Transcripts: Introduction to Bible Books
Introduction to Proverbs (With Audio Description) (3:36)

Transcript: Introduction to Proverbs
Presenter: An introduction to the book of Proverbs. King Solomon composed the majority of the Proverbs. Solomon became king of Israel in 1037 BCE, and Jehovah gave him extraordinary wisdom.
[A timeline of Solomon’s reign]
Most of Solomon's Proverbs, or wise sayings, were written down during his reign. [1037 to 998]
However, it seems that the entire collection of proverbs was compiled into one book sometime around 717 BCE in Jerusalem, before the end of King Hezekiah's reign.
[The timeline extends to 717]
The book of proverbs provides divine guidance for virtually every aspect of daily life, from business dealings to family matters. As such, it helps prepare us for life under God's kingdom.
[A father instructs his son]
Proverbs contains 31 chapters and may be divided into five sections. The first three sections are attributed to Solomon.
[He wears a gold crown with jewels]
Chapters 1 to 9 make up section 1, which consists of short discourses containing a father's advice to a son. The father warns the son about the bad results of acting on wrong desires, while emphasizing the good results of trusting in God's wisdom. Section 2, called the Proverbs of Solomon, and Section 3, called the Proverbs of Solomon transcribed by King Hezekiah's men, both present concise sayings designed to make the reader think. Many of these proverbs contrast the traits we should avoid with the ones we should cultivate. Many contrasts are used, such as laziness versus diligence and selfishness versus generosity. These short parallels are instructive and easy to follow. These two sections contain more than 500 of Solomon's proverbs. Did you know? The Bible tells us that King Solomon spoke 3,000 proverbs and composed 1,005 songs.
[Solomon on his golden throne]
Chapter 30 makes up the fourth section and was written by Eger. He uses comparisons of four to help us reflect on godly wisdom, such as four things that are small, yet instinctively wise.
[An ant and a gecko]
The final chapter was composed by Lemuel. Some believe that Lemuel is another name for Solomon. This chapter contains a description of a capable wife. It points out her qualities and the positive effects she has on her family.
[A wife grinds grain then serves a meal]
Godly wisdom must be sought after, like hidden treasure, but its value is eternal, unlike that of silver and gold.
[A Bible’s pages span open]
As you read Proverbs, note how it shows the benefits of trusting in God's wisdom instead of our own, how it identifies traits we should avoid and those we should cultivate, and how it teaches us to live under the rule of God's kingdom.
[The Bible closes and transforms into the jw.org logo]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2016 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)