Transcripts: Introduction to Bible Books
Introduction to Psalms (With Audio Description) (4:21)

Transcript: Introduction to Psalms
Presenter: An introduction to the book of Psalms. Psalms is a compilation of sacred songs which have been an important feature of true worship that highlight giving praise to Jehovah. In fact, God's name, Jehovah, and a shortened form of it, Jah, appear almost 800 times throughout the book.
[A timeline 1513 to 460 BCE]
The writing of the book of Psalms spanned about 1000 years. Moses is considered to be the earliest composer. The Psalms were compiled after the return of the Jews to Jerusalem from Babylonian exile apparently by the scribe Ezra. Although Jehovah inspired such men as Solomon, the sons of Korah, the House of Asaph, and others to pen these moving expressions of faith, more than half of the Psalms are attributed to David. The different experiences and David's life provided the background for many of the psalms.
[Nathan points at David]
The headings or superscriptions found at the beginning of many Psalms identify the writer and give other information about the Psalm.
[Superscription of Psalm 51]
The book is made-up of 150 chapters, it is the largest book of the Bible. The psalms were compiled into five separate books or volumes. Several themes are developed in these lyrical works, consider just three of them: Praise to Jehovah is a recurring theme.
[A priest with outstretched arms]
Many psalms praise Jehovah for his saving acts.
[Moses parts the Red Sea]
Other songs praise Jehovah for his creative works, from the marvels of the human body to the earth and seas.
[A couple with their baby]
Psalm 83 praises Jehovah as the Most High over all the earth.
[The earth rotates in space]
Another theme developed in psalms is that Jehovah helps and comforts those who love him.
[A woman looks heavenward]
Jehovah is referred to as the hearer of prayer and as a merciful father who pardons repentant sinners. Psalm 23 describes Jehovah as the loving shepherd, who guides protects, and cares for his people.
[A shepherd holds a lamb]
An additional theme is that Jehovah will transform the earth into a paradise by means of the Messianic Kingdom.
[Crowned Jesus smiles]
This Kingdom will remove all wickedness and bring peace to the earth.
[A family picks vegetables in paradise]
Certain psalms are grouped together, for example Psalms 113 to 118 formed the group called the Hillel Psalms. Did you know, it is likely that Jesus and his disciples sang these very Psalms after the Lord’s evening meal?
[Jesus and his disciples in the upper room]
Psalms 120 to 134 are called the songs of the ascents. Many believe these psalms were sung as the Israelites ascended to Jerusalem to attend the three great annual festivals. The last five songs form a group in which each begins and ends with the words ‘Praise Jah.’ An important feature of Psalms is that it contains numerous prophecies about the Messiah.
[Jesus hangs on the stake]
Jesus himself said ‘All the things written about me in the Psalms must be fulfilled.’
[A Bible’s pages fan open]
As you read the book of Psalms take note of how it supports Jehovah's sovereignty, how Jehovah helps and comforts those who love him and how Jehovah will transform the earth into a paradise by means of his Messianic Kingdom.
[The Bible closes and transforms into the jw.org icon]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2016 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
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