancer prays]
On the other hand, God eagerly accepts your prayers, even if you have done bad things, if you sincerely want to draw close to him and seek his wisdom and forgiveness.
[A man in prison prays. Alone a woman cries beside her wedding photo]
Being heard by God is indeed possible for those who strive to please him.”
[The woman from the tram studies the Bible]
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Jehovah wants us to pray to him. Read Psalm 65:2, and then discuss the questions that follow:
[Read scripture] Psalm 65:2: O Hearer of prayer, to you people of all sorts will come. [End of Read scripture]
Do you think the “Hearer of prayer” wants you to pray to him? Why, or why not?
We must try to live according to God’s standards if we want him to hear our prayers. Read Micah 3:4 and 1 Peter 3:12, and then discuss the question that follows:
[Read scripture] Micah 3:4: At that time they will call to Jehovah for help, But he will not answer them. He will hide his face from them at that time, Because of their wicked deeds. [End of Read scripture]
[Read scripture] 1 Peter 3:12: For the eyes of Jehovah are on the righteous, and his ears listen to their supplication, but the face of Jehovah is against those doing bad things.” [End of Read scripture]
How can we make sure that Jehovah will listen to our prayers?

[Image:] Two armies facing each other on opposite sides of a battlefield. Each army kneels before its own clergyman as he blesses the soldiers. Caption: During a war, both sides may pray for victory. Is it reasonable to expect God to answer these prayers?
5. Our prayers should come from the heart
Some people have been taught to repeat certain prayers word for word. But is that how God wants us to pray to him? Read Matthew 6:7, and then discuss the question that follows:
[Read scripture] Matthew 6:7: When praying, do not say the same things over and over again as the people of the nations do, for they imagine they will get a hearing for their use of many words. [End of Read scripture]
How can you avoid saying “the same things over and over again” in your prayers?
Each day, you might think of one specific blessing in your life and then thank Jehovah for that blessing. Do this every day for a week, and you will have prayed about seven different topics without repeating yourself.

[Image:] A boy speaking to his parents. Caption: A good father wants his child to speak to him from the heart. Likewise, Jehovah wants us to pray to him from our heart
6. Prayer is a gift from God
How can prayer give us strength, both in good times and in bad? Play the video Prayer Helps Us to Cope (1:32).
[Disclaimer: The following video is created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, the audio description has been added independently to assist those who are blind or have low vision]

[Click for Transcript]|[Prayer helps Us to Cope]
[Matteo Dalla-Longa. France]
Matteo: I’ve been suffering from a very rare type of cancer since I was eight years old. I have a tumour growing along my spine next to my heart. It causes heart problems and very violent back pains.
[X-ray of his chest]
[Text: Natacha Dalla-Longa. France]
[His mother Natacha]
Natasha: I begged Jehovah not to fall apart. I was going to break down,
and before I had even finished my prayer, I felt a veil of peace and serenity envelope me. Jehovah was holding my hand, and I could almost hear him saying, ‘I’m with you.’
[She cradles young Matteo]
Experiencing such extreme trials allowed me really to taste Jehovah’s undeserved kindness, and that’s wonderful.
Matteo: There are a lot of things I’d like to do, but I am unable to because of my sickness.
[Sitting in the blue chairs he watches young men play soccer]
I’ve had many feelings since my childhood: frustration, anger, even denial.
[At home]
But Jehovah really helped me accept my situation.
[His mum gives him packs of pills. At a Kingdom Hall]
My parents always taught me to cherish my relationship with Jehovah.
[He conducts the meeting for field service]
Today, I just need to know that Jehovah loves me.
[He looks up at the night sky]
When I don’t feel well, I pray to him very intensely for very precise things. Each time, he answers my prayer.
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2019 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania) [Click to close]
The Bible promises that prayer can help us to find real peace of mind. Read Philippians 4:6 and 7, and then discuss the questions that follow:
[Read scripture] Philippians 4:6 and 7: Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. [End of Read scripture]
Although prayer does not always make our problems go away, how does it help?
What are some things you would like to pray about?
[Box] Did You Know?
The word “amen” means “so be it” or “surely.” Since Bible times, “amen” has been said at the end of prayers.
[Quotation] 1 Chronicles 16:36: May Jehovah, the God of Israel, be praised Throughout all eternity.’” And all the people said, “Amen!” and they praised Jehovah. [End Quotation] [End of box]
7. Make time for prayer
Sometimes we may get so busy that we forget to pray. How important to Jesus was prayer? Read Matthew 14:23 and Mark 1:35, and then discuss the questions that follow:
[Read scripture] Matthew 14:23: After sending the crowds away, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone. [End of Read scripture]
[Read scripture] Mark 1:35: Early in the morning, while it was still dark, he got up and went outside and left for an isolated place, and there he began praying. [End of Read scripture]
What did Jesus do to make time for prayer?
When could you find time to pray?

[Image:] Collage: A woman prays throughout the day. 1. In the morning. 2. With her children. 3. At work. 4. Before a meal.
Some People Say: “Prayer is just a mental crutch.” What would you say? [End of box]
Sincere prayers draw us closer to God, give us peace of mind, and give us the strength we need to please Jehovah.
To whom should we pray?
How should we pray?
What are some benefits of prayer?
Pray about something of concern to you, something that you can thank Jehovah for, and something to benefit another person. Set Other Goals

Find the answers to commonly asked questions about prayer. “Seven Things You Need to Know About Prayer” (The Watchtower, October 1, 2010)
[Click for article]|[Coming soon] [Click to close]

Learn about important reasons to pray and how to improve the quality of your prayers. “Why Should I Pray?” (Web article)
[Click for article]|[Coming soon] [Click to close]

Consider what the Bible teaches about whom we should pray to. “Should I Pray to Saints?” (Web article)
[Click for article]|[Coming soon] [Click to close]
In this music video, note whether it matters where or when we pray. Pray Anytime (1:22)

[Click for Transcript]|[Pray Anytime
[Lesson 3. Pray Anytime. 1 Thessalonians 5:17]
[Sophia prays throughout the day]
Anytime, anywhere, I can pray,
[After stretching in bed]
And Jehovah will hear what I say.
[At breakfast with her family]
When each morning I wake,
I remember to take
Just a moment
to thank him for this day.
[At the bus stop]
For the wonders I find on the way,
In my mind, in my heart, I can pray.
[After seeing a butterfly]
Even when there’s a crowd
And I can’t pray out loud,
Still Jehovah
will hear me anyway.
[Between classmates at lunch]
Anytime, anywhere, I can pray,
[Sitting alone on the bus]
And Jehovah will hear what I say.
[At home with the ‘teacher’ book]
In the night, he will hear.
When I call, he is near.
Anytime, anywhere,
I can pray.
[At bedtime in her pyjamas she kneels]
[Logo inside a White box. Black capital letters JW.ORG. Copyright 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania] [Click to close]