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Song 115 Gratitude for Divine Patience. Based on 2 Peter 3:15
1. Great God, Jehovah, boundless in might,
You have made known your love of right.
Badness prevails on earth below,
Causing us pain, as you well know.
You are not slow, as men may contend;
Your time is near for patience to end.
We look ahead with hope renewed,
Praising your name in deep gratitude.
2. One thousand years, from your point of view,
Are like a day when they are through.
Time now proceeds to your great day;
It will arrive without delay.
Though all transgression you do resent,
Your heart is glad when sinners repent.
We look ahead with hope renewed,
Praising your name in deep gratitude.
[End of Song. Press Play below to play this song with Audio Description]

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