Song 62 The New Song. Based on Psalm 98
1. Sing to God a song, A song of praise that’s bold and new.
Tell of all the great things He’s done and yet will do.
Praise his mighty arm; He is the God of victory.
In the cause of justice,
He judges righteously.
Sing, sing, sing!
The new song, let it ring!
Sing, sing, sing!
Jehovah is our King.
2. Make a joyful shout, A joyful cry to God, our King!
Laud his name, give honor; A joyful anthem sing.
Join the mighty crowd, And sing aloud before the Lord.
Harp and horn and trumpet
Sound praise in full accord.
Sing, sing, sing!
The new song, let it ring!
Sing, sing, sing!
Jehovah is our King.
3. Let the mighty sea And all that fills it give him praise.
Join with earth’s creation, And joyful voices raise.
Let the land rejoice, And let the rivers clap their hands.
Mountains, hills, and valleys
Sing praise in all the lands.
Sing, sing, sing!
The new song, let it ring!
Sing, sing, sing!
Jehovah is our King.
[End of Song. Press Play below to play this song with Audio Description]