Song 14 Praising Earth’s New King. Based on Psalm 2:12
1. A multitude is gathering
from ev’ry tribe and nation,
Collected by the Christ and his
anointed congregation.
God’s Kingdom has been brought to birth;
We pray his will be done on earth.
This hope is a gift of priceless worth,
Giving joy and consolation.
Praise our God, Jehovah;
Praise his Son forever
King of all kings and the Lord of lords.
Now unitedly we bow to his rule
And praise him with one accord.
2. We praise the Christ, our reigning King,
with sounds of jubilation.
This Prince of Peace will be our Judge
and bring about salvation.
We see the joys that lie ahead:
An earth released from fear and dread;
The time for our Lord to raise the dead.
What a time for exultation!
Praise our God, Jehovah;
Praise his Son forever—
King of all kings and the Lord of lords.
Now unitedly we bow to his rule
And praise him with one accord.
[End of Song. Press Play below to play this song with Audio Description]