Transcripts: Teenagers
Beware of Trusting in What Fails! Wealth (With Audio Description) (3:19)

Transcript: Beware of Trusting in What Fails! Wealth
[At a high school a small grey car pulls up. Two students, Dennis and Jake approach the entrance]
Jake: So, are you going to talk to any Career Day people?
Dennis: Uh, I don’t think so.
Jake: Look, I know you’ve got a part-time job lined up, and you’re going to pioneer.
Dennis: Yeah, so?
Jake: So, the video-production people are here. I’m sure they have part-time.” Dennis: Yeah, I still don’t know.
Jake: Look, Dennis, you’re good at it. Besides, they do corporate videos, nothing bad.
[Jake holds the door open for Dennis]
Come on, just talk to them.
Dennis: All right, I’ll check it out.
[In the gymnasium they enter the Job Fare. At a company booth the representative chats with Dennis.]
Representative: I hear you. Eventually you want to work part-time to pursue other passions.
Dennis: Well, I’d like to start part-time.
Representative: It’s doable,
[Dennis’ eyes widen]
but after you’re established. After a few years of hard work and dedication, you’ll be able to pick your own jobs, and you’ll even get to set your own schedule.
[Dennis narrows his eyes]
Dennis: Yeah, that makes sense. Hey, thanks so much for your time.
[He grabs his backpack]
Representative: One second, before you leave, just so you know,
[The representative writes on the back of a business card]
here’s what you can make in your first year.
[He hands the card to Dennis]
My advice? Try not to get too caught up in the sacrifice. Think about the payback.
[Dennis purses his lips and nods]
Dennis: Thanks.
[Now Dennis sits down on a bench in the school hallway. He takes out the business card from his pocket and stares at it. Smiling his imagines: In front of three large monitors, he edits production videos. In the office lobby he smiles proudly at the financial graph on his phone. Wearing a shirt and tie and a fancy, new white car he drives up to Jake and two other friends. With his window down he grins at them. Back to the bench in the hallway Dennis grabs his phone and searches JW Library] Dennis thinks: Money. No wealth. Proverbs 23:4, 5. Imagining himself in front of the large monitors]
Do not wear yourself out to gain wealth.
[He sighs in exhaustion]
Stop and show understanding.
[The graph on his phone shows his income plummet]
When you cast your eyes on it, it is not there,
[A worker dismantles the office]
for it will surely sprout wings like an eagle
[Dennis hands his car keys to a man]
And fly off into the sky.
[Alone on the sidewalk he watches his new car drive away. Back to the school bench Dennis looks at the business card in one hand then the scripture on his phone in the other. He looks up, blinks slowly and nods. Jake exits the Job Fair]
Jake: Hey, are you ready to go?
Dennis: Yeah, ready.
[Together they walk down the hall]
Jake: So, did you talk to anybody?
Dennis: Yeah.
Jake: Did you learn anything good?
Dennis: I did.
Jake: Well, tell me.
[The business card sits on the bench]
[Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2023 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania]
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