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Song 6 The Heavens Declare God’s Glory. Based on Psalm 19
1. The heavens tell the glory of Jehovah.
The work of his own hand,
we see in skies above.
And each new day brings to him rightful praise.
The starlit night proclaims his might,
His wisdom, and his love.
2. Jehovah’s law is perfect, life-restoring,
And his reminders guide
the steps of old and young.
His rulings prove to be true, right, and just.
His word is sure, his law so pure,
So sweet upon the tongue.
3. The fear of God is pure and lasts forever.
The worth of his commands
exceeds the finest gold.
His orders lead and preserve all his own.
His honor, fame, and holy name,
We loyally uphold.
[End of Song. Press Play below to play this song with Audio Description]

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