Song 19 The Lord’s Evening Meal. Based on Matthew 26:26 through 30
1. Jehovah, our Father in heaven,
Oh, this is a most sacred night!
It was then, long ago, you determined to show
Your love, justice, wisdom, and might.
The Passover lamb gave protection,
And your favored people were freed.
Cent’ries later our Lord his own lifeblood outpoured
To fulfill this divine prophecy.
2. The bread and the wine are reminders,
How great is the price that you paid.
And the good that was done
through the gift of your Son,
In life and in death he obeyed.
We gratefully keep this Memorial;
This night is a time to recall
How the death of your Son
paid the ransom that won
The redemption from death for us all.
3. We’re gathered together before you.
At your invitation we’ve come
To give praise for your love that brought
Christ from above
And honor to you and your Son.
The Lord’s Ev’ning Meal brings you glory
And strengthens our heart and our mind.
So we’ll walk ev’ry day as Christ showed us the way,
And then life everlasting we’ll find.
[End of Song. Press Play below to play this song with Audio Description]