Song 92 Place Bearing Your Name. Based on 1 Chronicles 29:16
1. How great is the honor, Jehovah,
To build you a place for your name!
We offer it now with rejoicing
To add to your glory and fame.
Whatever the things we may give you,
They rightly were yours from the start.
Our labor, our skill, our possessions,
We joyfully give from the heart.
(Chorus) May we present this place to you,
And here may your name be known.
We dedicate this place to you;
Please accept it as your own.
2. And now may we honor you, Father,
By filling this place with your praise.
May glory ascend with the increase
Of those who are learning your ways.
Committing this place to your worship,
We give it our generous care.
And long may it stand as a witness,
Supporting the message we bear.
(Chorus) May we present this place to you,
And here may your name be known.
We dedicate this place to you;
Please accept it as your own.
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