Transcripts Convention 2024: Declare the Good News!
2024 Feature Drama Preview: The Good News According to Jesus (1:33)
Many are familiar with the miraculous birth of Jesus. But what events preceded and followed that thrilling event?

Transcript: Feature Drama Preview: The Good News According to Jesus
[An overhead view of a hilly landscape blanketed with dark green trees]
Narrator: Mary set out in those days
Angel Gabriel: Greetings you highly favored one
Narrator: And travelled with haste into the mountainous country
Angel Gabriel: Jehovah is with you
[Gabriel faces her, she turns startled]
Angel Gabriel: Do not be afraid Mary. You will become pregnant
[Mary steps out her front door]
Angel Gabriel: and give birth to a son
[Heavily pregnant. Cradling her belly, she looks at Joseph]
Angel Gabriel: and you are to name him Jesus
Narrator: and she entered the home of Zechariah
[Elizabeth grasps her belly. Elizabeth smooth’s Mary’s hair away from her face. Zechariah puts his hand to his throat. Mary’s eyes plead with Joseph as he stares at her in disbelief, looking down he shakes his head and walks away. Four men riding camels. Joseph sits up breathing heavily. Daytime in Herod’s throne room, he sits on his throne wearing a purple robe and holding upright a long spear]
Presenter: The true light that gives light to every sort of man, was about to come into the world
[She beams as Joseph lays the baby in her arms]
[Text: The Good News According to Jesus. The True Light of the World]
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