Song 78 “Teaching the Word of God” Based on Acts 18:11
1. For those who teach the Word of God,
There is a joyful share.
The benefits that we receive
Are far beyond compare.
We imitate the Son of God
And how he taught with love.
And as we teach, the ones we’re helping
Draw close to God above.
2. As teachers of Jehovah’s Word,
We strive to do what’s right,
So all may see sincerity
As we reflect God’s light.
With diligence we search God’s Word,
For it has news to tell.
So we can share our heart’s good treasure
And teach ourselves as well.
3. Jehovah gives us all we need
To teach his precious Word.
So if we pray to ask for help,
We know that we’ll be heard.
We love what’s in the Word of God;
What’s more, we know it’s true.
And as we love the ones we’re teaching,
They’ll soon be teachers too!
[End of Song. Press Play below to play this song with Audio Description]