Transcripts: Governing Body Updates
2024 Governing Body Update 8 (14:01)
In this update, we will consider how to maintain a balanced view of those who appear in our videos.

Transcript: 2024 Governing Body Update 8
(Text: Kenneth Cook JR. Governing Body)
Kenneth Cook JR: Welcome to our program!
[Kenneth Cook]
To begin, we have a few updates about our brothers and sisters in Eritrea. As you’ll recall, in September 2024, the authorities imprisoned 23 brothers and sisters who were peacefully meeting together. We’re very pleased to inform you that on December 7, 2024, Sister Saron Ghebru, who was eight months pregnant at the time, was released from prison. We rejoice over this positive development. However, her husband, Brother Fitsum Goitom, remains in prison for his faith. Sadly, Eritrean authorities have recently imprisoned five more of our brothers and sisters. On November 1, 2024, national security officials arrested four Witnesses, aged 16 to 18: Brothers Zesani Biniam and Ebenezer Yonas and Sisters Sidon Tekeste and Horeb Tekeste. The young brothers and sisters were interrogated and immediately taken to the Mai Serwa Prison. On November 22, 2024, Sister Almaz Gebrehiwot received a telephone call stating that officials had taken her daughter to the police station. When Sister Almaz went to the station, the officials detained her but released her daughter. As of December 23, 2024, there are now 68 brothers and sisters in Eritrea who are imprisoned for their faith. Please continue to pray for these dear brothers and sisters as well as for all of those who are imprisoned for their faith. As reported on jw.org, on November 6, 2024, the Town of Ramapo Planning Board gave approval for the Ramapo site plan. This means that major construction activities may now begin. We’re grateful to the town board for this approval. But above all, we thank Jehovah! What work has been accomplished on the Ramapo project? And what’s on the horizon? We’re sure you’ll enjoy the following report.
[Aerial view of the Ramapo property, dense trees border the footprint of the construction site]
We are thrilled that final permission for the Ramapo project has been approved by the town planning board. This is what the site looks like now.
[An orange utility vehicle drives on one of several gravel roads cutting through the property. Overhead view of the undeveloped site dotted with heavy construction vehicles and stacks of building materials.]
A tremendous amount of preparation work has already been done, including much of the design work. The site has been cleared, and temporary construction-support facilities have been installed. But with this approval, we can now start the construction work itself.
[Using a crane, volunteers assemble the framework of a large temporary building. They install its waterproof covering. Other volunteers trowel concrete, saw wood and tow a trailer.]
Over the next weeks and months, contractors will begin rock blasting to level the land where the buildings will be. Because of the size of the area that will be developed and the landscape, this activity will take approximately 18 months to complete. As a comparison, the rock blasting on the Warwick project took less than six months. The rock will then be crushed and used to level out other parts of the site and for large retaining walls —all of which will result in cost savings.
[Workers use heavy machinery to crush rocks]
Over the next 12 to 18 months, Watchtower volunteers will start installing the underground utilities, the two entrances to the property will be complete, and the first building foundations will also be laid. This will quickly lead to structures coming out of the ground, such as the parking garage and the residence buildings.
[A rendering of the future media production facility including ten residence buildings. Workers spray fertiliser, set posts for fencing and move shipping containers. A sister directs traffic holding an orange sign. Two excavators transfer soil into a nearby dump truck. Now, a sister drives the dump truck transporting the soil to another part of the site. A bulldozer drives by another excavator operated by a brother in a blue hard hat. Large groups of volunteers wearing high visibility clothing enthusiastically wave.]
We are greatly enjoying Jehovah’s rich blessing on this exciting world headquarters project.
[More volunteers wave while eating a meal in the temporary building.]
We pray for Jehovah’s continued guidance and blessing on the Ramapo project. We’re grateful to all of you dear brothers and sisters who support the Kingdom work worldwide. You show the spirit of those mentioned at Psalm 110:3: “Your people will offer themselves willingly on the day of your military force. In splendid holiness, from the womb of the dawn, you have your company of young men just like dewdrops.”
(Text: Psalms 110:3)
While many assignments are in the background, some assignments are more visible to others —for example, various brothers and sisters who appear in photos in our publications or who are used in our videos. In recent years, our organization has produced hundreds of videos, including full-length dramas. At our conventions this year, no doubt you appreciated viewing the first episode of The Good News According to Jesus. We look forward to all 18 episodes. We deeply appreciate the time and hard work that various brothers and sisters contribute to make these projects come to life. Many from around the world have appeared in our videos. In some cases, a brother or sister has been interviewed or has told an experience from their own life. In other cases, they may have portrayed a Bible character or even a modern-day character. It could be that you know someone in your local area who’s had this privilege. But here’s an important question: How should we view those who appear in our videos? Those who appear in theocratic videos are dedicated, humble servants of Jehovah. They don’t seek fame or glory for themselves. Quite the opposite. They want the glory to go to Jehovah! Thankfully, the majority of our brotherhood maintains this proper perspective. Nevertheless, there’s a caution for us as viewers: We must avoid transferring our admiration for the Biblical characters to the brothers and sisters who portray them on-screen. Instead, we imitate the faith of the men and women recorded in God’s Word. How could it affect a video participant if we gave him undue attention, treating him like a celebrity? He could feel embarrassed or self-conscious. This could happen if we ask these ones if we could take a photo with them. It would be even worse if we posted it on social media, perhaps even adding comments. At Jude 16, the Bible condemns those who were “flattering others for their own benefit.” The footnote on that verse describes this as “admiring personalities.” Some of our video participants have become overwhelmed by the inordinate attention. Some no longer feel comfortable attending large gatherings of Jehovah’s people. It’s vital to have the right perspective of those who appear in our videos. Can you think of a Bible example of someone who was given inappropriate attention as he carried out his assignment? Perhaps you think of Paul and Barnabas. Acts chapter 14 reports that they became the center of attention after Paul cured a man who had been lame from birth. This was a faith-strengthening miracle intended to move people to praise and glorify Jehovah and his Son. But what happened? Onlookers missed the point. They became enthralled with Paul and Barnabas instead. Acts 14:11, 12 says: “When the crowds saw what Paul had done, they cried out in the Lycaonian language: ‘The gods have become like humans and have come down to us!’ And they started calling Barnabas Zeus, but Paul Hermes, since he was taking the lead in speaking.” What was the issue? Instead of appreciating Jehovah’s miracle, they became enamored by the visible participants. Did Paul and Barnabas appreciate the attention? Let’s read verses 14 and 15: “However, when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard of it, they ripped their garments and leaped out into the crowd and cried out: ‘Men, why are you doing these things? ‘We too are humans having the same infirmities as you have. ‘And we are declaring the good news to you, ‘for you to turn from these vain things to the living God, ‘who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all the things in them.’” Paul and Barnabas were quick to set the record straight. They readily admitted they were just humans. They explained that their purpose was to declare the good news about “the living God.” The same was true of Jesus. He wanted people to glorify God. However, on one occasion, the crowd became so impressed by Jesus himself that they failed to grasp the meaning of his teaching. John 6:14, 15 reports: “When the people saw the sign he performed, they began to say: ‘This really is the Prophet who was to come into the world.’ Then Jesus, knowing that they were about to come and seize him to make him king, withdrew again to the mountain all alone.” Jesus did not want the prominence. He literally walked away from them and “withdrew . . . to the mountain all alone.” How do these Bible examples help us to have the right view of those who appear in our videos? The brothers and sisters who appear in our videos are humbly carrying out an assignment from the organization. Like Paul, Barnabas, and Jesus, they want the attention and glory to go to Jehovah. Of course, some brothers and sisters are assigned to portray servants of Jehovah. But others are assigned to portray enemies of Jehovah. Can you imagine how difficult it would be for a faithful brother or sister to portray an enemy of Jehovah? We would not want to make that assignment even more difficult by developing negative feelings toward the individuals who play such roles. Clearly, balance is needed in how we treat those who play roles in our videos. May we continue to preserve the peace and unity of our worldwide brotherhood by giving Jehovah the glory and not the brothers and sisters who appear in our videos. So, what have we discussed in our update? We rejoice that Sister Saron Ghebru was released from prison in Eritrea. But we continue to pray for the over 235 brothers and sisters around the world who are imprisoned for their faith. We’re excited about the recent approval from the Ramapo Town Board, which will allow major construction to begin on the Ramapo project. We also considered the importance of maintaining a balanced view of those who appear in our videos. Please know that we love you all very much. From the World Headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses, this is JW Broadcasting®.
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2024 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)