Song 87 Come! Be Refreshed. Based on Hebrews 10:24 and 25
1. We live in a world that is wayward and lost;
The way of our God is not known.
We need sure direction to safeguard our steps;
We cannot succeed on our own.
Our meetings refresh us and brighten our hope;
They help us build faith in our God.
They move us with words that incite to fine deeds,
They give us the strength to go on.
We’ll never forsake what Jehovah commands;
His will is what we want to do.
Our meetings instruct us in ways that are right;
Our love for the truth they renew.
2. Jehovah is keenly aware of our needs;
His counsel by us should be heard.
To buy out the time for occasions to meet
Shows wisdom and trust in his Word.
By wholesome instruction from God-fearing men,
We learn how our faith can be shown.
With loving support from our fam’ly of faith,
We know that we’re never alone.
So as we look forward to much better times,
We’ll meet with the ones whom we love.
And here at these meetings we’ll learn how to live
With wisdom that comes from above.
[End of Song. Press Play below to play this song with Audio Description]