Transcripts Convention 2024: Declare the Good News!
The Good News According to Jesus Episode 1: The True Light of the World (With Audio Description) (1:11:01)

Transcript: The Good News According to Jesus Episode 1. The True Light of the World.
[White vapor disperses into darkness]
Presenter: in the beginning was the word
[Bright light slowly illuminates a red cloud-like nebula]
And the word was with God, and the word was a God. This one was in the beginning, with God.
[A cluster of stars shines in space]
All things came into existence through him
[Stars glitter like diamonds over a gray nebula]
and apart from him Not even one thing came into existence
[A partially illuminated earth appears in the distance. The Sun slowly peaks over the edge of the rotating earth. Now in the blue sky, its bright rays bathe the clouds in light. A vast forest, blanketed in fog, jagged mountains covered in lime-green vegetation, crashing waves]
What has come into existence, by means of him,
[Manta Ray's glide]
was life.
[Birds flutter. Insects march in orderly rows. An emerald hummingbird drinks from a red flower. A family of elephants trudged through a wetland. A glistening river flows through a vast rainforest]
And the life was the light of men.
[Amid lush foliage, the first woman, Eve, appears. Her wavy dark hair frames her porcelain face. She smiles pleasantly at her bearded husband, Adam, catching sight of her loving gaze, his face lights up with a wide grin. Later, Eve strolls barefoot through the garden. She approaches a tree with small oblong maroon fruit. With wide brown eyes, she stares intently at it. Her gaze shifts from the fruit to a yellowish -green snake hanging in the tree. She reaches up and picks the fruit. Examining it in her hand, she feels the fruit's smooth skin. As a satisfied expression spreads on her face, the snake watches her. Afterward, Eve wearing a radiant smile finds Adam. His smile fades as she holds out the fruit to him. His stare moves from the fruit to her face, raising an eyebrow in disbelief. She turns over the fruit, revealing a small bite out of it. As he eyes her, she nervously looks away. He accepts the fruit from her hand and reluctantly brings it to his mouth. Closing his eyes, he takes a bite. She watches him closely. As he swallows, his frown deepens. He stares ahead, motionless. He drops the fruit; the scene goes black]
And the light is shining in the darkness. But the darkness has not overpowered it.
[The Good News According to Jesus. The true light of the world part one. Jerusalem about 56 CE in a bustling marketplace a woman wearing a headdress sells spices. Shoppers stroll past vendors stalls carrying bags. Among them, a middle-aged man walks with purpose. He wears a grey mantle and leather pouch over his tunic. With a slight smile, he stops when he sees a two-story house with exterior stairs on the left side]
Seeing that many have undertaken to compile an account of the facts that are given full credence among us,
[he strides toward the house]
Just as these were handed down to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and attendants of the message.
[The landlord lets the man Luke into the upper room. Cushion couches surround a low table, a stool and wash basin in one corner. Luke visualizes a man washing feet, passing a cup, breaking bread. He nods to himself as his gaze travels around the empty room. He follows the landlord out and shuts the door behind them. Later, a man with a white beard selects one of many scrolls from a cabinet. He hands it to Luke, who opens it and nods]
I resolved also.
[Sitting at a table, he writes on a tablet while holding a scroll open]
Because I have traced all things from the start with accuracy.
[He runs his left hand slowly down the scroll's text, then stacks more writing tablets]
"To write them to you in logical order, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know fully the certainty of the things that you have been taught orally."
[As night falls, he dips his stylus into an inkwell and continues working. He pauses and looks up in deep thought, then turns back to his writing]
"In the days of Herod, King of Judea, there was a priest named Zechariah of the division of Abajah,
[Judea, about 3 BCE. Zechariah approaches his house]
His wife was from the daughters of Aaron.
[She sits on a bench outside]
and her name was Elizabeth.
[The couple exchanged smiles]
They both were righteous before God, walking blamelessly in accord with all the commandments and legal requirements of Jehovah.
[As he steps into the house, Elizabeth observes two women chatting. One holds a newborn baby. Elizabeth looks away with a weak smile. Zechariah appears in the doorway. His eyes shift from the women to his wife]
But they had no child. Because Elizabeth was barren.
[She picks up the basket in her lap and walks past him into the house. He nods at her reassuringly]
And they both were well along in years.
[He watches as the two women walk away, then looks down wistfully and follows Elizabeth inside. On a dusty road to Jerusalem, travellers pass each other. At the temple, two massive doors stand open, revealing the gold entrance of the Holy Sanctuary]
Now as he was serving as priest in the assignment of his division before God,
[Zechariah smooths the front of his white linen tunic and pats his turban. He anxiously exhales]
According to the established practice of the priesthood,
[ascending the steps, two priests follow him carrying incense and coals]
It became his turn to offer incense.
[Dressed all in white, they walk barefoot]
When he entered into the sanctuary of Jehovah.
[In the courtyard, people spread prayer mats on the ground]
And the entire multitude of the people were praying outside at the hour of offering incense.
[With heads bowed, some pray kneeling while others stand. Inside the temple, Zechariah approaches a square altar with horns extending out from the top of each corner. Holding incense in his cupped hands, He breathes deeply then slowly sprinkles the incense on the burning coals of the altar. Smoke rises. Suddenly a bright light]
Jehovah's angel appeared to him standing at the right side of the incense altar.
[Zechariah falls back]
but Zechariah became troubled at the site, and He was overcome with fear
Angel: Do Don't be afraid, Zechariah, because your supplication has been favorably heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son. And you are to name him John. You will have joy and great gladness, and many will rejoice over his birth, for he will be great in the sight of Jehovah,
[Mouth agape he stares at the angel]
but he must drink no wine or any alcoholic drink at all and he will be filled with Holy Spirit even from before birth and he will turn back many of the sons of Israel to Jehovah their God.
[Flash forward to John baptizing in the Jordan River]
Also, he will go ahead of him, with Elijah's spirit and power, to turn back the hearts of fathers to children, and the disobedient ones to the practical wisdom of righteous ones, in order to get ready for Jehovah, a prepared people.
[The angel smiles warmly, Zechariah looks up, frowning]
Zechariah: How can I be sure of this for I'm old and my wife is well along in years
[The angel closes his eyes then shakes his head]
Angel Gabriel: I am Gabriel who stands near before God, and I was sent to speak with you
[Zechariah swallows hard]
and to declare this good news to you
[Gabriel's eyes narrow]
But look, you will be silent and unable to speak until the day these things take place. Because you did not believe my words.
[Zechariah puts his hand to his throat]
which will be fulfilled in their appointed time.
[Gabriel stares intensely at Zechariah, then vanishes. Stunned, Zechariah sits on the floor near the now smokeless altar. Touching his throat again, he looks around the sanctuary]
Presenter: Meanwhile, the people continued waiting for Zechariah, and they were surprised that he delayed so long in the sanctuary.
[In the courtyard, the crowd looks up from their prayers, exchanging questioning glances. They watch Zechariah exit the temple, followed by four priests. Walking slowly, he blinks nervously and fidgets with his hands. He stops at the edge of the steps, overlooking the crowd. The people look at each other, then up to Zechariah]
When he came out
[He struggles to speak, then takes a few panicked breaths]
He was unable to speak to them.
[His eyes dart around frantically, then widen. He swallows nervously]
And they perceived that he had just seen a supernatural sight in the sanctuary. He kept making signs to them but remained speechless.
[He gestures back to the temple, up to the sky, then to his mouth and throat. The crowd continues to stir, whispering among themselves]
When the days of his holy service were completed, he went off to his home
[Inside Zechariah and Elizabeth's stone house]
Some days later Elizabeth his wife became pregnant, and she kept herself secluded for five months
[He brings her a clay cup gesturing to the bowl and drying rag in her hand as he takes them from her, he warmly squeezes her hand. She walks toward the open front door while he dries the bowl. Sunlight streams on her face as she leans against the door with one hand on her growing belly. Grinning, she watches a mother interacting with her young son. Wearing a braided headband, the boy smiles and nods. Elizabeth looks down, cradling her pregnant belly with both hands. She looks back at the boy, her face full of wonderment]
Elizabeth: This is how Jehovah has dealt with me in these days
[Zechariah joins her at the door, resting his hand lovingly on her upper arm. She turns to look at him]
Elizabeth: He has turned his attention to me
[Now, both their eyes follow the mother and young son. The mother puts her arm around his shoulders as they walk away]
Elizabeth: To take away my reproach among men.
[Nodding Zechariah smiles gently. The expectant parents look down at her growing belly, then back at each other. She closes her eyes as he tenderly kisses her forehead]
Presenter: In her sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee
[In a field sheep feed on grass guided by their shepherd]
named Nazareth.
[Mud brick houses sit on the hillside above. In the city, a family walks up a narrow dirt street]
to a virgin, promised in marriage to a man named Joseph, of David's house.
[In the front of the group, two young women walk arm in arm, one with a white shawl covering her head. As the family enters the synagogue, they greet fellow worshipers. Making their way to stone benches along the room's perimeter, they sit between two large pillars. In between, her parents and sister sit the young woman with the white shawl]
And the name of the virgin was Mary.
[With attentive brown eyes and a soft smile, she looks toward the speaker stand. Later, Mary walks with her mother and sister down a busy street. All three carry water jars, Mary's on her shoulder. They smile at people as they pass by. Mary's mother stops to chat with a friend, kissing her on both cheeks. Mary nods to her sister, then keeps walking. She enters a house alone and shuts the door behind her, blocking out the daylight. Lowering her water jar, she walks past a shelf with clay dishes and an oil lamp. She sets down the water jar on the floor near a basket. A warm glow behind her brightens the room. She turns, startled]
Angel Gabriel: Greetings, you highly favored one.
[Gabriel faces her]
Jehovah is with you.
[Covering her hair with her shawl, she falls to her knees]
Presenter: But she was deeply disturbed at his words and tried to understand what kind of greeting this might be.
[He sits on a stool]
Angel Gabriel: Do not be afraid Mary,
[and holds out a calming hand]
for you have found favor with God.
[She looks back and forth from Him to the floor]
and look, you will become pregnant, and give birth to a son, and you are to name him, Jesus.
[Brow furrowed, she looks up at him with wide, questioning eyes]
This one will be great and will be called Son of the Most High and Jehovah God will give him the throne of David his father and he will rule as King over the house of Jacob forever and there will be no end to his kingdom.
[His gaze remains kind and steady. She leans forward]
Mary: How is this to be? Since... I'm not having sexual relations with a man.
[He warmly nods]
Angel Gabriel: Holy Spirit will come upon you and power of the Most High will overshadow you. And for that reason, the one who was born will be called Holy. God's Son.
[His face lights up with a wide smile]
and look Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age and this is the six month for her, the so-called barren woman
[Mary smiles joyfully]
for no declaration will be impossible for God
Mary: Look, Jehovah's slave girl, may it happen to me according to your declaration.
[With eyes full of tears, she bows low. Gabriel leans back with a pleased expression. The light disappears, then Mary sits up. She looks around the empty room]
Presenter: At that the angel departed from her
[Awestruck, Mary removes her head covering. She glances toward the door then lets out a deep breath. Sitting motionless with her hands in her lap her eyes scan the room in front of her the stool sits empty. Outside, sunlight shines on the front of Mary's house. In the street, her mother and sister continue chatting with their friend. The sun shines on a grassy field with purple flowers. At the edge of the city, Mary hugs her parent’s goodbye while holding the tether of a loaded donkey]
So, Mary set out in those days and travelled with haste into the mountainous country to a city of Judah.
[Leading the donkey, she joins a small group of fellow travellers. The sky above a green, hilly countryside turns from daylight to dusk. Nighttime, the group of travellers gather around two campfires. Leaning against a tree, Mary sits near a young couple with the baby. Mary watches as the father gently hands the child to its mother. Cradling it in her arms, she tenderly rocks her baby. With a slight smile, Mary looks away. Breathing deeply, she gazes up at the sky. Countless stars twinkle above a silhouette of treetops. At home, Elizabeth sits near a loom, sewing]
And she entered the home of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth.
Mary: Hello
Presenter: Well, as Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the infant in her womb leaped.
[Elizabeth grasps her belly and then her chair]
And Elizabeth was filled with holy spirit.
[Mary watches from the doorway as Elizabeth's eyes open wide. As Mary removes her head covering, Elizabeth stands excitedly]
Elizabeth: Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruitage of your womb.
[Mary looks down with one hand flat on her stomach. Beaming, Elizabeth hurries to Mary and eagerly draws her into the room]
So how is it that this privilege is mine? To have the mother of my lord come to me.
[She cups Mary's face in her hands, kisses her on both cheeks, and hugs her tightly. Releasing her, she clasps Mary's arms]
For look as the sound of your greeting reached my ears. The infant in my womb leaped for joy.
[Astonished, they look at each other]
Happy too, is she who believed.
[Elizabeth affectionately pinches Mary's chin]
For there will be a complete fulfillment of those things spoken to her from Jehovah.
[With big smiles, they embrace again. Stepping back, Elizabeth stretches out Mary's arms to each side. They admire each other, laughing, with one arm around her shoulder Elizabeth guides Mary out of the room]
Mary: My soul magnifies Jehovah, and my spirit cannot keep from being overjoyed at God, my Saviour.
[Later, on the flat rooftop]
Because he has looked upon the low position of his slave girl.
[Sitting on a bench holding clay cups, Mary and Elizabeth sit side by side. Mary turns to her]
For look from now on all generations will declare me happy because the powerful one has done great deeds for me and holy is his name and for generation after generation his mercy is upon those who fear him. He has acted mightily with his arm, he has scattered those who are haughty in the intention of their hearts, he has brought down powerful men from thrones, and has exalted lonely ones.
[Elizabeth swallows and nods teary-eyed]
He has fully satisfied hungry ones, with good things, and to send away empty-handed those who had wealth.
[Mary looks ahead, lost in thought. Elizabeth gazes at her profile]
He has come to the aid of Israel his servant, remembering his mercy, just as he spoke, to our forefathers, to Abraham and to his offspring, forever.
[Elizabeth smooths Mary's hair away from her face, then draws her close to her side with one arm. She nuzzles and kisses Mary's temple]
Presenter: Mary stayed with her about three months, and then returned to her own home.
[Nighttime at Zechariah's house]
The time now came for Elizabeth to give birth.
[A woman in a pink head covering cradles a newborn baby]
And she gave birth to a son.
[The woman places the baby into Elizabeth's outstretched arms as three other women look on. The new mother cries tears of joy as she cuddles her little son. She kisses his tiny hand as she wraps a yellow blanket more tightly around him. One woman fights back tears with a hand held to her heart. Another woman stands behind Elizabeth rubbing her shoulders]
And the neighbors and her relatives heard that Jehovah had magnified his mercy to her.
[Surrounded by the four women, Elizabeth kisses her baby]
And they rejoiced with her.
[Daytime, Zechariah wearing a mustard yellow turban greets two men as they arrive at his home]
On the eighth day, they came to circumcise the young child.
[Wearing a light blue head covering and holding her son, Elizabeth observes a room full of her guests. She sits on a stool, smiling as the baby sleeps. Her smile fades as she overhears a conversation between a man and woman near her]
And they were going to name him after his father, Zechariah.
Elizabeth: No. But he will be called John.
Woman: Not one of your relatives is called by this name.
[Elizabeth glares at the woman, then the man]
Presenter: Then they asked his father by signs what he wanted him to be called.
[Zechariah purses his lips, then gestures to the man nearest him]
So, he asked for a tablet.
[With his hands, he mimics writing on a tablet. He receives one, opens it, and begins riding with a stylus. The man and woman crane their necks toward Zechariah. All eyes watch expectantly]
and wrote, ‘John is his name.’
[He shows the tablet to the room]
At this, they were all amazed.
[A young woman with curly hair widens her eyes. Smiling, three men nod, Zechariah sets down the tablet and puts one hand to his throat]
Instantly, his mouth was opened.
[He starts to speak. Elizabeth turns to him]
And his tongue was set free.
Man: John.
[Zachariah stands]
Presenter: And he began to speak.
Zechariah: John is his name.
Presenter: Praising God.
Zechariah: Praise Jehovah.
[Facing Elizabeth, He grasps her hand. Crouching down, he wraps his arms around her and John. The young woman with curly hair observes them. Hurrying outside, she runs toward a group of three women and points back to the house]
Presenter: And fear fell upon all those living in their neighborhood. She hastens to another group of women. And all these things began to be talked about in the whole mountainous country of Judea.
[Night falls on Zechariah's house]
and all who heard noticed it in their hearts saying what will this young child turn out to be for the hand of Jehovah was indeed with him
[Baby John looks up at his mother as she rocks him. She smiles at her husband as he looks over the crowded room. People sit, stand and chat in small groups]
then Zechariah, his father, was filled with Holy Spirit.
[With a jolt, Zechariah's brow furrows, his eyes widen. He steps forward, holding the front edges of his tunic, standing tall]
And he prophesied.
Zechariah: Let Jehovah be praised.
[His guests turned to him]
The God of Israel, because he has turned his attention to his people and has brought them deliverance.
[Three men listen attentively]
And he has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of David, his servant. Just as he had spoken through the mouth of his holy prophets from of old.
[One woman nods in agreement]
Of a salvation from our enemies and from the hand of all those hating us to show mercy in connection with our forefathers and to call to mind his holy covenant, the oath, that he swore to Abraham, our forefather, to grant us. After we have been rescued from the hands of enemies, the privilege, of fearlessly rendering sacred service to him with loyalty and righteousness before him all our days.
[The young woman with curly hair smiles, gently nodding. Zechariah's face beams as he turns to Elizabeth sitting on his right. He slowly walks to her and holds out his arms. She gently hands him the baby wrapped in a blanket. Cradling his son, Zechariah looks down at him with a tender smile]
But as for you, young child, you will be called a prophet of the Most High, for you will Go ahead of Jehovah to prepare his ways, to give knowledge of salvation to his people by forgiveness of their sins because of the tender compassion of our God.
[His gaze shifts from his son back to his guests]
With this compassion a daybreak will visit us from on high to give light to those sitting in darkness and death shadow and to guide our feet in the way of peace.
[His eyes return to his newborn son. Elizabeth stands as Zechariah faces her. She rests both hands on his arms, their baby between them. Their guests observe them, then talk amongst themselves. The new parents exchange reassuring looks]
Presenter: And the young child grew up and became strong in spirit. And He continued in the desert until the day he showed himself openly to Israel.
[Still holding his baby son, Zechariah gives him a kiss on the forehead. Nighttime at Mary's house]
But this is how the birth of Jesus Christ took place. During the time his mother Mary was promised in marriage to Joseph. She was found to be pregnant by Holy Spirit before they were united.
[Mary's eyes plead with Joseph as he stares at her in disbelief. Her parents watch from the next room]
However, because her husband Joseph was righteous and did not want to make her a public spectacle,
[looking down he shakes his head then walks away]
He intended to divorce her secretly.
[Mary stares after him, lips quivering, her eyes welling up with tears. Her gaze falls as the door closes behind him. At home, Joseph sits on a woven mat on the floor, his hands resting on one knee. Three oil lamps light the room. With wrinkled brow, he stares ahead pensively. He lies down, pulling a blanket over him]
But after he had thought these things over, look.
[An oil lamp flickers]
Jehovah's angel appeared to him in a dream.
Angel: Joseph
[Joseph frowns in his sleep]
Joseph, son of David.
[He dreams fitfully, clutching the blanket]
Do not be afraid to take your wife, Mary, home.
[In Mary's home, she lies awake]
For what has been conceived in her is by Holy Spirit.
[She sits up]
She will give birth to a son.
[Then rests her chin on her knees]
And you are to name him Jesus.
[Back to Joseph]
For he will save his people from their sins.
[His eyes blink open and widen bright with tears. He sits up suddenly at first in a daze. He looks around him, then breathes a heavy sigh of relief]
Presenter: All of this actually came about to fulfil what was spoken by Jehovah through his prophet
[Mary steps outside her front door]
saying ‘look! The virgin will become pregnant and will give birth to a son.’
[Wrapped in a blue shawl, she folds her arms around herself, leaning her back against the stone house she looks up at the night sky]
And they will name him Emmanuel.
[The stars twinkle above the flat rooftops]
which means when translated, ‘With us is God.’
[Daytime in Mary's house, using mortars and pestles, Mary, her mother and sister sit on the floor. Mary's hands lie still as the other two sneak glances at her]
Then, Joseph woke up from his sleep.
[She looks up to see Joseph speaking with her father outside]
And did as the angel of Jehovah had directed him.
[As Joseph turns to enter the house, Mary covers her head with her shawl. Pausing in the doorway, he locks his eyes on Mary. Stepping inside, he crutches down beside her and holds out his hand. She looks from his outstretched hand into his imploring eyes. Smiling softly, she slowly gives him her right hand. He encloses it tenderly in both of his. As she nods at him reassuringly, his face relaxes, his eyes twinkling with joy. Outside the house, Mary hugs and kisses her mother, then her sister. Mary's father and Joseph embrace. With a parting smile, the young couple turn to leave. They stroll side by side down the street]
and he took his wife home
[Sunlight shines on their faces as Joseph glances admiringly at Mary walking beside him]
But he did not have sexual relations with her until she gave birth to a son, and he named him Jesus.
[Over a grassy slope with scattered trees, the sun hangs low in a pink and orange sky. Sunlight peaks out of a line of clouds over a valley plain with scattered trees]
Presenter: Now in those days, a decree went out from Caesar Augustus for all the inhabited earth to be registered. This first registration took place when Quirinius was governor of Syria.
[Mary steps out her front door, heavily pregnant. Close by, Joseph adjusts the saddle of a loaded donkey. Cradling her belly, she looks at Joseph with a worried frown. He nods at her reassuringly. Her shoulders relax as she smiles at him. They slowly begin walking away from the house]
And all the people went to be registered. Each one to his own city.
[On the road, amid other travellers, he walks beside her as she rides side saddle on the donkey]
Of course, Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, into Judea.
[Pink clouds fill the sky over a hillside thick with trees. Joseph and Mary come to a halt]
To David's city, which is called Bethlehem.
[They see the city on a nearby hill]
Because of his being a member of the house and family of David.
[Still on the donkey, Mary holds herself upright, exhausted]
He went to get registered with Mary, who had been given him in marriage as promised, and who was soon to give birth.
[Nighttime, they walked down a narrow street, lit with lanterns. Now on foot, Joseph carries their bags as he supports Mary with his arm. They take small steps toward a house on the street]
While they were there, the time came for her to give birth.
[Mary braces herself on a nearby wall as Joseph hurries to the front door. With one hand on her belly, she doubles over. Squeezing her eyes shut, she grimaces in pain. A man with a white beard answers the door. Joseph pleads with him. The man gestures to his right. Joseph looks in that direction. His anxious gaze falls on an enclosed stable. He shifts his eyes to Mary as she grips the wall in agony. Joseph quickly moves to her side, grasping her by the arm. Taking a lantern off the wall, he leads her into the stable. Holding up the light, he scans his surroundings. To his left, donkeys feed on straw. To his right, an empty stall with a manger. With one arm around her waist, he gently guides her to a wall on their right. She leans heavily on it as he hangs the lantern. He takes a white, tasselled cloth from around his neck and spreads it on the ground. Dropping their bags, he rushes back to her. His wide, worried eyes focus on her face, contorted with pain. He gingerly leads her to the outspread cloth. With both hands on her waist, he helps lower her to the ground. With his expression full of anxious concerned, he watches the tears stream down her face. She grasps his hand tightly. Outside the stable, the street lies empty. Above the rooftops, the night sky glitters with stars over the still city. Back in the stable, Mary leans against a pile of burlap sacks her face glistens with sweat and tears]
and she gave birth to her son the firstborn
[She beams as Joseph lays the baby in her arms. Crouching beside her Joseph smiles at them his eyes crinkling. The newborn grabs hold of her finger then she kisses his tiny hand. Gazing at Joseph, she lets out a sigh of relief. The new parents exchange radiant smiles as they cuddle their baby boy]
And she wrapped him in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the lodging place.
[In a field, a campfire enclosed with stones crackles. Around the fire, four shepherds sleep while another keeps watch]
There were also in the same region shepherds living out of doors.
[The watchman looks over at the sheep grazing]
and keeping watch in the night over their flocks.
[A bright It shines on the watchman's face and wakes up the other shepherds]
Suddenly, Jehovah's angels stood before them, and Jehovah's glory gleamed around them, and they became very fearful.
[They sit up startled]
Angel: Do not be afraid.
[The angel smiles joyfully]
For look, I am declaring to you good news of a great joy that all the people will have. For today There was born to you in David City a savior who is Christ, The Lord
[the shepherds look at each other wide-eyed]
and this is a sign for you. You will find an infant wrapped in strips of cloth and lying in a manger
Presenter: Suddenly, there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly army.
[The shepherds scrambled to their feet]
praising God.
Army of Angels: Glory in the Heights above to God, and on earth peace among men of goodwill
[From the heavens, a brilliant light shines on the shepherds. Above them, myriads of angels stand majestically in tiered rows on top of clouds. As the light fades away, the shepherds keep looking into the sky, grinning in astonishment]
Presenter: So, when the angels had departed from them into heaven, the shepherds began saying to one another,
Shepherd: Let us by your means go over to Bethlehem and see what has in place, which Jehovah has made known to us.
[Nodding at each other, the shepherds pick up their staffs and bags and depart. In the stable, Mary holds the hand of her baby, wrapped in white cloths and placed in the manger. Joseph sits beside them. As the five shepherds enter the stable, Mary puts on her head covering]
And they went quickly and found Mary, as well as Joseph and the infant lying in the manger.
[The shepherds approach slowly with wide smiles. The parents look at each other, then at their baby. Joseph nods for the shepherds to come closer. They draw near to him and Mary. The two shepherds in the front of the group crouch down so all can see the baby. Smiling, they all peer at the infant, their expressions full of awe]
When they saw this, they made known the message that they had been told concerning this young child.
[Joseph turns from the shepherds to Mary, wide-eyed. Mary looks down at her newborn son with raised eyebrows]
And all who heard were astonished at what the shepherds told him.
[Joseph notices the man with the white beard enter the stable with his wife. As they observe the scene, the wife puts her hand on her heart. Another couple enters the stable behind them]
but Mary began to preserve all these sayings, drawing conclusions in her heart.
[In the manger, the baby's face peeks out of a bundle of cloth wrappings. Looking up at his mother, he yawns, then smacks his lips. Mary gazes pensively from her son to the ground, then back to the shepherds. One shepherd gestures heavenward as they continue talking]
Then the shepherds went back, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, just as it had been told to them.
[Daytime, a clear sky over a hilly countryside, dense with trees and shrubs]
After eight days,
[outside of a home]
When it was time to circumcise him
[Two shepherd's staffs lean against the wall beside the front door]
He was named Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived.
[Inside a man lays Jesus into Joseph's arms. Two of the shepherds cheerfully chat with Mary. She smiles sweetly at her husband holding their baby. Sunlight shines on Joseph as he watches Jesus fall asleep. On a street in Jerusalem]
also, when the time came for purifying them according to the law of Moses, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to Jehovah
[Joseph and Mary buy two pigeons]
just as it is written in Jehovah's law every firstborn male must be called holy to Jehovah
[they continue down the busy street]
And they offered a sacrifice according to what is said in the law of Jehovah. A pair of turtle doves or two young pigeons
[nearby an elderly man sits on a bench]
and look there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon and this man was righteous and devout waiting for Israel's consolation
[He observes the passersby]
and Holy Spirit was upon him.
[The elderly man, Simeon, sees Joseph and Mary. She holds Jesus, swaddled in a white blanket. Squinting, Simeon watches them walk by. They turn down an alley, disappearing from his view]
Furthermore, it had been divinely revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Christ of Jehovah.
[As he looks down in deep thought, his mouth curves into a smile. Looking up again, he stands and walks to the opening of the alley. He catches sight of them as they turn a corner. Shaking his head in disbelief, he follows them. Now in the temple courtyard, he shuffles behind the young couple at a short distance]
under the power of the Spirit, he now came into the temple.
[He stops walking when he sees Joseph and Mary pause. Mary takes out a cloth and wipes the baby's mouth. Simeon slowly approaches them]
And as the parents brought the young child Jesus in to do for him according to the customary practice of the Lord,
[they exchanged nods and greeting, then Simeon motions to hold the baby]
He took the child into his arms.
[He holds Jesus in the crook of his left arm, gazing into the baby's face, he puts his right hand on his heart. Shaking his head in awe, he looks heavenward]
And praised God.
Simeon: Now, sovereign Lord, you are letting your slave go in peace, according to your declaration because my eyes have seen your means of salvation that you have prepared in the sight of all the peoples, a light for removing the veil from the nations and a glory of your people Israel.
[Joseph and Mary watch him intently. Simeon's gaze returns to the baby's face]
Presenter: And the child's father and mother continued wondering at the things being spoken about him. Also, Simeon blessed them.
[The parents look at each other and smile]
and said to Mary the child's mother
Simeon: Look this child is appointed for the falling and the rising again of many in Israel and for a sign to be spoken against
[He looks down with a slight frown Then back at Mary]
Yes, a long sword will be run through you
[She swallows anxiously]
in order that the reasonings of many hearts may be revealed
[Joseph glances at Mary with a sombre expression. She looks down thoughtfully her brows knitted together. Simeon takes one last look at Jesus, then hands the baby back to his mother. Jesus gazes up at Mary, with one tiny hand clutching his white blanket. Simeon and Mary exchange solemn expressions]
Presenter: Now there was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of Asher's tribe.
[Nearby, elderly Anna sits on stone steps]
This woman was well along in years.
[She sees Joseph and Mary talking with Simeon]
and had lived with her husband for seven years after they were married, and she was a widow now 84 years old.
[Squinting she leans forward]
She was never missing from the temple rendering sacred service night and day with fasting and supplications.
[Joseph, Mary, and Simeon, walk in her direction. She approaches them]
In that very hour, she came near.
[She asks Mary to hold the baby. Anna grins widely as Mary lays Jesus in her arms. With a warm smile, Mary watches elderly Anna rock her son. Anna beckons for people to come near, pointing at Jesus]
And began giving thanks to God and speaking about the child to all who were waiting for Jerusalem's deliverance.
[A large group of people gather around Anna in the temple courtyard. One woman with a wide smile cranes her neck to see the baby. Another claps her hands looking over Mary's shoulder. Still holding Jesus, Anna beams at Mary. With a half smile, Mary looks down, then up at Joseph's reassuring eyes. Jesus rests in Anna's arms, grasping the front of her tunic. At night, a small caravan in a vast desert]
After Jesus had been born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of Herod the King,
[Moonlight cast shadows in the sand of four men riding camels]
Look, astrologers from the east came to Jerusalem.
[They lumber along, laden with goods]
saying, "Where is the one born king of the Jews?" For we saw his star when we were in the east, and we have come to do obeisance to him.
[In the starry sky above them, one star shines the brightest. Daytime in Herod’s throne room]
At hearing this, King Herod was agitated.
[He sits on his throne wearing a purple robe and holding upright a long spear. Looking down, he scowls]
And all Jerusalem with him.
[Priests with beards and head covering stand before him. More men line the edge of the room]
On gathering together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born.
[The priest in the front of the group holds a sceptre. As he looks over his shoulder, another priest nods at him. Turning back to Herod, he takes a deep breath]
Priest: In Bethlehem of Judea, for this is how it has been written through the prophet, and you, O Bethlehem of the land of Judah, are by no means the most insignificant city among the governors of Judah.
[Herod breathes deeply, seething with anger. He lowers his eyes away from the priest]
For out of you will come a governing one who will shepherd my people, Israel.
[Slowly raising his head, Herod fixes the priest with a piercing gaze. The priest's eyes dart around nervously. The other men in the room exchange tense glances. With a slight motion of his hand, Herod summons a waiting messenger. He scurries near and crouches beside Herod's throne, shielding his mouth with his hand. Herod whispers to the messenger. The messenger nods then hurries out of the room. With a cold stare, Herod faces the priest]
Then, Herod secretly summoned the astrologers.
[At night in the throne room]
and carefully ascertain from them the time of the stars appearing.
[The messenger leads in the astrologers]
When sending them to Bethlehem, he said,
King Herod: Go, make a careful search for the young child, and when you have found him, report back to me, so that I too may go and do obeisance to him.
[Herod smiles cunningly at them. In the front of the group, a blue-eyed astrologer nods uneasily. They bow to Herod. The blue-eyed man sneaks another glance at him, then they depart. Herod swallows, then tightens his lips into a thin line. In the night sky, the star shines]
Presenter: After they had heard the king, they went their way.
[It slowly begins to descend]
And look, the star they had seen when they were in the east went ahead of them.
[From a nearby hill, the caravan watches the star lower over Bethlehem]
until it came to a stop above where the young child was.
[It illuminates a single house]
On seeing the star, they rejoiced with great joy.
[With wide grins, two astrologers embrace each other. Another looks heavenward, his arms outstretched. Light from the star shines on the front of Joseph and Mary's house. Inside, Joseph and Mary sit on the floor close together. Mary smiles as she bounces Jesus, now a toddler, on her lap. Startled, they both look at the door, then at each other, Mary puts on her head covering as Joseph stands and moves toward the door. He cautiously opens it, then looks back at Mary with mild alarm. The blue-eyed astrologer enters first, all four wear loose pants and billowy cloaks]
And when they went into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother and falling down
[their foreheads touch the floor]
they did obeisance to him
[Joseph quickly returns to Mary's side wide-eyed. The blue-eyed astrologer raises his head and looks intently at Jesus. He turns to his fellow traveller who hands him a small ivory colored box]
They also opened their treasures and presented him with gifts
[From the box full of coins, he displays two fistfuls]
[Another man hands him a leather pouch after kissing it]
And frankincense.
[He lays out pieces of amber-colored resin from the pouch]
And myrrh.
[The third man gives him another leather pouch, which he adds to the pile of gifts. Mary looks at them, holding Jesus close. Still on their knees, the awestruck astrologers bow their heads again]
[Camel hoof’s tramp across sand]
because they were given divine warning in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed for their country by another way
[by night the caravan slides along the desert floor, dark mountains rise in the distance]
after they had departed
[Nighttime at Joseph and Mary's house]
Look Jehovah's angel appeared to Joseph in a dream.
Angel: Get up. Take the young child and his mother and flee to Egypt and stay there until I give you word.
[Joseph stirs in his sleep]
For Herod is about to search for the young child.
[In his dream, a soldier draws a sword]
to kill him.
[Joseph opens his eyes and sits up, breathing heavily. He looks over at Mary, still asleep. Throwing off a blanket, he hurriedly rises to his feet. Groggy from sleep, Mary sits up. Joseph turns from packing their belongings and looks at Mary]
Jospeh: We need to go.
[With a worried frown, her gaze falls, then shifts to Jesus. He looks up at her innocently. She quickly picks him up and stands. Joseph gathers the astrologers' gifts, his tunic, and their bags]
So, Joseph got up and by night took along the young child and the child's mother and went into Egypt.
[Leaving the house, Joseph leads their loaded donkey]
He stayed there until the death of Herod.
[Mary carries Jesus]
This fulfilled what was spoken by Jehovah through his prophet,
saying, "Out of Egypt, I called my son."
[Herod sits on his throne with his head down and his elbows on his knees. Facing him, a group of soldiers stand at attention. His messenger appears in the open doorway. Herod and the messenger lock eyes]
Then Herod,
[The messenger looks down]
Seeing that he had been outwitted by the astrologers, flew into a great rage.
Herod: No! No!
[The soldiers shift their weight uneasily as they watch Herod's reaction. Herod's face contorts with anger, then transforms into an evil smile]
Presenter: and he sent out
[he looks at the soldiers]
and had all the boys in Bethlehem and in all its districts killed
[two soldiers exchange tense glances]
from two years of age and under
[with the flick of his hand Herod dismisses them]
according to the time that he had carefully ascertained from the astrologers
[the commander bows then departs his mustard yellow cape billowing behind him. The other soldiers follow him out. Herod rises from his throne as he watches them leave. Inside a home, a woman holds her baby boy. The commander bursts into the house. He draws his sword and strides toward her. She flees with the baby. Hundreds of birds take flight out of the leafy branches of a tree]
Then was fulfilled what was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet who said A voice was heard in Ramah, weeping and much wailing.
[Dark clouds loom over Bethlehem]
It was Rachel weeping for her children, and she was unwilling to take comfort because they are no more
[The scene fades to black. An aerial view of expansive green crops with scattered palm trees]
When Herod had died look Jehovah's angel appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt
Angel: Get up. Take the young child and his mother and go into the land of Israel. For those who were seeking the life of the young child are dead.
[On a tree-lined path, Joseph leads the donkey while Mary carries Jesus. They continue traveling along a rocky coastline. Waves break against the shore]
Presenter: So, he got up and took the young child and the child's mother and entered into the land of Israel.
[They journey away from the coast and through grassy meadows. The gray sky above them turns pink as dusk falls. They approach a group of fellow travellers sitting around a campfire. One man stands and gestures for Joseph and Mary to join them. Now nighttime, the firelight illuminates the travellers around it. With his wife beside him, the hospitable man chats with Joseph and Mary]
but hearing that Archelaus ruled Judea instead of his father Herod,
[Mary looks anxiously at Joseph, then holds her little son even closer]
He was afraid to go there.
[Joseph stares pensively into the fire. Daytime, Mary and Joseph smile and nod to the other travellers as they part ways]
Moreover, being given divine warning in a dream, he withdrew into the territory of Galilee.
[An overhead view of a hilly landscape blanketed with dark green trees. In Nazareth, Mary's parents work outside their home. Her mother looks up from a mortar and pestle. They see Joseph and Mary come around a corner. Mary's mother jumps to her feet and runs to Mary. Mother and daughter embrace tightly with Mary holding Jesus]
And he came and settled in a city named Nazareth.
[Mary's father hugs Joseph]
in order to fulfil what was spoken through the prophets
[then embraces Mary and the baby]
He will be called a Nazarene
[Scenes of Joseph and Mary training Jesus as a little boy. Mary sits with him as he practices writing on a tablet, both parents grasp Jesus’ little hands as they bow their heads in prayer, Jesus furrows his brow in concentration as Joseph prays. Nighttime on their rooftop, Joseph points at the stars as Jesus energetically nods. Jesus looks up at Joseph attentively. As Joseph continues instructing, Jesus' face lights up with a wide, toothy grin. In Joseph's carpentry shop, he stands at a worktable, wiping a yoke with a cloth. Mary holds Jesus' hand as he toddles down a few steps to the open front of the shop. Joseph turns from his work. She gently nudges Jesus toward Joseph. Crouching down, Joseph opens his arms and picks him up. Mary smiles sweetly as she watches them. Joseph talks to Jesus as he holds him on his right hip. He walks around the worktable, showing Jesus a set of chisels and the yoke, he made. Scenes of Joseph training Jesus at the worktable as the years pass. As a little boy. As a child. As a preteen. Jesus laughs, then looks over at Joseph with admiration. He watches Joseph demonstrate using a chisel and mallet. On the narrow street to the synagogue, Joseph and Mary, walk with their seven young children. Mary holds one son by the hand and a baby in her arms. During the assembly, the speaker reads from a scroll. Jesus listens attentively as Mary sneaks a glance at him. Amid the attendees, the family sits together on step benches]
Now his parents were accustomed to go from year to year to Jerusalem for the festival of the Passover.
[On the road, Joseph and Mary travel on foot with their children and Mary's parents. They pass a field of tall green grass, then a flock of sheep and goats on a rocky hillside. The sun peeks out of a gray cloudy sky. Now in the crowded temple courtyard, Joseph and Mary's family walk barefoot through a colonnade]
and when he was 12 years old, they went up according to the custom of the festival
[Jesus stops to admire the entrance of the holy temple visible through the columns as his gaze lingers, he smiles then hurries to catch up to his family. At night, Joseph’s family sits around a table with a roasted lamb, unleavened bread, and bitter greens. The children eagerly raise their hands as their father leads them in a discussion. Mary smiles as Joseph calls on their daughter wearing braids and a blue headband. Jesus chuckles as he listens to his younger siblings. Daytime on the road from Jerusalem]
When the days of the festival were over, and they were returning. The boy Jesus remained behind in Jerusalem.
[A stream of people exits the city. At night in a forest clearing]
and his parents did not notice it.
[Groups of travellers sit around campfires. At one of them, Mary's parents chat with Joseph]
assuming that he was in the group traveling together. They went a day's journey.
[On the other side of their fire, Mary smiles holding her baby. Her smile fades as she looks over her shoulder, scanning the groups of travellers and camps nearby. First to her right, then to her left. She and Joseph approach several groups. From behind, Mary taps one preteen boy on the shoulder]
And then begin to search for him.
[He looks up at her in surprise]
Among the relatives and acquaintances.
[Hurrying through tall grass, Joseph and Mary circle back to her parents. She gives the baby to her mother. With his brow furrowed deeply, Joseph nods at Mary's father. Mary looks down, her eyes full of tears. Joseph grasps her arm as they depart]
But not finding him, they returned to Jerusalem and made a diligent search for him.
[Daytime on the road from Jerusalem, Mary and Joseph struggle against the stream of people exiting the city. Her eyes frantically search the faces of the crowd. Along the way she repeatedly stops to inquire of several women. Still moving quickly, Joseph and Mary enter a city gate. As dusk falls, they pause where two busy streets meet. Breathing heavily, they anxiously look in every direction. She wrings her hands together in distress. Now night, they approach the same house where they had eaten the Passover meal. The landlord opens the door, holding an oil lamp. He steps aside as Mary then Joseph tiredly entered the house. Later that night, Joseph and Mary sit on a mat close together. As her lips quiver, tears stream down her face. Sobbing, Mary leans on Joseph, her head resting on his shoulder. Joseph consolingly puts his arm around her and holds her other hand in his. Daytime, Joseph and Mary walk swiftly through the temple complex. They climb a set of stairs. As they reach the top, their eyes scan the busy courtyard around them. Mary walks with one arm wrapped around her stomach]
Well, after three days.
[With gloomy faces, they walk slowly. Opening her eyes wide, Mary stops]
They found him in the temple.
[She sees her son with his back to her]
sitting in the midst of the teachers and listening to them and asking them questions
[wearing long robes, a group of teachers sits on benches at their feet Jesus patiently looks from one to the next]
but all those listening to him were in constant amazement at his understanding and his answers
[observing the scene Mary covers her mouth with her hand. A teacher gestures toward her. Jesus turns to look]
Now when his parents saw him, they were astounded.
[Mary drops to her knees, then Joseph crouches beside her. Jesus gets up and walks over to his parents. The teacher's eyes follow him. Jesus kneels in front of them, as Mary envelops him in a tight hug. Joseph puts his hand on Jesus' shoulder. Mary holds him at arm's length, her eyes overflowing with tears]
Mary: Child, why did you treat us this way? Here your father and I have been frantically looking for you.
[With wrinkled brow, he looks at them]
Jesus: Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in the house of my father?
[Joseph and Mary look at each other]
Presenter: However, they did not understand what he was saying to them. Still on her knees, Mary embraces Jesus again. Joseph wraps his arms around them both. Closing his eyes, Jesus hugs them tightly. On the journey from Jerusalem]
Then he went down with them and returns to Nazareth.
[At dusk, Joseph, Mary and Jesus sit around a campfire Mary offers them loaves of around flatbread]
and he continued subjects to them
[Jesus and Joseph each take one]
also, his mother carefully kept all these sayings in her heart.
[Mary warmly glances at Jesus; Joseph affectionately pats him on the back. Jesus smiles up at him]
and Jesus, went on progressing in wisdom and in physical growth
[in the carpentry shop]
and in favour with God and men.
[Now a grown man, Jesus skilfully guides a wood planer on a yoke. He feels the yoke with his hand as wood shavings collect on the worktable]
The true light that gives light to every sort of man was about to come into the world
[He turns looking out the front of his shop into the sunlight]
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