Help Page: A Knowledge of the Blind Culture, Language and Life!
To watch an entire 49 minute video regarding the knowledge of the blind culture click play below or to watch by a specific subject in sequential order of this video click on the name of the topic below.

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1. Common Misconceptions and Mannerisms
2. Dos and Don'ts When Interacting Within the Blind Community.
3. What is Audio Description (AD)?
8. NLS Digital Talking Book Player Introduction
9. How-to use the JW.org Skill for Amazon Alexa
10. How to Memorize Bible Books
1. Common Misconceptions and Mannerisms
This video below describes some traits and common misconceptions about blindness. (4 Minutes)

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2. Dos and Don'ts When Interacting Within the Blind Community.
This video below highlights essential dos and don’ts while interacting with members of the blind community. Discover practical tips for respectful and effective communication, including how to appropriately offer assistance, the importance of clear verbal descriptions, and the significance of treating blind individuals with dignity and respect. Learn simple yet impactful ways to create inclusive and meaningful interactions. (3 minutes)

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3. What is Audio Description (AD)?
Playing the same 2 minute video in three different ways helps you experience the power of audio description. (7 minutes)

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4. What is Braille?
Get a quick overview of what braille is. (3 minutes)

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5. Assistive Technology
Using screen readers, blind people can read and write with technology and perform everyday tasks without assistance. Screen readers such as JAWS, NVDA, ZoomText, VoiceOver, and TalkBack. Discover how two free Apps 'Seeing AI' and 'Be my eyes' help blind people interact with the world more independently. (6 minutes)

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6. File Formats
Accessible file formats such as RTF, BRL, DAISY, MP3 and how to download them. (6 minutes)

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7. DAISY Format Explained
An introduction to DAISY files, how to download and use them. (3 minutes)

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8. NLS Digital Talking Book Player Introduction
Introduction to the NLS Digital Talking Book Player (3 minutes)

[Click for Transcript]|[NLS Digital Talking Book Player Introduction]
Presenter: The most important feature for someone using the NLS digital talking book player is that it does not need the internet. A blind person can use it anywhere, any time, and any place without an internet connection or knowledge of technology. With this player, people in nursing facilities or young children can easily use it alone. And those who cannot afford the internet can have hours of spiritual content.
This is the National Library Service digital talking book player. And everyone gets this player free if they're visually impaired or physically handicapped. It has a button, that's a red recessed button to turn it off and on. And a green square play button in the front by the handle. So, for those of you who are visually impaired, it's made so you can actually feel the buttons with arrows that are pointing each way left and right. Next and previous.
If you have a student that has a player, they want the advanced player, the model DA1. The way you can find out the difference is when the handle is pulled out in the front, there's a round speaker toward the back. You tell them to slide their fingers down the speaker toward the green square play button. And what buttons do they feel? They will probably feel the half-moon sleep button. And if there's no buttons between the half-moon and the speaker, they have the DS1, the standard player without the navigation keys that are below the speaker. The most important keys are these menu keys, the navigation keys.
When you turn the player on, it starts saying file jump. Then it goes folder jump, phrase jump, bookmark jump in a rotation. File jump means it jumps chapter to chapter. When you put the thumb drive, that's the Bible library thumb drive, the menu navigation prompts, are file jump, folder jump, phrase jump, bookmark jump. Standard players are chapters or sections, but this thumb drive changes the normal prompts to different prompts. That's why it's important you know that, and if they're looking for chapter, you can help them to look for file.
When they get the thumb drive, we have a lanyard on it because many blind ones lose the thumb drive. So, you want to tell them to throw the lanyard behind the handle, put it through the loop and slide it to the right and it will be able to fit in the USB port which is located on the side of the player just above the headphone jack. It slides into that port, and you want to have it in the port before you turn the player on. When you turn the player on, there'll be a series of six beeps.
If you used a larger thumb drive, it takes 26 long beeps to load everything. You really don't want to use a thumb drive larger than 8 gigs. Player on. Audio files, current position, folder, one, file, one, time elapsed in file, zero, minute. Introduction to the Bible Library thumb drive. As soon as it starts, it begins playing.
To learn how to Bookmark, find the model number and navigate the Bible with the NLS player, please see the Help with How-to Videos Section on JW Blind Helper. [Click to close]
9. How-to use the JW.org Skill for Amazon Alexa
This 5 minute video below shows How to enable and use the JW.org Skill for Amazon Alexa.

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10. How to Memorize Bible Books
This 3 minute video below demonstrates a technique to help memorize Bible Books

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11. How to Stay Awake Through Meetings
This 4 minute video below shows two effective techniques to stay awake through conventions and meetings and how Non-24 affects some blind individuals.

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12. How to Sing with Audio Description
This 6 minute video below shows how to sing with Audio Description at conventions and meetings.

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14. Watchtower on British Wireless for The Blind Fund (BWBF)

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15. JW Exhibition Stand

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16. Color Matters

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