Song 84 Reaching Out. Based on Matthew 9:37 and 38
1. Jehovah knows just what we need
To bring us joy and to succeed.
So he provides so many ways
In which to serve and spend our days.
Reaching out, giving all,
for our God above.
And where the need is great, there we’ll be,
reaching out in love.
2. There’s work to do in ev’ry land.
Where there’s a need, we lend a hand.
By reaching out, we show we care.
We want to help and want to share.
Reaching out, giving all,
for our God above.
And where the need is great, there we’ll be,
reaching out in love.
3. And here at home, in towns nearby,
We plan, we build, new skills we try.
We learn to speak a foreign tongue
And bring good news to ev’ryone.
Reaching out, giving all,
for our God above.
And where the need is great, there we’ll be,
reaching out in love.
[End of Song. Press Play below to play this song with Audio Description]