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Is It Possible to Enjoy Life Forever?

[Image:] Collage: People enjoying everlasting life on a paradise earth. 1. A couple hike near a waterfall. 2. A couple examine blueprints for their house. 3. A woman carries a box of fresh vegetables. 4. A mother and daughter pet a fawn. A father and son talk.

Is It Possible to Enjoy Life Forever?

Would you say . . .



What the Bible Says
“The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it.” Psalm 37:29.

What That Can Mean for You

A happy, peaceful future with family and friends.

[Quotation] Jeremiah 29:11: “‘For I well know the thoughts that I am thinking toward you,’ declares Jehovah, ‘thoughts of peace, and not of calamity, to give you a future and a hope. [End Quotation]

Enjoying life, not just for a short time, but forever.

[Quotation] Psalms 22:26: The meek will eat and be satisfied; Those seeking Jehovah will praise him. May you enjoy life forever. [End Quotation]

Can We Really Believe What the Bible Promises?

Yes! To see why, please consider the evidence presented in the three lessons in this brochure. They are entitled:

How Can the Bible Help You?

The Bible Gives Hope

Can You Trust the Bible?

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