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Song 106 Cultivating the Quality of Love. Based on 1 Corinthians 13:1 through 8
1. We humbly bow to our God in prayer,
That all his qualities we may share.
But most important of all those things
Is love, which having his spirit brings.
We may be talented, wise, or bold,
But we are nothing if love grows cold.
We pray for love that is warm and true,
Revealed in all that we say and do.
2. Love looks for ways to give graciously
And thinks of others unselfishly.
Love never harbors a hateful thought,
Forgives our brothers, as Jesus taught.
Love helps us patiently suffer wrong,
Bears heavy loads when it’s really strong.
Through ev’ry trial let love prevail;
It bears all things; it will never fail.
[End of Song. Press Play below to play this song with Audio Description]

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