Transcripts: For a Happy Marriage
For a Happy Marriage: Show Affection (With Audio Description) (4:27)

Transcript: For a Happy Marriage: Show Affection
[Two gold rings merge into one. A young couple smile on their wedding day. Another couple slow dances in their living room. For a Happy Marriage: Show Affection. A young couple sit close together on a couch. Resting her head on his shoulder the young wife looks up at her husband]
Presenter: As married couples,
[He stares at his computer]
most of us have been there.
[While in traffic a middle-aged couple sit in their car in silence]
The day-to-day pace of life, work,
[He looks at her as she stares straight ahead]
[At their dining table an older eat soup]
can cause us to draw away from our mate emotionally.
[She looks down at her bowel and he watches TV. She grasps his hand. Pulling away he pats her hand and picks up the saltshaker. She swallows hard then looks up at him]
We begin to talk less,
[Back to the young couple]
distance ourselves.
[She turns her face away from her husband then moves to the other side of the couch]
We may feel unappreciated
[Back at the older couples’ home. The wife carrying a laundry basket looks at her husband preparing food for himself in the messy kitchen. They glare at each other. She walks away]
and even become cold or unkind.
[The middle-aged couple in their kitchen]
Even our desire for intimacy and affection may cool. We may go from loving and passionate
[He puts his hand on her waist, but she shrugs him off]
to platonic roommates.
[Whilst she places food in the refrigerator he turns away, dejected]
What can we do to avoid this?
[On the fridge a picture of the couple smiling in a warm embrace]
An excellent principle we can apply is found at Acts 20:35: “There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.
[Back to the young couple]
But how can we know what to give?
[On her bed the wife reads her Bible]
What actions to take so our mate feels our love and affection?
[At his desk the husband reads his Bible]
The best way to know
[In separate rooms they study]
is simply to ask. What does our mate need?
[He looks down, turns his head to the side and taps his fingers on his arm. He joins his wife in their bedroom]
Some feel loved when they are actively listened to
[They sit close and hold hands]
or hear warm expressions of appreciation.
[He looks at her as she talks]
For others, it’s expressions of love shown through touch or simply quality time.
[At home the older couple hold hands]
Others find that helping them with chores and sharing the workload at home makes them feel cherished.
[The middle-aged couple do laundry together]
But whatever the discussion reveals
[Now the older couple]
and regardless of our mate’s imperfections,
[In the messy kitchen the husband prepares food for them both, a smile spreads across her face]
we want to do what we can to make them feel loved and cared for
[Then she laughs]
through the actions they appreciate.
[At a dining table with candles and wine the husband reaches for his wife’s hand and holds it. She looks up at him and cradles his face in her hand. They lean in kiss]
Yes, if we each do all we can to show unselfish love,
[Back to the middle-aged couple’s kitchen the husband washes dishes]
genuine affection will follow.
[Lightly touching her husband’s arm, the wife turns him toward her. Putting her hands on his shoulders they begin to slow dance]
And this is just one of many secrets to a happy marriage.
[Outside on a bench the young couple sit close, he kisses her forehead]
So now, why not just take a moment, pause the video, and ask each other these three questions. Remember, share your honest feelings, and when listening, don’t be defensive. This is simply a chance to openly express how each of you feels. So, pause your video now, and really talk.
[Text: What makes you feel special and loved? Do you feel that I show you enough affection? What can I do to make you feel more loved?]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2024 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
For the video with Audio Description click the link below: