Transcripts: Whiteboard Animations
Don’t Let Your Life Go Up in Smoke. Whiteboard Animation (With Audio Description) (3:21)
Is smoking really that bad? If so, how can you avoid the consequences of smoking?

Transcript: Whiteboard Animation. Don’t let your life go up in smoke.
[Whiteboard Animation. On a dry erase board with a black marker, artwork of various sketches is drawn to create an animated story. A man wearing a cowboy hat with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth]
Presenter: Do you smoke? Are you tempted to? maybe to fit in?
[People smoke]
deal with stress?
[Anxious man lights cigarette]
Or maybe you’re just curious.
[Boy thinks]
Whatever the reason, you should know what smoking can do to you.
[People on conveyer belt]
At Romans 12:1, the Bible tells you to use “your power of reason.”
[Pass through smoke machine]
So instead of just following the crowd, be smart enough and think for yourself.
[They all come out smoking, one man jumps off and runs away]
Tobacco companies spend billions of dollars trying to convince people to smoke. And many people fall for it without thinking of the consequences.
[Trap doors open, man falls]
For example, smoking can ruin your health
[Young woman smokes]
and even the way you look.
[Now aged with wrinkles]
The Bible says to “cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit.”
[Close up stained teeth]
But smoking does the opposite!
[Man, smokes on skateboard]
Smokers are more likely to die from cancer, heart attacks, and other diseases.
[Man stops skating and coughs]
And you know, it doesn’t just affect you.
[Cloud of smoke engulfs couple]
Second hand smoke hurts those around you.
[Pet bird dangles from perch]
But what about vaping?
[Woman vapes]
Is it safer?
[Vape cigarette explodes]
Not on your life! After being promoted as a safe alternative to smoking, vaping was implicated in dozens of deaths and thousands of users got very sick. And, just like smoking, you could get addicted.
[Fishing hook takes vape]
Who really benefits if you take up vaping?
[Tobacco owner with fishing rod laughs as woman chases it]
So, what will you do if someone invites you to smoke? Try simply saying: “No, thanks. I don’t smoke.” If that doesn’t work, try something like, “I checked out the risks, and it’s not for me.” But what if you’re already addicted?
[Man, smokes whilst trapped in stocks]
It might feel like there’s no way out. But you can break the habit.
[As cigarette is lit, man becomes strong and breaks stocks]
First, if you vape or smoke, ask for help, if possible, from someone who has successfully quit smoking.
[Women talk]
Second, avoid people and places that feed the urge.
[Cigarette characters play cards]
And one more thing, pray.
If you pray intensely for help before you give in,
[Woman prays]
you can quit with God’s help.
[With rope she climbs a wall]
A Bible writer said at Psalm 18:29: “By God’s power I can scale a wall.”
[Hand above helps her]
Yes, even if you struggle with addiction, you can win the fight.
[She stands at the top, sun shines]
Resist the temptation to use tobacco in any form. You’ll be healthier, happier, and breathe easier, knowing your life isn’t going up in smoke.
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2020 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
[Disclaimer: The videos are created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, some of the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]