Song 42 The Prayer of God’s Servant. Based on Ephesians 6:18
1. Almighty God, Jehovah, our Father,
May your great name be sanctified and honored.
All that you wish you cause to become.
Great God, in faith we pray for your Kingdom.
May it come when you decree,
And its blessings may we see.
2. Thank you, dear God, for each daily blessing,
Gifts from your hand
good things beyond assessing.
Source of all life, Provider of light,
You give us knowledge, wisdom, and insight.
May we thank you ev’ry day
As we praise your loving way.
3. While in this world, we have tribulation.
We look to you for hope and consolation.
Father, we throw our burden on you.
Give us the will and strength to continue.
Help us, please, to do your will,
And our vows to you fulfill.
[End of Song. Press Play below to play this song with Audio Description]