Transcripts: Whiteboard Animations
Is It Love or Infatuation? Whiteboard Animation (With Audio Description) (3:06)
Learn the difference between attraction, infatuation, and real love.

Transcript: Whiteboard animation. Is it Love or Infatuation?
[On a dry erase board with a black marker, artwork of various sketches is drawn to create an animated story. Is it Love or Infatuation? A couple enjoy a romantic boat ride. A happy couple framed in red heart shocked when it breaks in half]
Man Presenter: Well, it’s finally happened. You think you’ve found the person of your dreams, and now.
Woman Presenter: You’re hopelessly in love!
Both presenters: Or are you?
[A couple kiss]
Woman Presenter: How can you tell if it’s really love?
[Arm in arm]
Man Presenter: The key is: You’ve got to learn the differences between attraction,
[Boat glides along canal]
[Mannequin in window]
and actual love.
Woman Presenter: Attraction is based on what you see.
[Arm falls off]
You know, how a person looks and acts.
[Happy Women at café]
The problem is what you see isn’t always what you get.
[He gives her a flower, they smile. She imagines her wedding day]
So then, what is infatuation?
[Others have flowers]
Man Presenter: Infatuation is not only about what you see; it’s about how you feel.
[Alone she cries]
You may have romantic feelings. But those feelings can change.
Woman Presenter: and fast!
[Flowers drop in her tear puddles on the floor]
Infatuation may seem like love. But because it’s based only on how you feel at the moment,
Man Presenter: it can just fall apart.
[Various framed photos of happy couple]
Woman Presenter: So how do you know if it’s really love? One that will last?
Man Presenter: Real love grows when two people are kind, hard-working, and share the same spiritual outlook.
[Man swamped in possessions]
At 1 Corinthians 13:5, the Bible says that real love ‘doesn’t look for its own interests.’
[Man drinks at bar]
Woman Presenter: For example, that guy you like so much,
[Girl dreams]
how does he handle money? Does he have to drink alcohol to have a good time?
[Lazy man sat in mess]
What are his goals?
[Busy Woman, angry]
Is he really working toward them? Or is he all talk and no action?
[Women some happy, some sad]
Woman Presenter: And what about that girl you just can’t stop thinking about? Who are her friends?
[Princess sat on thrown with crown]
And how does she treat them?
[Angry maid. Woman walks with red umbrella]
How does she treat her family?
[Wind lifts her high on top of a building]
Woman Presenter: There’s a lot to learn about another person. It takes time! So, before you get swept off your feet,
[Billboards of happy couple]
Man Presenter: Attraction is based on what you see.
[Love boat]
Woman Presenter: Infatuation is based on what you feel.
[Red heart placed between Loving couple]
But real love
Man Presenter: is based on what you know.
(Logo: White capital letters JW.ORG inside a blue box. Copyright 2016 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
[Disclaimer: The videos are created by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; however, some of the audio description has been added by independent blind and sighted volunteers to assist those who are blind or have low vision]