Transcripts: Become Jehovah's Friend. Video Lessons
Be Good in the Ministry (With Audio Description) (2:37)
Here are a few reminders before you go in the ministry.

Transcript: Animated Series: Lesson 32 Be Good in the Ministry
[Animated Series: Become Jehovah’s Friend. Lesson 32. Be Good in the Ministry. 2 Corinthians 6:3. Caleb playing with a toy airplane]
Dad: So, you are excited to go out in service! Do you think you are ready?
[Caleb nods yes]
Not so fast! Before you go in the ministry, there are a few things we need to go over. First, we must learn the three P’s.
Caleb: The three P’s?
Dad: Yes! Preparation, personal appearance, and proper behavior. First, preparation. Preparation is the first pillar of success in the ministry. Every job requires the proper tools. When it comes to tools for preaching, the variety might seem intimidating. But never fear! We have the Teaching Toolbox. Finding the right tools is easier than ever!
[Literature in a red toolbox]
Once you have your tools, make sure and practice your presentation before you leave the house.
[Caleb gulps]
We wouldn’t want to be preparing on the doorstep.
[He gives a sheepish grin and wave]
Now that you are well-prepared, it’s time to talk about personal appearance. How we look is very important because we represent Jehovah. Getting ready for the ministry, we need to make sure our appearance is saying the right things. Jehovah wants your appearance to be well-arranged and modest. What that means is that we look and smell clean
[A fly lands on Caleb’s dirty face, then flashes sparkly clean]
our clothes fit well, but not too well; our hair is done; and we aren’t drawing too much attention to ourselves. Looking sharp, my son! Now it’s time to talk about proper behavior. Our conduct while in the ministry is another way we can bring praise to Jehovah. So, make sure you are on your best behavior.
[He chases a dog]
Avoid talking or laughing loudly, playing around, or intruding on anyone’s property or privacy.
[Peeks in a window]
Also, no eating at the door. Remember, when we go door to door, people see us, and good behavior gives a good witness. We would never want to give anyone a reason to find fault with our ministry.
Caleb: Can I go out in service now?
Dad: Yes! It looks like you are ready. It’s time to put the three P’s to the test.
Caleb: Hi! My name is Caleb. What’s your name?
Woman: Hi, Caleb! My name is . . .
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2018 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
[Disclaimer: The videos are created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, some of the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]