Help Page: Bible Library Thumb Drive (BLTD) (15:52)
Bible Library Thumb Drive (BLTD). This 15 minute video shows the contents on the BLTD Cartridge and USB Thumb Drive.

Transcript: Introduction to the Bible Library Thumb Drive
Presenter: Dear Reader,
On this eight Gig, Bible Library Thumb Drive (BLTD) there are over 225 hours of audio content, including the entire Bible, other publications, music, and Bible dramas. After the table of content there are instructions on how to navigate through the Bible library thumb drive. Publications have been downloaded for your convivence and listening pleasure from JW.org.
Table of Contents:
Reading times may be approximate and are followed by the library Annotation of each book, brochure and drama.
In folder 1 there are two additional files. First, instructions to navigate through the Bible library thumb drive, then, before the Bible begins in Genesis, there is a five-minute video introduction outline of the entire Bible.
FOLDERS 1 through Folder 66. The entire Holy Bible. Following each Bible book is a short audio file with an introduction summarizing that Bible book. In a few minutes, this commentary relates a brief overview of the chapters within that book, recounts pertinent facts about its writer, where and when it was written, the time period covered, little known facts about the book, and what can be learned from reading that specific Bible book.
FOLDERS 1 through 39: Hebrew Scriptures or the Old Testament. 74 hours. Genesis to Malachi, 39 books, including each audio file of the Bible book introduction video.
FOLDER 40 through 66: The Greek Scriptures or the New Testament. 24 hours. Matthew through Revelation, 27 books, including each audio file of the Bible book introduction video.
FOLDER 67: Enjoy Life Forever: 12 hours. Library annotation:
This textbook is designed to be used during a personal Bible study as part of our free Bible study program. Nearly all of us have questions about life, suffering, death, and the future. We are also concerned about day-to-day matters, such as making a living or having a happy family. Many people find that the Bible not only helps them answer life’s big questions but also gives them practical advice for daily living. This interactive book has Audio Described videos and links to reference material.
FOLDER 68: 2 Minutes Topics
Can the Dead Really Live Again? 2 Minutes
How Do You View the Bible? 2 Minutes
How Do You View the Future? 2 Minutes
What is the Key to Happy Family Life? 2 Minutes
What is the Kingdom of God? 2 Minutes
Where Can We Find Answers to Life’s Big Questions. 2 Minutes
Who Really Controls the World? 2 Minutes
Will Suffering Ever End? 2 Minutes
FOLDER 69: Good News from God. 2 Hours. Library annotation:
What is the good news from God? Why can we believe it? This brochure answers 15 common Bible questions.
FOLDER 70: Jesus, The Way, The Truth, The Life: 7 Hours. Library annotation:
In this book, read about every event in the life of Jesus recorded in the Bible. A chronological account of the life and ministry of Jesus that reveals what he was like, what he taught and did, and how you can benefit.
FOLDER 71: Bearing Thorough Witness of God’s Kingdom. 9 hours. Library annotation:
This publication examines the establishment of the first-century Christian congregation and how it relates to us today. A chronological history of the birth of Christianity from Jesus resurrection down to the most distant parts of the earth.
FOLDER 72: Imitate Their Faith. 10 Hours. Library annotation:
How can we benefit now from learning about the Bible’s men and women of faith? This book is designed to strengthen the faith of readers with inspiring examples of Bible characters. These written narratives were included in the Bible to teach valuable lessons of hope, comfort, and to build strong faith.
FOLDER 73: When Someone You Love Dies: 2 Hours. Library annotation:
Has someone you loved fallen asleep in death? Are you still grieving? Do you need help in dealing with your grief? Is there hope for the dead? If so, what is it? How can we be sure? In this brochure, such questions will receive comforting answers from the Bible.
FOLDER 74: Was Life Created? 1 Hour. Library annotation:
Was life created, or are you purely the product of random, undirected events? Few questions create more controversy. Yet, the answer is vitally important. This brochure considers such questions as these: Was our planet designed for life? What can we learn from the designs evident in nature? Is the teaching of evolution based solidly on fact? Has science disproved the Bible’s account of creation? Why does it matter what you believe?
Folder 75 begins the family part of the library.
FOLDER 75: Answers to 10 Questions Young People Ask. 1 Hour. Library annotation:
Get practical advice and suggestions to help you succeed in life. Ten questions with Bible answers that work, such as, what if I am being bullied at school? How can I resist peer pressure?
FOLDER 76 to 82 have topics for young adults. Within each topic are a number of different subjects, navigated by choosing file jump from the menu bar.
FOLDER 76: Theme: Family - 11 File Topics.
FOLDER 77: Theme: Friends - 10 File Topics.
FOLDER 78: Theme: Health - 20 File Topics.
FOLDER 79: Theme: Recreation - 5 File Topics.
FOLDER 80: Theme: Individuality - 25 File Topics.
FOLDER 81: Theme: School - 11 File Topics.
FOLDER 82: Theme: Spirituality - 6 File Topics.
FOLDER 83: Lessons You Can Learn from The Bible: 6 Hours. Library annotation:
This publication will take you on a journey through time, from the Bible account of creation to the birth and ministry of Jesus, and on to the Kingdom to come. Designed for all ages, this book teaches precious truths from God’s Word. Divided in 14 sections beginning with creation, these Bible lessons highlight accurate Bible history and reliable guidance for living.
FOLDER 84: Learn from The Great Teacher. 7 Hours. Library annotation:
The best principles that can be found anywhere are those in the Bible. Children can learn, not what some human says, but what their heavenly Father says. This interactive book is designed to be used by parents with their children, who need help to develop mentally, emotionally, morally, and spiritually. This directs children to the source of all wisdom taught by Jesus Christ.
FOLDER 85: My Book of Bible Stories: 5 hours. Library annotation:
Enjoy 116 stories from the Bible. This chronological synopsis of the Bible is for all ages and presents a historical overview beginning with the account in Genesis chapter 1, through the time of the Judges, Kings, and prophets of Israel, which lead to Jesus’ birth. Matthew continues with the four Gospels and the birth of Christianity. From the first Bible book of Genesis to the last Bible book of Revelation, this book is an easy read to help all ages understand the entire theme of the Bible, God’s Kingdom.
FOLDER 86: Teach Your Children. 1 hour. Library annotation:
Parents can use these stories to teach children valuable Bible lessons. Help young ones learn to love God with their whole heart, soul, mind and strength.
FOLDER 87: My Bible Lessons: 10 minutes. Library annotation:
Teach children using these Bible lessons designed for children ages 3 and under. The Bible is taught with children’s rhymes and fun educational Bible projects.
FOLDER 88: Original, motivating Christian Songs. 2 Hours.
FOLDER 89: Sing Out Joyfully to Jehovah. Christian Songs. 10 Hours Library annotation:
Prior to each line being played with an orchestra, an audio reading of each lyric is heard aloud. (This is a magnificent way to sing or memorize faith strengthening songs of worship.)
(Folders 90 through 93 are four Bible Dramas highlighting God’s protective power and ability to save obedient mankind. Using character voices, sound effects and music, these dramas make the Bible come to life). They are followed by two exciting Audio Described feature films also set in Bible times.
FOLDER 90: Jehovah’s Judgement on a Law Defying People. 48 minutes. Library annotation:
God saves Noah’s family (Based on Genesis chapters 6 and 7, then in Genesis chapter 19, God also saves Lot and his two daughters. Learn how today, following specific direction from God’s WORD, in the near future can save our own life.)
FOLDER 91: Preserving Life in Time of Famine. 57 minutes. Library annotation:
God protects Joseph, Jacob’s son, then saves Joseph and his family. Learn how in the future, God will also save those loyal to him. (Based on Genesis chapters 37 through 47).
FOLDER 92: Jehovah’s Name to be declared in all the earth. 1 hour 13 Minutes. Library annotation:
God Saves his people using his servant Moses and the ten Plagues upon Egypt. Learn how obedience to God saved the lives of those who listened to him. Then, how once again, listening to God can save obedient mankind. (Based on Exodus chapters 5 through 15).
FOLDER 93: Jehovah delivers those calling upon his name. 1 Hour 16 Minutes. Library annotation:
God saved Rahab and her family. Learn how her strong faith in God saved their lives and how faith today can do the same for obedient mankind. (Based on Joshua chapters 2 through 6.)
FOLDER 94: Daniel: A Lifetime of Faith. 2 hours. Library annotation:
Far from home, Daniel’s faith and loyalty are tested as he strives to hope in Jehovah. Away from his family and while his city sits in ruins, will Daniel stay close to his God, Jehovah? A powerful empire rises. Daniel must face new enemies. His faith is tested as never before.
With an exciting audio description, with additional narration that describes what is happening on-screen. This is to benefit persons who are blind or low vision, as well as those who are only listening to the video.
This thrilling movie makes the prophetic book of Daniel come alive and shows what can be learned from Daniel’s faithful life. It also teaches honest-hearted ones how to meet tests with unwavering faith. (Based on Daniel chapters 1 through 6.)
FOLDER 95: Nehemiah: The Joy of Jehovah is your Stronghold. 1 hour and 20 minutes. Library annotation:
Nehemiah takes the lead in rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls and restoring pure worship to Jehovah. Nehemiah tries to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls despite all manner of opposition. The walls are complete, but can Nehemiah rebuild the nation’s spirituality?
This audio described movie picks up from the time Daniel remained in Babylon while others rejoiced as they returned to rebuild Jerusalem. It highlights how prayer has a role in courage and what can be our main source of joy. (Based on Nehemiah chapters 1 through 13.)
FOLDER 96: The Good News According to Jesus.
Episode 1 - The True Light of the World. 1 Hour 11 minutes. Library annotation:
Jehovah reveals how he will save mankind. Elderly Zechariah and Elizabeth are told they will become parents to a prophet. Joseph and Mary will raise the Messiah and must protect the infant Jesus from attack.
FOLDER 97: Videos with Audio Description. 50 Minutes.
Videos in this category include additional narration that describes what is happening on-screen. This is to benefit persons who are blind or low vision, as well as those who are only listening to the video.
FOLDER 98: Enjoy Life Forever! 1 hour. Library annotation:
This brochure can serve as an introduction to your personal Bible study as part of our free Bible study program. A three Lesson Brochure for all mankind. The three lessons answer, how the Bible can help people? What hope does it bring? and why can you trust the Bible’s promise of Good News?
More audio publications can be found on JW Library, by going to the Apple or Play store and downloading the free JW library app onto any smart tablet or phone. This free accessible app does not require any log-in, passwords or personal information.