Transcripts: Truth Transforms Lives
Display Unfailing Love in the Congregation. To Foreign Residents (With Audio Description) (2:18)

Transcript: Display Unfailing Love in the Congregation, To Foreign Residents
[Bill and Maggie Zeng]
Bill: The reason I immigrated here was to earn more money and more freedom,
[He works in a kitchen]
but my life was only work and sleep.
[Maggie scrubs a floor]
Maggie: I once thought, ‘This is not the reason I came here; this is not the life I wanted.’ But what could I do?
[She wipes her brow]
Bill: The life that I was pursuing did not bring me true happiness.
[Maggie and a sister enter the Kingdom Hall]
Maggie: My husband’s sister started taking me along to the meetings. The brothers and sisters there were very welcoming to me.
[A group greets Maggie warmly]
Bill: My wife started studying the Bible first. I saw her becoming happier and happier studying the Bible, and this motivated me to start studying the Bible with her Bible teacher. She lived far away, but she was never late. She was like a mother and cared for us like her children.
Maggie: In our studies, we were making huge progress.
Bill: But we didn’t expect the huge challenge that lay ahead.
[In a hospital they look at a baby in an incubator]
Maggie: When my youngest daughter was born, the doctor told us she had congenital heart disease. She needed immediate surgery. When we were facing this challenge, the brothers and sisters were right by our side continually assisting us, helping us to find a doctor, and interpreting for us, even though we were not yet baptized.
Bill: On the day of the surgery, a congregation elder and his wife drove to pick us up and brought us to the hospital. They also stayed by our side until the surgery was done.
Maggie: A couple came to the hospital and brought us food. Another sister helped to care for my older daughter.
Bill: We really could feel that the brothers and sisters really loved us, just like family. My wife and I, along with our two daughters, are very happy to be worshipping Jehovah.
Maggie: I realized that the love shown to me by the brothers and sisters was in imitation of Jehovah. It really helped me to see that this is truly his organization.
Bill: This is the life that we had been searching for.
[Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2019 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania]
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