Song 5 God’s Wondrous Works. Based on Psalm 139
1. O God, you know my rest and waking,
When I lie down and when I rise anew.
You search my thoughts, my inmost inclination,
The words I speak, the ways I walk,
you know them too.
You saw when I was made in secret,
My very bones not hidden from your sight.
You saw my form; its parts were down in writing.
I love the wonder of your ways
and praise your might.
Your knowledge, God, is wondrous, awe-inspiring;
Of this my soul is very well-aware.
If I should fear that darkness might enfold me,
Your spirit, God, would find me, even there.
Where could I hide from you, Jehovah,
Or be concealed, be hidden from your face?
Not in the Grave nor in the highest heaven,
Not in the dark nor in the sea;
there is no place.
[End of Song. Press Play below to play this song with Audio Description]