Transcripts: The Bible
Creation Proves That Jehovah Wants Us to Rejoice - Delicious Food and Delightful Sounds (With Audio Description) (3:58)

Transcript: Creation Proves That Jehovah Wants Us to Rejoice. Delicious Food and Delightful Sounds
[A family eat their meal outside]
Our tongue can detect five basic tastes. They are sweet,
[A cute, blonde toddlers eats pink ice cream]
[Golden french fries covered in salt]
[A baby tastes a lemon and makes a face]
[A small boy eats broccoli]
and a rich, savory taste called umami.
[Aray of fresh mushrooms]
But we enjoy not just five flavors but possibly over 100,000.
[A variety of international dishes]
How? As we chew, we also smell our food. Chewing releases aromas that pass up into our nose through the back of our throat. Taste and smell then combine to make the flavors we enjoy.
[Scenes of happy people of different cultures eating delicious meals with friends and family]
Our taste buds develop before we’re born.
[A pregnant woman eats fruit]
As an unborn baby swallows amniotic fluid, it may taste what its mother eats
[Toddlers eating fruit]
and is more likely to enjoy the same foods she does. We don’t just eat to survive. We love to eat! It makes us happy.
[Scenes of joyful families cooking, eating and laughing together]
And the Bible says why: “That everyone should eat and drink “and find enjoyment for all his hard work. It is the gift of God.”
[Ecclesiastes 3:13]
Our world is full of sounds.
[A cascading waterfall, an elephant parade]
Some are natural.
[Seagulls fly above crashing waves]
Others we create.
[A woman plays piano]
We can hear music before we’re born
[A baby plays a tambourine]
and can develop a love of music as we grow.
[Little boys plays trumpet and flute]
We can compose music, be moved by it, and replay it in our minds. Musical instruments typically combine a sound generator, which produces tones with a resonator, such as wood or metal, which adds volume. The design resembles our own vocal organs. But few instruments compare to the beauty of the human voice. Our hearing complements the voice.
[Convention speakers on stage]
We can listen to things that draw us closer to God
[Audience listens attentively]
and use the voice he gave us to praise him with joy.
[and sing]
“Praise Jah, for Jehovah is good. Sing praises to his name, for it is pleasant.
[Psalm 135:3]
(Logo inside a White box. Black capital letters JW.ORG. Copyright 2020 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
For the video with Audio Description click the link below: https://www.jw.org/en/library/videos/#en/mediaitems/VODBibleAD/pub-mwbv_202501_102_VIDEO