Song 150 Seek God for Your Deliverance. Based on Zephaniah 2:3
1. Nations align as one,
Opposing Jehovah’s Son.
Their time of human rulership
By God’s decree now is done.
Rulers have had their day;
God’s Kingdom is here to stay.
Soon Christ will crush earthly enemies.
No more will there be delay.
Seek God for your deliverance,
Yes, look to him with confidence.
Seek his righteousness,
Show your faithfulness,
For his sov’reignty, take your stand.
Then see our God deliver you
By his mighty hand.
2. People on earth now choose,
Responding to this good news.
We offer to all men the choice
To hear or proudly refuse.
Trials, although severe,
Need not fill our hearts with fear.
Jehovah cares for his loyal ones;
Our cries for help he will hear.
Seek God for your deliverance,
Yes, look to him with confidence.
Seek his righteousness,
Show your faithfulness,
For his sov’reignty, take your stand.
Then see our God deliver you
By his mighty hand.
[End of Song. Press Play below to play this song with Audio Description]