How to get the most out of this Bible course
First consider this overview, and then play the video Welcome to Your Bible Study (2:45).

[Click for transcript]|[Transcript: Welcome to Your Bible Study.]
[Two women sit in front of a window with tropical plants outside. One hands a book to the other]
Presenter: Welcome to your Bible study!
[It's the Enjoy Life Forever Book in Spanish]
Millions around the world enjoy this interactive Bible course, and we hope you will too.
[In his home, a blonde man sits facing a man wearing a tie]
What will you learn?
[They watch a video on a tablet]
How to have a happy family life,
[Smiling, the blonde man gently nods at the laughing couple in the video]
how to cope with anxiety,
[Sitting on the porch of a blue house, two couples hold Enjoy Life Forever Books]
how to draw closer to God,
[The Lesson 'Who is God?' in Belize Kriol. In a home two women sit on cross legged on a straw mat]
and why you can hope for a better future.
[One in a blue sari looks at a lesson in Hindi]
What can you expect during a study session?
[Back to the Spanish speaking women]
Your teacher may begin the study with a brief prayer.
[They bow their heads]
Next, you will discuss the first page of the lesson,
[Info graphic of a lesson]
read a paragraph, and then discuss the question for that paragraph before reading the next.
[Highlighted paragraphs and questions]
Most paragraphs have key Bible verses highlighted.
[Highlighted verses]
Your teacher will also read and discuss with you other verses, especially those marked “Read.” Next, read and discuss the section “Dig Deeper.”
[Pop out of the section]
By reading scriptures, discussing questions, and watching videos that are available to you, you will learn more about how the topic of the lesson can help you personally.
[The Spanish speaking student smiles]
Finally, after reviewing the lesson, your teacher may say a prayer to end the study session.
[The two women close their books and bows their heads]
How often do you need to have a study session?
[Back to the porch]
And how long should each session last?
[The husband smiles at his wife]
This is flexible.
[The woman in the sari warmly smiles]
But to maximize the benefits of this course, we recommend covering at least one lesson per week.
[The wife of the blonde man returns home. The man in the tie waves]
The Bible is the world’s best guide to a happy life.
[They all exchange smiles]
Discover how it can help you in this interactive Bible course.
[On the table rests two open Bibles]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2021 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania) [Click to close]
First Part: To prepare for each lesson, read the first part. Bold questions and scriptures emphasize the main points. Note that some scriptures are marked to “read.”
Middle Part: The initial statement under Dig Deeper explains what follows. Subheadings outline the discussion. With a teacher, read the scriptures, answer the questions, and watch the videos.
Video boxes direct you to multimedia that supplement the text. Some videos present real accounts. Others are dramatizations that do not portray real events or people but depict realistic situations.
Consider the artwork and captions, and think of how to answer what Some People Say.
Last Part: Summary and Review wrap up the lesson. Enter the date when the lesson is completed. Goal gives you something to work on. Explore contains optional information for you to read or watch.

How to find Bible verses
The Bible is a collection of 66 smaller books. It is divided into two sections: the Hebrew-Aramaic Scriptures (“Old Testament”) and the Christian Greek Scriptures (“New Testament”).
When a scripture is cited in this course, it is indicated by the name of the Bible book, followed by the chapter, and the verse or verses.
For example, John 17:3 refers to the book of John, chapter 17, verse 3.