Transcripts: Truth Transforms Lives
Display Unfailing Love in the Congregation. To Full-Time Ministers (With Audio Description) (2:08)

Transcript: Display Unfailing Love in the Congregation, to the Full-Time Ministers
[Joseph and Anita DeVito. Joseph DeVito. Field Missionary]
Joseph: Anita and I came here to Honduras as missionaries as single people. And Anita came here one year before I did.
[Anita DeVito. Field Missionary]
Anita: I graduated from Gilead in 1974.
[Flashback to her Graduation. The class poses holding their diplomas]
I was so excited!
[She grins from ear to ear. Now on an airplane]
But on the flight to Honduras, a feeling of loneliness and anxiety overpowered me. I was sitting there all by myself. And I thought, ‘What if they forgot that I am coming, and nobody is there waiting for me, or they never got the information?’
[She smiles nervously at the flight attendant. Flashback to Joseph]
Joseph: One night shortly after arriving in my assignment, suddenly my bed started to shake.
[Panicked he sites up]
And I thought, ‘What on earth is going on?’
[He turns on the light]
I had no idea because I had never experienced an earthquake before in my life.
[The power goes out, he looks around. Nearby a man and woman jump on their bicycles riding quickly]
But then I heard a voice
Ramon: José, José, salga de la casa!!!
Joseph: that means in English ‘Joseph! Come on down quickly!’ So, I came down, and I saw my dear friends Ramon and Melody, who came from their house to check on me.
[Relieved Joseph embraces the couple]
I was so happy to see them, and I gave them a big bear hug. I almost cried because of their hospitality, friendship, and love for me.
[On arrival young Anita sees a smiling group holding a welcome sign]
Anita: When I stepped down from the airplane, I saw a group of people, and I realized: They are my brothers! I am not alone. That’s my new family, and they are waiting for me.
[As the brothers and sisters greet her with warm hugs and big smiles she laughs joyfully]
Forty years have passed since we arrived in Honduras.
Joseph: But Anita and I realize that the love and the hospitality and the friendship of the brothers has not changed. And we appreciate that very, very much.
[Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2019 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania]
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