Transcripts: 2016 Remain Loyal to Jehovah Convention
Be Loyal as Jesus Was: When Praised (With Audio Description) (3:18)

Transcript: Be Loyal, as Jesus Was: When Praised
Brother 1: Thank you so much for that talk. That was wonderful.
Sergei: Thank you.
Alexi: Sergei!
[After a meeting, a couple approaches the speaker.]
Sergei: Alexi? Natalia?
Alexi: Yes, it’s us! Ahh.
[The brothers shake hands, then hug tightly.]
Sergei: I haven’t seen you both since . . .
Natalia: I know! It’s been 17 years! We prayed for your release every night, Sergei.
Sergei: Thank you so much.
Alexi: When they announced your name as our substitute circuit overseer, I couldn’t believe it!
Sergei: Oh, I still cannot believe it.
[Sergei beckons to a woman across the room.]
Anya: I’m sorry.
[She hurries over to him and the older couple. Sergei puts his arm around her.]
Sergei: I want you to meet my wife. This is Anya.
Anya: Nice meeting you.
Sergei: Natalia, Alexi.
Alexi: Pleasure to meet you.
Anya: Nice meeting you too.
Alexi: Your husband studied with us.
Sergei: Ahh.
Anya: It’s wonderful to meet up again after all these years!
Alexi: Would you both come to my home for dinner tonight? It would mean so much to us.
Anya: Sounds wonderful!
Sergei: We would be happy to come!
Alexi: Thank you!
Sergei: Thank you!
[Sergei and Anya collect their bags from their seats. Later that day,]
Natalia: We’ve been waiting for you.
Sergei: All right.
[In their home, Natalia pulls back a person revealing a crowded living room. Sergei and Anya sit on a sofa, eating from full plates of food. They laugh and chat with the group seated around them. After the meal,]
Sergei: Well, that was excellent!
Alexi: Like your talk, Sergei, today.
Sergei: Ahh.
Feodor: Yes, it’s rare for someone so young to teach as you do.
Sergei: No, I don’t.
Alexi: Feodor is right. You are wise beyond your years. Do you think your time in prison prepared you?
Sergei: I definitely had a lot of time to meditate.
[Sergei shrugs]
Sergei: So, I guess it might have matured me a little.
Feodor: You were there nearly twice as long as most of us. We can only imagine how difficult those years were for you.
Alexi: Is it true you never saw your father again?
Anya: It’s true.
[Sergei looks down]
Alexi: You must be very strong to withstand that kind of pressure.
Natalia: Yeah.
Sergei: Yeah, I suppose so.
Feodor: I wish you could be our real circuit overseer.
[Anya swallows]
Sergei: We heard good things about Brother Elin.
Anya: Many good things. We hope to meet him soon.
Alexi: He’s OK. But he’s not the man of the people. You have suffered like us. You understand us. We need someone like you.
[Sergei shakes his head]
Sergei: Brothers, I, I appreciate the praise. But I really don’t deserve it.
Alexi: Yes, you do.
Sergei: No! The praise should go to Jehovah. It is only because of his power that any of us can serve him the way we do.
Anya: That’s true. It’s only because of Jehovah’s spirit. He deserves the praise.
[Anya smiles]
Sergei: And remember:
[Sergei puts down his teacup]
Sergei: Jehovah is the one who chooses those who serve in the congregations. Each of us has strengths that others don’t have. But Jehovah sees them all, and he knows how to use them to advance his will. So, we must trust Jehovah and be determined to appreciate the ones he has chosen to use.
[With a hand on his chin, Alexi looks down thoughtfully.]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2016 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
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