Song 75 “Here I Am! Send Me!” Based on Isaiah 6:8
1. Today men heap reproach and shame
Upon Jehovah’s holy name.
Some show God weak; some paint him cruel.
“There is no God,” so shouts the fool.
Who’ll go Jehovah’s name to clear?
Who’ll sing his praise for all to hear?
‘Lord, here I am! Send me, send me!
I’ll sing your praises faithfully.
No greater honor could there be, Lord.
Here I am! Send me, send me!’
2. Some make the claim that God is slow;
The fear of God they do not know.
Some worship idols made of stone;
Some would put Caesar on God’s throne.
Who’ll tell the wicked what’s in store?
Who’ll warn of God’s great final war?
‘Lord, here I am! Send me, send me!
I’ll sound the warning fearlessly.
No greater honor could there be, Lord.
Here I am! Send me, send me!’
3. Today the meek ones mourn and sigh
Because the evils multiply.
With honest hearts they seek to find
The truth that gives real peace of mind.
Who’ll go with comfort to the meek?
Who’ll help them righteousness to seek?
‘Lord, here I am! Send me, send me!
I’ll teach the meek ones patiently.
No greater honor could there be, Lord.
Here I am! Send me, send me!’
[End of Song. Press Play below to play this song with Audio Description]