Transcripts: Apply Bible Principles
Are You Prepared for a Disaster? (With Audio Description) (5:30)

Transcript: Are You Prepared for Disaster?
[As a brother reads his Bible a graphic of the earth appears behind him]
Presenter: Jehovah warned that “in the last days,” there would be “critical times hard to deal with.” There would be “food shortages,” “pestilences,” “earthquakes in one place after another,” and other “fearful sights.”
[Disasters all over the rotating earth]
We also contend with wildfires, volcanic eruptions, destructive storms, and man-made disasters, as well as an increase of lawlessness, civil unrest, and war.
[Protesters, soldiers, and tanks]
No matter where we live, we will likely be affected by some form of disaster, whether natural or man-made.
[A helicopter fly’s by]
How can we be prepared? First, we can prepare spiritually. Isaiah 30:15 says: “Your strength will be in keeping calm and showing trust.” So, we need to build and maintain a close relationship with Jehovah and learn to trust in him now.
[the brother imagines a Tsunami]
We do not expect divine intervention. But when we pray during times of distress, his powerful holy spirit can bring Bible passages back to mind to keep us calm and give us wisdom to make good decisions.
[A peaceful light spread over his family as he prays]
Second, we can prepare physically by maintaining a go bag. Our go bag could include items such as first-aid supplies, bottled water, non-perishable food, a Bible, and other necessary items.
[Cash, Crayons, and a face mask]
If possible, each household should also have a reasonable reserve of basic supplies at home in case it is necessary to shelter in place for an extended period of time.
[Water, food, and other supplies]
Check what government authorities recommend for your community.
[The brother talks with an elder]
Also, we shouldn’t forget to update the elders with our latest contact information.
[He shares his address and phone number]
If we don’t do so, valuable time could be lost in a disaster.
[The elder documents it on a clip board]
Additionally, during family worship, our family could review the types of disasters that could happen. Remember, emergencies like terrorist attacks and unrest can occur anywhere and without warning. So, consider what could be done in each situation, such as where to meet and how to contact the elders.
[Around a table with go bags, the family prepares for disasters]
And third, we can prepare to help others when they’re experiencing a disaster. So, what can we expect if a disaster occurs locally?
[An elder contacts families]
If advance warning of a disaster is given, field service group overseers will make sure that everyone in their group is in a safe location.
[A tornado passes]
Immediately after a disaster occurs, each field service group overseer will contact everyone in his group to learn of their needs.
[He calls an older couple with a broken window]
It could take time to organize relief assistance, especially if supplies are limited. So, it’s vital that each of us takes steps to prepare,
[On a phone]
follows government warnings,
[An emergency alert]
and keeps the elders informed of our circumstances.
[As the brother calls the elder his wife and daughter look on]
Philippians 2:4 states: “Look out . . . for the interests of others.” When we are prepared, more attention can be given to those with the most critical needs and we may be able to help others in our own congregation and nearby, even if we’re affected.
[The family supports the older couple]
For example, in some circumstances, brothers may need a place to stay temporarily.
[Carrying their bags]
Perhaps we could open our home and help them.
[Offering a bedroom]
Or they might need food or basic supplies.
[Providing a meal]
We could share what we have.
[Fixing their damaged home]
In other situations, our brothers may need help cleaning or repairing their home when it’s safe to do so.
[They re-install a curtain rod and give a new plant to the older sister]
But what if a disaster occurs in another area? Should we travel there to help?
[A spinning globe, overlayed with various disasters]
If help is needed, the branch office will assign brothers to coordinate and assist with relief efforts.
[Boxes on a truck. Construction on a roof]
So, the best time to make yourself available is now, before a disaster occurs.
[The parents sit at their laptop]
Ask your local elders for an application. Then when there is a need, the branch office will know you’re willing to assist.
[They fill out their A-2 form]
And do not forget the power of prayer. By offering prayers in their behalf, by volunteering to assist with disaster relief efforts, and by contributing donations to the worldwide work, we can assist our brothers.
[On a webpage, donate.JW.org]
No, we can’t avoid all disasters, whether natural or man-made. But when we follow the direction from Jehovah’s Word and organization, our obedience glorifies Jehovah.
[Graphics appear]
If we prepare spiritually
[An open Bible]
and physically
[Go bag and phone]
and prepare to help others,
[Relief workers]
we can take comfort in knowing that Jehovah will bless our efforts to be prepared for a disaster.
[As the disasters fades away, the family stands smiling in a sunny green meadow, with mountains in the background]
[Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2022 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania]
For the video with Audio Description click the link below: https://www.jw.org/en/library/videos/#en/mediaitems/VODBiblePrinciplesAD/pub-jwb_201707_106_VIDEO