Transcripts: Our Organization
Are You Prepared for Medical Situations? (With Audio Description) (6:02)

Transcript: Are You Prepared for Medical Situations?
[Proverbs 27:11, 12. Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice. The shrewd person sees the danger and conceals himself]
(Text: Marco Pileri. Hospital Liaison Committee. Italy)
Marco: Life is a wonderful gift that Jehovah gives us,
[Brothers from HLC]
and Jehovah wants us to use this gift by cherishing our good health.
[Marco Pileri]
However, we live in critical and difficult times.
(Text: Peter Agboh. Hospital Liaison Committee. United States)
Peter: We are not immune from challenges, medical or otherwise, that everybody in this world faces.
[Peter Agboh]
Marco: Therefore, we need to be prepared for a medical situation. As we make our personal decisions on health-related matters, we must do so well in advance.
Three provisions can help us:
a completed durable power of attorney, DPA, or the Identity Card, medical information documents, and the Hospital Liaison Committee.
(Text: Heading: Are you prepared for medical situations? 1. Durable Power of Attorney, DPA, or Identity Card).
[Are you prepared? Number one. Durable Power of Attorney or Identity Card]
(Lucas Pielken. Germany)
Lucas: Even though I am young and healthy, I know that accidents can happen in my everyday life.
Peter: When we prepare the DPA in advance, we are planning to be successful when we face medical situations.
Lucas: Some time ago I had a bicycle accident, and I broke my collarbone. The HLC confirmed that the hospital I was taken to is cooperative and that my conscience and decisions would be taken into account. That was very helpful and reassuring in that difficult situation.
[Lucas fills out his DPA]
(Text: Heading: Are you prepared for medical situations? 2. Medical Information Documents)
[Number two. Medical Information Documents].
Marco: Medical situations are not always emergencies. Sometimes we have planned procedures or scheduled therapy, like chemotherapy. There are also joyful occasions, like pregnancy and the birth of a baby.
Peter: The S-407 is “Information for Patients Requiring Surgery or Chemotherapy”.
Marco: This document, the S407, allows us to understand which doctors are involved in the therapy for our condition.
(Text: Narendra Somalkar India)
[Narendra Somalkar]
Narendra: Based on the information contained in the S-407, I was able to find out what questions to ask the doctor before surgery. Also, I was able to mentally prepare for the surgery and was assured that my wishes would be honored.
Marco: The Information for Expectant Mothers, the S-401, is a particularly useful document, especially for new mothers who are experiencing this journey for the first time.
Peter: They can go over it, know exactly what they should do with regard to prenatal visits, and then be more confident.
(Text: Matthews and Fridah Banda. Zambia)
[Matthews Banda]
Matthews: Where we live, pregnancy is viewed by people as something that we need to keep to ourselves. Many are scared that something bad may happen to the pregnancy if they tell others.
Marco: A birth is an extraordinarily happy event. It is a blessing from Jehovah, but even in these circumstances, there can be unseen difficulties or complications.
[Fridah Banda]
Fridah: When I found out that I was pregnant, I was anxious and scared because this was my first time being pregnant and I didn’t know what might happen to me or to my child. The S-401 document let me know that I could contact the HLC and reach out to them for help. The HLC brothers helped us find a doctor.
[Matthews and Fridah clap and play with their bouncing baby boy]
(Text: Heading: Are you prepared for medical situations? 3. Hospital Liaison Committee, HLC)
[Number three. Hospital Liaison Committee HLC]
Peter: The publishers should reach out to the HLC even if it seems that it’s not going to be a blood issue because when the HLC is involved then we can help the publishers find competent doctors who will respect their decisions and wishes.
(Text: Francisco Villaverde. Hospital Liaison Committee. Panama)
[Francisico Villaverde]
Francisco: There is no reason to hesitate to reach out. The HLC is very happy to receive calls from brothers who need assistance. We are prepared to help, and Jehovah has trained us to do this job and to do it well.
Peter: As members of the Hospital Liaison Committee, we cannot make decisions for our brothers and sisters. The realm of decision-making for medical care is under the principle at Galatians 6:5, that everyone must ‘carry their own load’.
(Text: Galatians 6:5, For each one will carry his own load)
But Jehovah helps us by providing the HLC as a support so that we can better carry that load.
(Text: Jong Hyun Lee. Korea)
[Jong Hyundai Lee]
Jong Hyun: The Hospital Liaison Committee brothers are truly reliable. These loving brothers do not take our illnesses lightly, and they are always careful to maintain confidentiality regarding the situation we are going through.
[A brother shares a medical document with a physician]
Marco: Some brothers have encountered circumstances that have profoundly affected their lives and that can be challenging or even burdensome. However, many of them, thanks to the fact that they followed Jehovah’s arrangements and took them to heart, reacted wisely to the direction and were prepared. The secret to their success has been that they have taken Jehovah’s provisions to heart during such difficult times. They had their completed DPA or their Identity Card, they had previously carefully read their medical information documents, and they had gotten in touch with the HLC. Being well-prepared, they handled their medical situation in a way that made Jehovah’s heart rejoice.
[Text: Proverbs 27:11, 12. Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice. The shrewd person sees the danger and conceals himself.]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2024 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
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