Transcripts 2019 Convention: Love Never Fails!
Display Unfailing Love in the Ministry (With Audio Description) (6:47)

Transcript: Display Unfailing Love in the Ministry
[In a dark room a man, Ian, lies asleep in bed. He fumbles to turn off his alarm. Switching on a light he stumbles down the hallway to the bathroom. He shaves, brushes his teeth and gets dressed. In the kitchen he kisses his wife]
Ian: Take care. Oh. Bye, kids!
Children: Bye, Dad!
Ian: Love you.
[Later he boards a commuter train. On his phone he reads the Bible in JW library. Now he loads boxes into a yellow delivery van marked parcel service. He delivers a box to the front desk of an office. Carrying another package, he approaches an elevator with an out of service sign. He carries the package up several flights of stairs. Back on the commuter train he sits rubbing his temple with one hand. In the pouring rain he unlocks his front door. Taking off his jacket he walks over to the couch and collapses on it. Sinking into the pillows he lays his head back. As his eyes close his breathing deepens]
Teddy: Dad? Dad?
Ian: Oh, hello, Son.
Teddy: Are we still doing service tonight?
Ian: Oh, um, I’m just too tired today, Teddy.
Teddy: Oh.
Ian: I just don’t have it in me. We’ll do it another day, OK?
Teddy: Yeah, OK then.
[Teddy dressed for the ministry walks back upstairs. Ian lets his head fall back on the couch letting out a deep breath then he tiredly sits up and bows his head in prayer. Opening his eyes he nods to himself then gets up off the couch. Dressed for the ministry Ian approaches Teddy’s room. Teddy looks at him with wide eyes]
Teddy: But, Dad,
[Ian smiles]
I thought we weren’t going out in the ministry.
Ian: Well, I prayed for a little extra boost, Teddy.
Teddy: If you’re too tired
Ian: I am tired. But you know what? I’m not too tired.
[He grasps Teddy’s shoulder]
Let’s go.
[Teddy beams at Ian then follows him out of the room. At the Kingdom Hall they meet for evening field service].
Brother Edwards: Hi, Teddy.
Teddy: Nice to see you, Brother Edwards.
Girl: Hi
Teddy: Hi
Brother Edwards: Hi Ian
[Ian and Teddy preach at a door. Under streetlights Teddy reads a scripture to a man. In a restaurant Ian witnesses to an employee].
Man: Wow, I didn’t know the Bible had answers to that.
Ian: It answers many other questions that you might have about the future. But what I’d like to do is give you an invite to our meeting.
[He gives the man a meeting invitation]
Teddy: Thanks, Dad. I really had a lot of fun tonight
Ian: It was great, wasn’t it?
Teddy: Yeah.
[Father and son return home with take-out food].
Ian: We’re home!
Ian’s daughter: Hello.
[Ian’s daughter runs to greet him. Teddy shuts the front door behind them. Later at the Kingdom Hall]
Brother: Please turn with me to 1John 5:3.
[Ian’s family sits in the audience].
Here it says: For this is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome
[Teddy shares his Bible with the man from the restaurant sitting next to him. An Ariel view of the neighborhood of brick houses. Nearby a commuter train passes. On the sidewalk Ian strolls with Teddy].
Ian: So, are you ready for the ministry?
Teddy: Well, yeah, but I’m a little bit nervous
[He puts his hand on Teddy’s shoulder].
Ian: I get a little bit nervous too. But if it helps, I’ll do the first door.
[Teddy grins as they walk up to a house]
Let’s start off with this one then.
[At the door Ian reads a scripture to a man as Teddy looks on. Next Ian witnesses to a man on the sidewalk. Teddy offers the tract ‘Who Really Controls the World’ to a woman holding cleaning supplies. At the next-door Teddy rings the bell. A man opens the door].
Man: What are you doing here?
Ian: We’re just asking our neighbors a question.
Man: No. No. No. You people and your questions, no one cares!
Ian: We didn’t mean to disturb you
Man: But you did! You did disturb me! So, get off my property before I call the police! Those Witnesses, what is their problem? Every time!
[As they walk away Teddy looks back at the door]
Teddy: Wow, Dad, he was really angry.
Ian: He was, wasn’t he?
Teddy: Yeah.
Ian: Well, I always try to remember that for years I used to react exactly the same way.
Teddy: Really?
Ian: Yeah. As you know, I learned the truth in my twenties.
Teddy: Yeah.
Ian: Growing up in a violent family, it also made me violent.
I’m not interested! Go away, and don’t come back!
{He slams the door}
Teddy: Wow. So, what changed then?
Ian: Well, you see, one of my good friends died; and that very same weekend, the Witnesses came around. Now, normally I would yell at them, but this time I listened. And that’s the beauty of the truth, anyone can change. And that is one reason why we continue preaching.
[Teddy nods thoughtfully]
So, shall we continue doing this door?
Teddy: Yeah.
Ian: Good.
[With warm smiles they approach the next door. Teddy rings the doorbell. As they wait patiently Ian rests his hand on his son’s shoulder. In a supermarket Ian and his family shop for food and other items. An employee with a tray of bread samples approaches Ian’s wife and daughter]
Employee: Hi!
Ian’s Wife: Hi.
Employee: Would you like to try some?
Ian’s wife: Love to. Thank you
Ian’s daughter: Thanks!
Ian’s wife: Mmm, that’s delicious!
Employee: Oh, they’ve just made it, so there are fresh loaves on the counter
Ian’s wife: Sorry, but I couldn’t help noticing your tattoo; does that have a meaning?
Employee: Oh, yes. So, these vines, they make a heart. It reminds me of my boyfriend. We’re getting married in a few months.
Ian’s wife: Oh, congratulations! That’s great. You know, me and my husband have been married for about 11 years now
Employee: Oh, wow! You know, I’m actually a little nervous; nearly all my married friends are divorced now.
Ian’s wife: Ah, it’s completely understandable that you’re nervous. It is a big step. But have you ever wondered if there is a secret to a good marriage?
Employee: Um, no. But if you’ve got one, I’ll take it.
Ian’s wife: Here, I’d love to show you what we found helped us is a principle in the Bible.
Employee: Thanks.
[She hands the employee a JW.org contact card. Ian and Teddy rejoin them].
Ian’s daughter: “Dad! Mum witnessed.
Ian: Oh, wow! That’s fantastic.
Ian’s wife: Do you know, I just couldn’t help myself. She’s getting married in a couple of weeks.
Ian: Yeah?
Ian’s wife: She wasn’t interested in the Bible, but, um, I left her one of our contact cards.
Ian: Well, you never know
Ian’s wife: Yeah.
Ian: She might end up on the website. That’s really good.
[Nighttime at a bus stop the employee sits on a bench wearing headphones. As she takes her phone out of her jacket pocket the contact card falls out, she picks it up then navigates to JW.org on her phone. Leaning back, she views the home page, tapping on the search icon she enters happy marriage in the search box. She scrolls through the search results then smiles warmly as she continues reading]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2019 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
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