Song 129 We Will Keep Enduring. Based on Matthew 24:13
1. How can we endure
When trials come, as Jesus said?
Through his pain he saw
The joy of better things ahead.
God’s promise, God’s justice,
Were thoughts on which he fed.
We need to have endurance.
Our faith we must defend.
His love is our assurance.
So we will keep enduring to the end.
2. Though the passing years
May bring us sorrow, bring us pain;
There beyond the tears,
We see the life that we can gain.
To be there, feel free there,
Determined we remain.
We need to have endurance.
Our faith we must defend.
His love is our assurance.
So we will keep enduring to the end.
3. We will not give up
Nor see the need for doubt or fear.
Faithfully we’ll serve
Until Jehovah’s day is here.
Let’s keep on enduring.
That time is very near.
We need to have endurance.
Our faith we must defend.
His love is our assurance.
So we will keep enduring to the end.
[End of Song. Press Play below to play this song with Audio Description]