Song 11 Creation Praises God. Based on Psalm 19
1. Your glory, God, your mighty works abound,
In skies above, their praise for you resounds.
Creation speaks without a voice or word;
In all the earth, its message can be heard.
Creation speaks without a voice or word;
In all the earth, its message can be heard.
2. True wisdom starts with wholesome fear of you
And guards our way in all we say and do.
Your wise commands enlighten young and old
A treasure far exceeding finest gold.
Your wise commands enlighten young and old
A treasure far exceeding finest gold.
3. By knowing you, our life is not in vain,
And by your word, our life will be sustained.
The greatest honor anyone can gain
Will come to all who
sanctify your name.
The greatest honor anyone can gain
Will come to all who sanctify your name.
[End of Song. Press Play below to play this song with Audio Description]