Transcripts: Apply Bible Principles
Do Not Be Misled by Imitation Peace! Thea van Leeuwen (With Audio Description) (3:11)

Transcript: Do Not Be Misled By Imitation Peace.
[Thea Van Leeuwen. Netherlands.]
Thea: My father always taught me that we needed God in our life in order for there to be peace.
[A man with a Bible speaks from a podium while his daughter gazes at him.]
And he always wanted to know, can Christians go to war?
Thea’s father: How is this consistent with the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
[He fiercely points at the pastor.]
But the pastor could never give us an answer, and so I thought I’d have to look to politics to find it. A lot of peace movements were being formed at that time, so I joined one of them.
[In her living room she watches protests on T.V.]
We decided where the protest marches would be, which pamphlets we would use.
[She browses through a newspaper, with cigarette in hand.]
But after the protests were over, everyone was so excited, and they all started applauding and cheering for the leaders. I thought that’s not what I wanted, I don’t want to honor people, I want to have world peace. And that still hasn’t happened yet.
[Shaking her head at the newspaper she sets it aside.]
Then I started to feel very alone,
[She stares ahead.]
and it made me feel unsafe in this world. With no peace in sight, I thought what is the purpose of life?
[At a table with a couple and a man wearing a tie.]
While visiting friends for coffee, I saw a man I’d never met before.
[She wears two peace symbols on her jacket.]
My friends told me he wanted to talk to us about the Bible.
[A Watchtower and Awake lie on the table, a clenched fist on the cover.]
So, I asked him Sir, what do you think? Can Christians join the military? And the man said, no that’s not allowed because the Bible says you should love your enemy.
[She slowly nods as the man reads from the Bible.]
It made me think about what my father always said that we need God to bring peace.
[Daytime at her home.]
Then a really nice lady came to my door, and she had an orange book in her hand, and it said: True Peace and Security.
[Scenes of her sitting on her couch, reading the book throughout the day.]
After reading it, I thought, this is it, this is the organization that truly wants peace.
[As she looks at the book a broad smile spreads across her face.]
So, I went to those involved in the peace movement. I told them that I believe that God will change this world into a beautiful earth where there’ll be true peace. They all looked at me like I had lost my mind. I was so happy with my new life. I felt like I was part of a family who truly cared about one another and really wanted peace with each other.
[Sitting on a park bench, modern day Thea takes a deep breath and smiles contentedly.]
Isaiah 14:7 had a major impact on my life because there God promises a calm and peaceful world.
[As she strolls through the park, she looks up at a blooming pale pink cherry tree.]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2022 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
For the video with Audio Description click the link below: