Song 99 Myriads of Brothers. Based on Revelation 7:9 and 10
1. Myriads on myriads of brothers,
Millions for all to see,
Each one a faithful witness,
Firm in integrity.
Myriads we are on myriads,
Growing, a mighty crowd,
From ev’ry nation and tribe and tongue,
We praise our God aloud.
2, Myriads on myriads of brothers,
We preach both far and near
“Good news of something better,”
Which millions long to hear.
And as we keep on preaching,
Though we at times are stressed,
Jesus refreshes the weary souls;
He gives us peace and rest.
3. Myriads on myriads of brothers,
God keeps us in his sight,
Safe in his earthly courtyards,
Serving him day and night.
Myriads we are on myriads,
With Kingdom news we go,
God’s fellow workers we have become,
Serving him here below.
[End of Song. Press Play below to play this song with Audio Description]