Transcripts: Whiteboard Animations
Beat a Bully Without Using Your Fists. Whiteboard Animation (With Audio Description) (3:49)
Learn why bullying happens and how to deal with it successfully.

Transcript: Whiteboard animation. Beat a Bully Without Using Your Fists.
[Text: Beat a Bully without Using Your Fists. On a dry erase board with a black marker, artwork of various sketches is drawn to create an animated story. A basketball player stands next to a small girl with a backpack]
Presenter: Why might you be bullied? It may be your height or lack of it, your color,
[Different colored ice-cream scoops]
your size,
[A scale tips]
where you’re from,
[Wooden shoes]
how you talk, who your family is,
[A framed family picture]
who your friends are what you believe in.
[As a girl prays at lunch, a boy stares, and a girl points]
It could be anything that is perceived as different
[A group of dolls]
but no matter what, it’s not your fault.
[A claw machine lifts one doll]
Bullying happens to kids all around the world every day.
[A mix of people on a spinning cogwheel]
Though it can be physical,
[A boy holding food is poked]
pushing and shoving, stealing or breaking things, it can also be verbal, teasing and name calling
[Arrows shout out of a mouth]
or even social, excluding people,
[A stop hand]
starting rumours, using the internet, or texting.
[The arrows hit a shield]
Being bullied is not funny,
[A bully grabs a boy]
it’s serious. Some of the effects are obvious on the outside but there’s a lot happening on the inside that we don’t get to see like fear, stress, and sadness.
[Cogs turn as a boy thinks]
Fear can make you afraid to go places.
[A girl does not board a bus]
Sadness can make you stop acting like your true self.
[On the bottom step a girl hugs her knees]
Maybe you don’t want to do the things you enjoy doing anymore.
[She ignores her dog]
Stress can affect your body,
[A boy lies sick in bed]
your stomach might feel like it’s in knots, and maybe you can’t sleep.
[A clock vibrates]
You can do something about it,
[A boy wears oversized boxing gloves]
no don’t fight back. The Bible gives us great advice, Romans 12:17 tells us ‘Return evil for evil to no one.’
[The boy smiles as he reads the Bible]
Here’s what you could do.
[He thinks]
Be prepared.
[Leaning his chin on his hand]
Think beforehand about what you want to say,
[A thinking bubble pops up over his head]
act confident.
[A boy with a backpack stands tall]
You could use humour to diffuse the situation.
[Wearing fake eyebrows and moustache, he juggles. Another boy notices two bullies]
Think of ways you can protect yourself.
Proverbs 22:3 says, ‘a shrewd person sees the calamity coming and conceals himself.’
[In his thought bubble, the boy is shoved into a locker]
Avoid places where bullying might happen and be willing to walk away if it does.
[Red footprints leave a park]
Don’t walk to school alone, take a friend with you.
[Two boys walk]
Label your belongings,
[Books, ruler, and a pen]
don’t take money or expensive things with you to school.
[Sports shoes, money, and a game console]
Tell an adult.
[A boy shouts into a megaphone]
Shine a spotlight on their actions.
[A group of kids point a flashlight at a bully]
You could talk to your parents, school officials, or a trusted adult, even though you might feel like a tell-tale,
[A cry Baby]
you shouldn’t face it alone. It’s not easy. But it can work, you can beat a bully without using your fists.
[Happy people spin on the cogwheel]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2013 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
[Disclaimer: The videos are created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, some of the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]