Transcripts: Become Jehovah's Friend. Video Lessons
Be Neat and Clean (With Audio Description) (2:16)
Can you be neat and clean like Jehovah? Caleb learns a lesson.

Transcript: Animated Series: Lesson 8. Be Neat and Clean.
[Animated series: Lesson 8. Be Neat and Clean. 1 Corinthians 14:33]
(Image: Caleb plays with a toy airplane)
[Caleb opens his toy chest and looks inside. Concentrating, his tongue pokes out as he reaches in. Frustrated he sighs]
Dad: What’s wrong Caleb?
Caleb: I can’t find my airplane.
Dad: Hmm, I can see why.
[Dad stands in messy bedroom]
Do you know what will help you to find you things?
Caleb: What?
Dad: By keeping your room neat and clean. Did you know Jehovah has a place for all his things?
Caleb: Huh?
Dad: Like the planets, they’re always moving, but Jehovah makes them stay in their orbits, so they don’t crash into each other.
[Orbits bounce into each other]
It is the same with people. We all look different on the outside,
but inside Jehovah put all our bones and organs in the same place. Imagine if your eyes were on the bottom of your feet!
[Boy in sand pit with eyes on his feet, looking up]
Jehovah even keeps the animals clean. Look at these fish. They’re cleaning the hippo
[Fish nibble hippo]
These birds help too.
[Hippo smiles as bird pecks]
Caleb: I wish I had some animals to help me clean my room.
Dad: So, do I, sometimes, but that is why Jehovah gave you these
to pick things up with. When you keep your room clean, you are making Jehovah happy. And who know, once your room is clean, maybe you’ll find your airplane.
[Caleb smiles. Ceiling view of messy bedroom. He dashes round putting toys away. He tumbles, landing face down on his rug. Getting up, he speedily finishes tidying his room and breathes a sigh of relief. Smiling, his eyes light up as he spots his airplane peeking out from under the rug]
Caleb: I found my airplane!
Dad: Ok. Let’s go outside and play!
[Photos of Dad and Caleb happily playing outside. Caleb pretends to fly with arms outstretched, as dad lifts him. On dad’s shoulders he holds his plane high. On dad’s knee, he makes a funny face with tongue out, dad smiles]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2013 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
[Disclaimer: The videos are created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, some of the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]