Song 137 Faithful Women, Christian Sisters. Based on Romans 16:2
1. Sarah and Esther, Mary, Ruth, and others
All these were capable women, loyal wives.
Godly devotion was foremost in their lives.
They were faithful women, ones we know by name.
There were others favored by Jehovah;
Nameless in the record, their faith was just the same.
2. Goodness and courage, loyal love and kindness
Lovable qualities in all humankind,
Virtues these excellent women bring to mind.
They were fine examples we appreciate.
In the same way now our Christian sisters
Show a faithful spirit we all can imitate.
3. Mothers and daughters, sisters, wives, and widows,
Willingly laboring, glad to do your part.
Modest your bearing, submissive is your heart,
Having God’s approval, may you never fear.
Christian sisters, may Jehovah keep you
Firm in your conviction, your prize is drawing near.
[End of Song. Press Play below to play this song with Audio Description]